Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    OMG Jackie 😂🤣😂🤣😅🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    And I am sharing a table set for tea, not ambitious funny darn it.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    That's a pretty set! LIN!

    Oh no again JACKIE! Of course "bite ums" are everywhere! Have you noticed that plagues of many descriptions do their best to wipe most humans out but not black fly, midges, mosquitos and some human pests.

    It is a dark and stormy morning here. Bean and I are keeping away from windows and lightning forks shooting towards us like missiles. Thank goodness it grounded just outside on the grass. Honest if I was superstitious I would think some malevolent pagan god had it in for us. Black flies to the right of us, mosquitos to the left of us, lightning bolts from above, we just need a sinkhole from below! Help don't give any pagan gods ideas!

    My cousin in Australia is grounded again. She is not happy. She says life is monotonous. I cannot claim life is monotonous here! Michael still doesn't know where he is as regards work. He is still driving the works sedan car so it is difficult to know what to think. Toronto where he works is still in stage two of the three part lockdown and "recovery". However, as the Ontario population everywhere else now flock to bars and beaches I guess we too will be soon back in stage two. I'm flocking nowhere, but am certainly not bored.

    Jilly is, she wants to go walkies, but I am NOT going out in rain with the risk of lightning bolts chucked at us.

    Back to the housework, sigh, but I wish everyone else a pleasant sunny day,
    Anne. 😇🐶❤️
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, as far as all the successful people, we always were amazed that Mike seemed to be the only guy who was not a CEO!Owned his own 1 man business, so he filled all the positions, but never considered calling himself the CEO.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Warm muggy day today. We had early morning showers but now just.....steam and warm muggy air. Ugh! Makes doing my chores hard work. But life demands that I not just sit down and wait for better conditions.

    I need a hair trim again. I am so impressed with Jackie’s new color, I am going to color mine again. When I last colored, I found a somewhat similar color to my natural color but a shade or two lighter. Next? Not sure. I would love to do something dramatic but it might look just odd instead of dramatic.

    The thing about being constantly absorbed in political issues and concerns, it makes me crazy with worry and I turn into one of those village people who rant on street corners holding a handmade sign and yelling...abandon all hope! We are doomed!

    My thought on CEO....we are all CEO of our life. No one can take away your power unless you lie down and let them. My Irish grandmother had a quote or homily for every occasion. If you’re tired of being used as a door mat, get off the floor! Was one of her favorites. She was a wild red-haired woman who could do almost anything as long as it didn’t involve cooking or cleaning. That was left to her daughters and me, the grand baby. She could somehow play any tune she ever heard on the piano, dispute never having had a lesson or knowing how to read music. Genetic memory? Great memories!

    Stay safe, dear ones. Take your pills if you need them.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited July 2020
    Good evening, I seem to have spent the day on the phone with various friends and for once I wasn’t the one doing the calling. Astounding. Long conversations about this and that and then of course Covid. Always creeps into every conversation. I was so glad to hear from the friend who called this afternoon she sounded good which is just wonderful as she is the lady who has been ill with one thing or another just about all of 2020. Wahoo!

    I really did not get many other things accomplished other than reviewing my checking account and being puzzled that PayPal has dismissed my query. The thing is the company has charged me but has not shipped anything and has no idea when they will ship it. They said they might have an update in the next few days. Somewhat different than saying yesterday it had been shipped July 1st. Now they don’t know when they will ship, so why did they charge me if they were not going to ship? I am not happy with this. Seems everyone is in a hurry to charge and not refunding quickly. I have so many remaining items from orders placed this spring it is nuts. The companies will not let you cancel an order which is new this year.

    Anne, I hope you and the Bean were safe today.

    Buzz, it is true isn’t it, when you own your business you are everything and anything that is needed. I spent a bit more time last night hunting down art work, books and photo exhibits from some of these people from my past.

