Senior Golden Sneakers



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Had a great day and the nephews outdoor high school graduation was very nice. Tomorrow would have been my grandfather’s 142 birthday! I have a LOT of family on social media…so I am going to post the following a memory pic just for fun. No one is likely to remember it’s his birthday.

    He lived a long life compared to many family members outliving TWO wives and all his children (including my mom). He liked his daily cigar, pipe and glass of whiskey. Warm guy that built homes, played the fiddle at dances, rode a horse (in the day) spoke some French Canadian and more. Amazing when I think he was around at a time of Bat Masterson, Annie Oakley, Buffalo Bill etc…. all the progress he witnessed.


    Jackie – Excellent point on COVID lockdown – it’s a great reminder to appreciate “everything and everyone” by not taking ourselves too seriously and having a bit of fum with whatever time we have left. Love the quot: "Remember, One Hundred Years from Now, All New People" (from the book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.")

    Barbie – Congrats on the zucchini and cucumber! Jean’s tomatoes are coming in very nice (correction – one location doing great and a separate location not as well). Grandson (age 12) has his own garden with lettuce, cucumber and beans from seeds coming up nicely – not sure about his tomatoes, but he is excited.

    Sandy – Hope you are surviving “the steamer” – the forecast is 96 degrees tomorrow & mostly sunny/cloudy with stray shower possible. Nighttime low will be 74 with more possibility of scattered storm. I’m good as long as no snow. As for photos, I know what you mean – we all have “those” kind of pics where removal might be desired. LOL

    Patsy – you hit it on the head! “It takes a long time to grow and old friend.” I know Jean misses her BFF of 50 yrs that moved a few years ago – they still talk daily – but it’s not the same. They would shop, go to the NYS Fair, concerts etc (sometimes the three of us because her husb isn’t into some things). I had always planned to spend a lot of retirement with 2 brother-in-laws that were awesome, as well as a close older brother… my brother and 1 bros-in-law passed in their early 60’s the other was 73…. So much for plans and a few regrets on not doing more sooner.

    Lin – thanks re: photography. Just had someone ask yesterday to help with some restorations of photos of their grandfather that recently passed and Jeans uncle with macular degeneration wanted some restoration so he could see them….great guy! I will pass your hello along to Jean.

    Have a great Sunday! Bob

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’m only just back from walking the dogs because of a slow start to the day. Never mind, it’s Sunday so why rush? I can’t begin to repeat my long post that whooshed off into the ether last night but it did cover all subjects from Anne’s spuds to Lin’s tea party set and distribution problems, then my joy at seeing Buzz join us, a plea to Sandy to take care as your bubble expands and BIG smile at Patsy and John’s antics!
    Bob, what a wonderful story you tell of your grandfather. I was going to add that they don’t make them like that anymore but actually get the impression you’re doing a great job following in his footsteps! Can I add my happy birthday wishes to be sent heavenward? 🥳

    My pan fried mackerel with a selection of steamed veggies from our allotment yesterday was delicious and although I did take a photo it didn’t hold up against Bob’s foodie pics because I was so hungry by then it all got unceremoniously plonked on the plate. Here’s a collage of just a few items picked and dug up then add French beans, rhubarb plus some peas that we eat raw before we left the site!

    Must get the hens mucked out and a few other gentle chores completed.

    I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Sunday.
    😻 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Happy birthday to Bobs grandad! What a wonderful tribute. Let's start a trend each birthday month!

    My dad I swear was the very best dad anyone could have had. Made wonderful toys, wonderful model ships, machinery, furniture etc. Gardened, kept chickens who he kept until they died of old age and a shared pig, Jane. Many beloved dogs and cats in his life. Known and loved by all the folks in the village where he had his bicycle shop. Terrific sense of humour. I think of him each and every day and he died from cigarettes alas at the age of only 68 in 1970. Born July 2nd 1902 which means he would be 118 years old. Wow. Happy belated birthday wonderful handsome Dad.
    Here he is at 17 years old.

    Hopefully more later. Getting the washing on before the heat that was greater than the Sahara yesterday apparently, returns. Congrats on the wonderful veggies Jackie!
    Anne and Jilly the Bean.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Good day. I have been out watering the vegetable containers on the deck. Yes, daily watering as they are quite small for tomato plants and I want to keep them alive. It is overcast this morning so maybe there will be a shower this morning? It is only 76 degrees F so it has cooled off.

    Bob and Anne, what wonderful ancestors you had in your life. Memorable people that helped to shape your lives. Thanks for sharing with us. I love the stories❤️❤️ (and I always welcome more ☺️)

    It is wonderful they were forces for good. I know many people who have much less happy memories of parents and grandparents. Not speaking for myself here, my people were good. Maybe not all the aunts and uncles though. ☺️

    Jackie, I love the harvest. That’s a lot of potatoes! And yum, good thing I was not close as I would grab a carrot. They are beautiful. I like the mulch in your allotment. Lovely walkways.

    Hello Sandy, Barbie and Patsy. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Church online this morning. A day of this and that. I did start a new book last evening, got out a new puzzle but am gearing up to say bye to the assembled one. 😅 And have not found a color co,binational that Imlike for the birds. So I may put that aside for now and move along to something I can finish. I need more finished cards to send out.