    Patsy, how about the hair color that washes out over time. Then you are not stuck with it forever. Do what you can to avoid making yourself unhealthy with the political situation. And the rest of the insanity.

    Sandy, Barbie, Bob and all friends—wishing you well. I do not know if you posted or not. I am seeing nothing. 😁


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    LIn, did you use Pay Pal for payment or did Pay Pal use your credit card? If your credit card was used I would file a dispute with them. I did when I wasn't getting anywhere with pay pal.
    Just an FYI.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Sandy, I will do that if I cannot get it sorted with the vendor. I had an issue last year and I filed a dispute with both PayPal and my credit card company. PayPal got upset and said they wouldn’t do anything because I went to my credit card folks. Anyway it will all work out one way or another.....


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Well the day flew by… we were out and about from about 11am to 2pm and that always makes time fly. Nothing exciting. Most of the usual stuff - work around the house, short trip to pick up some freezer items, multiple walks with and without Jean. Ordered some new eyeglasses from Zenni online…. Have had good luck with them in the past.

    Jackie – Glad you could save a few dollars on the wiring job…always nice to have that kind of positive news. Ahhh.. black flies. Had friends that lived in Pulaski NY and there was always a time of year when the black flies would “visit” and we didn’t (LOL).

    Lin – Love the internet and MFP until things don’t work right…then it’s frustration city. I laugh when I think back to the early days of tech - downloading a couple images could take an hour and I recall operating a “fax” for the first time and being stunned people I knew in Arizona were getting a document immediately… now things change so quickly it’s hard to keep up some times – BUT – to our credit we do better than many friends. As for dad in football photo – he played a bit of semi-pro.

    That’s a bummer about the groceries and Office Depot. I have watched some of the “Insta-cart” people load their carts – some are very good others seem to be at warp speed and don’t spend a lot of time picking out the “best” veggies etc. The last “false charge” I had was earlier this year, fortunately it was resolved within 24 hours – it was several charges out of Mexico and obviously I hadn’t been anywhere.

    Facebook and social media in general certainly shows how small the world can be – somebody always knows somebody else … it’s like the “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” that was so popular. Can’t believe how old some old friends have gotten – someday it might happen to us – this old guy likes to show up in the mirror when I am shaving sometimes and I have no clue who he is LOL. It’s funny how a few people still live completely in the past and all they talk about is from grade school / high school while other remember and savor the old days, but live in the present. I always tell Jean – when I “go” mourn me for a couple months and then “party on.” To which she responded “I have to wait that long?” That is the kind of humor we have.

    Patsy – Warm and muggy was also the weather here today… thank goodness for air conditioning. Kudos on meeting those life demands. As for political issues – it’s so easy to get overloaded and it does take a lot of time to research and verify… so much media misinformation and I end up going back to see video or read doc’s in “full context.” On occasion, we try to disconnect – especially on the weekend where everything is a re-hash and mostly talking heads espousing what they think is wisdom. Ha ha

    Signing off for now… have a great night. Bob


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Good morning

    Ćmielów Porcelain Manufactory, Poland, 1930s.


    Have a happy and safe day.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just had to smile. Apparently during this pandemic personal hygiene product sales, shampoo, shaving cream etc are way down whilst the sale of icecream is way up!

    I've got richer as well as the gvt keep depositing small amounts into my chequing account to pay for grocery delivery costs. It's an ill wind that blows NO good.

    Can't continue. MFP really bad this morning.

    Too frustrating.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I have my zoom meeting today so not a lot of time. I am changing my way of eating so not sure what that will mean for weight loss. I am trying the 16/8 but not sure about certain things like, can I still take my pills with flavored water in the morning and can I have coffee with sugarless vanilla creamer before waiting to eat at noon? Bob, I think you can answer these questions but for today I did eat some cheerios with a banana which means I will have to stop eating at 7pm. What about a glass of wine after the 8 hours, is that allowed??
    So many questions, sorry.

    Lucky you Anne, as I posted before Babe got my share of the stimulus check since we file jointly and I am still waiting for my half. They might even send a second check which will really tick me off if I don't get anything from him. Sorry, didn't mean to vent to you.

    I have to get ready so have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have a bit of a medical procedure today. I have an old diabetic ulcer on my heel. It developes an overgrowth that must be debrided from time to time This is the time again. Not much discomfort during but after means special care and special healing bandages for awhile until it is fully healed. What a bother!

    Since the pandemic incarnation, I have started phoning people I rarely talk to or visit with. Oddly, I find that very enjoyable. Just a quick phone call to ask how they are doing. We are fine but feeling the isolation. Each day more cases here. When I read the sneaker posts I am so glad to hear there are those of you who are lucky to be able to see and visit family and friends. Shopping has never been an activity I enjoy. But we did enjoy lunches at favorite restaurants with friends. I tend to be a lot like my dad. “ If I need or want something, I get it. If I don’t have it, I likely don’t want it.” Actually, in truth, I Used to enjoy sifting through those glossy catalogs for unusual things.

    Sandy: Am always confused and bewildered about those stimulus packages. We did get our check. I have a friend who got a check for her deceased husband. He died years ago! There are small businesses who were to get a check, still waiting.....I have heard about poor people still waiting for unemployment checks.

    Anne: the only thing that saves me is John not being able to eat sugar, at all! I can’t bake with Splenda, he hates the taste of some other sweeteners. So we don’t eat much sweet stuff. I would eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However....reality requires a different food plan, sadly!

    Bob: I guess I might talk about my school years but they are really just a blur. John and I married right out of high school so when we went to college, we lived in married students housing and I worked in the art dept. Good grief! Most of our school mates are dead! I got a note about an artist pal that is to have a virtual retrospective show. How can that be?

    Lin: interesting about the immediate reaction to the blue teapots. That color is somewhat arresting. Most people love that color. Could be because it is the sky color?

    Pushing on to get ready for my procedure. It is like when the furrier would come to tend to our horses hoofs! It must be done.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a difference a day makes! Yesterday it was so hot I kept a constant supply of fluids going for the men working in the sun to finish my greenhouse base, today overcast, mizzly, soaking rain and an extra layer worn. Considering it’s only a concrete base with a few bricks and paving slabs I’m delighted with the end result so have asked if they’ll be interested in working on the renovations indoors and we’ll keep in touch.
    Lin, I do agree with your opinion on the colour cards my neighbours picked up to match the uncovered lime plaster but understand how difficult it is when stood in a brightly lit store. Earlier in the year, before I knew the colour was behind the old board, I ordered a paint chart from our National Trust organisation that renovates and maintains historical buildings and blow me, I think I’ve found it 2nd up on the right.
    I’ll order a sample pot at great expense!!

    Love the 1930’s set in that gorgeous blue. Funny I never thought about Art Deco being enjoyed worldwide but why not?
    Bob, my little knowledge of ceramics and pottery comes from a love of visiting auctions over the years. Amazing what can be learnt if something takes my fancy but I always go with what attracts me so I’d enjoy living with it rather than It’s value... one of the reasons why I’m not rich today! 😆

    My hair appointment was this morning. I waited outside until everything was sprayed and wiped down from the previous customer then in to a warm welcome before OMG, I love your new colour! As she cut she showed me what she said was a great job done by me and where, at the back It looks like expensive highlights. More luck than judgement I promise! I feel even more pleased I jumped and took a gamble!
    Patsy, I used L’Oreal Colorista gel, Rosegold that did wonders for hair condition too. Go for it... it will grow out if you hate it although I bet you’ll love it. Right now none of us is socialising much so who’s going to see you and anyway no one will judge you. Best of all I’m guessing John will be “tickled pink”!

    Sandy, Bob is our expert so I won’t jump in except to say I’m sure alcohol is what’s referred to as empty calories so has to be counted. Just means something else has to go but to my mind if it aids your mental health don’t go without and struggle.

    Anne, probably so many people did panic buying early on before in lockdown their cupboards are stuffed full with soaps, deodorants and shampoo they won’t have to purchase more for years!

    Waving to Buzz. 🙋🏼‍♀️😍🥰😘

    Supper ready... small quiche with lots of salad.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited July 2020
    Jackie, I think you’ve got it! Looks very good. If you can get a little sample you will know for certain. Our temperatures are increasing today. It will be hot and nasty the next few days. So enjoy today! 87 degrees F and breezy.

    I did a couple of errands this morning. This afternoon a friend surprised me by stopping by. A huge surprise! We talked outdoors for a little while and she gave me a little bag of cherry tomatoes from her garden. I gave her some supposedly non-toxic lids for containers and/or stretching over a part of a vegetable to store it, such as an onion. That’s the first time I have seen her since early March. Wahoo!

    I am working on a puzzle but it is more difficult than I thought it would be so it will take a while.

    Patsy, I am sorry you had to have a procedure today. I trust you will heal up more quickly than anticipated.

    Sandy, I am sorry you did not get a portion of the stimulus money. I only got a little bit.

    Off to check on the squirrel. I think he’s headed for my poor beleaguered plants.

    Have a good evening. 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Hello again, over the last months I have been unable to purchase many familiar brands. Just in case you have had the same issue, here is the FDA list of recalled/da heroes hand sanitizers. Just in case you want to check yours.

    67 Hand Sanitizers Subject to FDA Safety Warning
    BLUMEN Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Clear, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (*NDC: 60599-015-00, 60599-015-01, 60599-015-02)
    Blumen Clear Advanced Hand Sanitizer with 70% Alcohol, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (No NDC listed)
    Blumen Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Clear Ethyl Alcohol 70%, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (No NDC listed)
    KLAR AND DANVER Instant Hand Sanitizer (labeled with Greenbrier International Inc.), manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 33992-8010-1)
    MODESA Instant Hand Sanitizer Moisturizers and Vitamin E, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-007-33)
    BLUMEN Advanced Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-012-00, 60599-012-01, 60599-012-02, 60599-012-03, 60599-012-04, 60599-012-05, 60599-012-06, 60599-012-07, 60599-012-08, 60599-012-10)
    BLUMEN Advanced Hand Sanitizer Aloe, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-013-00, 60599-013-01, 60599-014-00)
    BLUMEN Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Lavender, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-016-00)
    BLUMEN Clear LEAR Advanced Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-017-00, 60599-017-01, 60599-018-00, 60599-018-01)
    BLUEMEN Clear Advanced Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-018-02, 60599-018-03, 60599-018-04, 60599-018-05, 60599-018-06, 60599-018-07, 60599-018-08, 60599-019-00)
    The Honeykeeper Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-020-00, 60599-020-01)
    BLUMEN Advanced Hand Sanitizer Clear, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-024-00)
    BLUMEN Clear Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-025-00)
    BLUMEN Clear Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Aloe, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-026-00)
    BLUMEN Clear Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Lavender, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-027-00)
    BLUMEN Aloe Advanced Hand Sanitizer, with 70 Alcohol, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-028-00, 60599-029-00)
    Blumen Advanced Hand Sanitizer Lavender, with 70% alcohol, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-046-00)
    Blumen Advanced Hand Sanitizer Aloe, with 70% alcohol, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-047-00)
    Blumen Antibacterial Fresh Citrus Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-501-01)
    Blumen Hand Sanitizer Fresh Citrus, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-502-01)
    KLAR and DANVER INSTANT HAND SANTIZER, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-801-00)
    Hello Kitty by Sanrio Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-802-00)
    Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer (Vitamin E and Aloe), manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-850-00)
    Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer (Aloe and Moisturizers), manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-851-00)
    Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer Vitamin E and Aloe, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-852-00)
    Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer Aloe and Moisturizers, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-853-00)
    BLUMEN Instant Hand Sanitizer Fragrance Free, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-854-00)
    BLUMEN Instant Hand Sanitizer Aloe Vera, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-855-00)
    Assured Aloe, manufactured by 4E Global, SAPI de CV (NDC: 60599-999-10)
    bio aaa Advance Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by AAA Cosmetica (NDC: 76987-402-01)
    LumiSkin Advance Hand Sanitizer 4 oz, manufactured by AAA Cosmetica (NDC: 76987-120-01)
    LumiSkin Advance Hand Sanitizer 16 oz, manufactured by AAA Cosmetica (NDC: 76987-402-02)
    QualitaMed Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by AAA Cosmetica (NDC: 76987-250-01)
    Earths Amenities Instant Unscented Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Vera Advanced, manufactured by DDI Multinacional SA de CV (NDC: 74949-002-20, 74949-002-25, 74949-002-49, 74949-002-60)
    Hand Sanitizer Agavespa Skincare, manufactured by DDI Multinacional SA de CV (NDC: 77415-000-00)
    Vidanos Easy Cleaning Rentals Hand Sanitizer Agavespa Skincare, manufactured by DDI Multinacional SA de CV (NDC: 77056-000-01)
    All-Clean Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV (NDC: 74589-002-01)
    Esk Biochem Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV (NDC: 74589-007-01)
    Lavar 70 Gel Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV (NDC: 74589-006-01)
    The Good Gel Antibacterial Gel Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV (NDC: 74589-010-10)
    CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer 80% Alcohol, manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV (NDC: 74589-005-03)
    CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer 75% Alcohol, manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV (NDC: 74589-009-01)
    CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer 80% Alcohol, manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV (NDC: 74589-003-01)
    Saniderm Advanced Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV (NDC: 74589-001-01)
    Hand sanitizer Gel Unscented 70% Alcohol, manufactured by Grupo Insoma, S.A.P.I de CV (NDC: 75744-0200-3, 75744-0200-4, 75744-0201-5, 75744-0202-1, 75744-0250-1, 75744-0250-2, 75744-0500-1, 75744-1000-1, 75744-1000-3, 75744-1001-1)
    Andy’s Best, manufactured by Limpo Quimicos SA de CV (NDC: 73755-120-01, 73755-120-02, 73755-120-04)
    Andy’s, manufactured by Limpo Quimicos SA de CV (NDC: 73755-110-01, 73755-130-02)
    Gelclor, manufactured by Limpo Quimicos SA de CV (NDC: 73755-140-01)
    NeoNatural, manufactured by Limpo Quimicos SA de CV (NDC: 73755-200-01, 73755-200-02)
    Plus Advanced, manufactured by Limpo Quimicos SA de CV (NDC: 73755-300-01)
    Optimus Lubricants Instant Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by Liqesa Exportacion or Liq-E-S.A. de CV (NDC: 75416-004-01, 75416-005-01)
    Bersih Hand Sanitizer Gel Fragrance Free, manufactured by Soluciones Cosmeticas SA de CV (NDC: 75165-003-02, 75165-004-01, 75165-005-01, 75165-006-01, 75165-008-01, 75165-250-01, 75165-600-01)
    Antiseptic Alcohol 70% Topical Solution hand sanitizer, manufactured by Soluciones Cosmeticas SA de CV (No NDC listed)
    Mystic Shield Protection hand sanitizer, manufactured by Transliquid Technologies (NDC: 75477-435-02, 75477-435-10, 75477-435-12, 75477-435-25, 75477-435-50, 75477-534-10)
    Britz Hand Sanitizer Ethyl Alcohol 70%, manufactured by Tropicosmeticos SA de CV (NDC: 76676-402-01, 77676-402-02, 77676-402-03, 77676-402-04, 77676-402-05, 77676-402-06, 77676-402-07, 77676-402-08, 77676-402-09, 77676-402-10, 77676-402-11, 77676-402-12, 77676-402-13, 77676-402-14, 77676-402-16, 77676-402-17, 77676-402-18, 77676-402-19, 77676-402-20)
    DAESI hand sanitizer, manufactured by Yara Elena De La Garza Perez Nieto. (NDC: 77268-001-01)
    Hand sanitizer (labeled with Wet Look Janitorial and Gardening Corp.), manufactured by Soluciones Cosmeticas Sa de CV. (NDC: 79095-000-01, 79095-001-01, 79095-002-01, 79095-003-01, 79095-004-01, 79095-005-01, 79095-006-01)
    Shine and Clean Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by Maquiladora Miniara, SA de CV. (NDC: 76753-001-01, 76753-001-02, 76753-001-03)
    Selecto Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by Maquiladora Miniara, SA de CV. (NDC: 76753-002-01)
    Born Basic. Anti-Bac Hand Sanitizer, manufactured by Real Clean Distribuciones SA de CV. (NDC: 76891-105-11 – 76891-105-20)
    ANTI-BAC HAND SANITIZER, manufactured by Real Clean Distribuciones SA de CV. (NDC: 76891-104-11 - 76891-104-19, 73389-104-11)
    SCENT THEORY - KEEP IT CLEAN - PURE CLEAN ANTI-BACTERIAL HAND SANITIZER, manufactured by Real Clean Distribuciones SA de CV. (NDC: 76891-102-11)
    CAVALRY, manufactured by Real Clean Distribuciones SA de CV. (NDC: 75460-070-01, 75460-070-02, 75460-070-05, 75460-075-38, 75460-080-38)
    ENLIVEN Hand Sanitizing Gel, manufactured by Real Clean Distribuciones SA de CV. (NDC: 74882-341-01, 74882-341-02, 74882-341-03)
    Lux Eoi Hand Sanitizing Gel, manufactured by Real Clean Distribuciones SA de CV. (NDC: 74882-007-01, 74882-007-02, 74882-007-03)
    KEEP IT CLEAN, manufactured by Real Clean Distribuciones SA de CV. (NDC: 73389-102-11)
    HAND SANITIZER, manufactured by Real Clean Distribuciones SA de CV. (NDC: 73710-102-11)
    *National Drug Code (NDC) is a unique identifier assigned to drug products, including hand sanitizers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Good morning. Today’s teapot. Off to water the plants. 🙋🏼‍♀️



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I still enjoy art deco. But not that blue. Ocean greens affect me.
    Continuing to improve in tiny ways daily. Getting off a seat unaided will be my miracle goal! Typing still painful but I'm not complaining, having come a long way!
    Love reading your posts, so keep me busy! I seem to have lost various new "diet" regimens but evidently Bob and SANDY have something fairly new. JACKIE's place is really re-shaping and sounds terrific. PATSY, I follow Portland
    closely, and wonder if I see you with the protestors fighting the Feds ! ...Here comes lunch...
    <3<3<3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Hello Buzz❤️❤️❤️❤️ pleased to read your post. Hoping your miracle will come true. 🥰 enjoy your lunch.

    Barbie, indeed, that would be very interesting. 🤣😂🤣😂

    Working on cards, finished my puzzle and picked out a new book to read.

    Once upon a time I posted a photo showing the tail end of a 1959 Ford. I spent a good part of my youth in the back seat of that car. Loved the memories so I hunted down a puzzle. A 1959 Ford, but a convertible not a hardtop, a turquoise blue and white instead of red and white but I liked it just the same. So it is finished now. ☺️


    I just walked some mail out to the mailbox down the street. Wow, it is HOT out there.

    Stay safe everyone.

    Long distance hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Have an eye doctor appointment so will check i later.