    Wishing everyone health and happiness.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Teapot daily:

    “.....from the Spode Museum Trust Heritage Centre - Spode bone china teapot, pattern number R8319 circa 1924. This was part of a tea set produced for Thomas Goode & Co. Ltd of Mayfair, London.”


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ha-ha Lin, yes we consumed the carrots soon after the photo was taken... so much flavour one wonders what they do so wrong when harvesting for supermarkets. Can't be just the chemicals sprayed on because I tend to buy organic.
    The walkways were something we worked on earlier in lockdown as it just happened some lads that have a log supply business from a field next to the allotments had poured a dumper load of chippings in our communal area.... help yourselves was the message so we did! This photo was taken a month ago and much has grown since.

    I know nothing about teapots generally but for some reason knew today's was Spode before I read its description. A past life?

    Teabreak time but hens mucked out so I'll next clear a few items from my garage in anticipation of the roof replacement happening tomorrow. A good job I'm not going pink in the face to match my hair waiting for the builder to arrive to dig the greenhouse foundations. He text messaged yesterday to say he won't be here until Tuesday..... shall I hold my breath for that? Nope!

    Back later.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Oooooh, I adore your garden/allotment. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE, I suspect your carrots taste so good because they are freshly pulled and not in a truck or sitting on a store shelf for ever.
    The typings gone again. What is it about 10 am !
    Annie. Notice just sprang up, LIN is posting ahead of me. Hi, Lin.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) There is a man running against the incumbent for a state legislature position for my county, whose platform includes revoking voting for women and ending all government rules about shutting down for the virus. He says women should be supportive of the men making the decisions and the virus is no big deal because people aren't dropping dead in the streets.

    :) There is craziness everywhere.

    :) Jake is cooking ribs in the Ninja Foodie today.

    :) I walked the dogs for two hours this morning and soon will meet my friend who comes over every Sunday morning to walk and talk for an hour.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Sounds as if he's got the IQ of a gnat BARBIE and like a gnat easily squashed. Annie - 😇
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    edited July 2020
    Happy Sunday! :) Movie night birthday party was a success. It was very hot but there was a breeze so that helped. We keep our social distance and Bryanna who is back working wore her mask when indoors or if the kids got to close to her. The food was good and cake even better even though I am not a fan of strawberry cake. The kids love their presents and Robby gets to do it all over again next week with three close friends who also isolate. It will be another movie night for them so they will be outside. I am not going to visit my friend on her farm due to rain which I was happy about since I would just like to stay home today. Probably will binge watch Hanna on Amazon Prime.

    Jackie, your allotment is very impressive, do you have just one section or do you share all?
    I have never grown vegetables but Lisa is doing so on the side of her house. She posted this on facebook.
    My bubble isn't really expanding, I thought I would try and cheer my friend up if we could stay 6-8 feet apart but as I said glad it is raining since I wasn't that comfortable with my decision.

    Lin, I also went to Mass via the TV where a local channel carries the Mass. We are also expecting a strong storm this afternoon and it is still very hot. Love the teapot.

    Anne and Bob, great pictures. My memories of my dad aren't perfect. He was verbally abusive to my mother but never physically. They fought a lot and I used to ask my mother to divorce him. Not until after he died and I was pregnant with my last son and heard the song the living years did I realize that I really did love him. I still cry today when I hear the song and he died in 1972 at the age 62.

    Patsy, I can just see John snapping that towel, he has a great sense of humor. Your marriage sounds perfect and you should be very proud.

    I saw this mask on Facebook and I ordered it for Lisa only with a Husky. I just think it is adorable. lol
    Sorry is is so big.

    Have a wonderful and safe day.
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    A comment regarding Postal Offices; I read that our beloved A---ole president has cut back on their budget in order to somewhat keep Mail Voting to a minimum, which could affect the election! I don't put anything beyond his cunning!
    I must get myself back into Physical Therapy to relearn walking. I can visualize myself practically running, but in actuality I am barely standing up! Memory is a wonderful thing in how it blocks unpleasantness, as I'm learning when staff and neighboring patients relate my recent physical state!
    ANNE, I recall using potato blossoms as edging around my flower bed. That and purple cabbage!
    LIN, you have the patience of a saint! Your hobbies require such concentration...
    SANDY, thank you again for your warm and welcome card.
    JACKIE, how great to pick your evening's potatoes! Do you grow parsley or thyme?
    Hello and love to PATSY , BARBIE & JAKE, BOB(we have yet to meet! Where in NY are you?), and have I let anyone out?
    The brain ain't what it used to be!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It’s been a busy day. Up at 4:30am (mandatory coffee)…took a 5:00 gorgeous sunrise walk…back home and off to Wegmans for some groceries at 6am opening (pic). Back home for coffee/TV/ Online news. At 8-9:00am grilled chicken & turkey sausage for lunch (temp was already in 80’s. Took a 2nd walk with Jean (no sunrise LOL). Cleaned up and headed to DestinyUSA (pic) before stores opened at 11am for some air-conditioned walking and checking things out and hitting my 10,000 step + count. Back home for lunch prep with side dishes etc. Deck-time with Jean etc. and then “chowed-down” YUM! It’s 93 degrees with a feel-like temp of 100 as of 2pm.

    (LUNCH: GRILLED Chicken Breast, Skinless, Gianelli - Turkey Sausage 1 Link, spaghetti squash, pimentos, Rao’s sauce, Parm grated cheese, garlic and herb riced cauliflower, grilled vegetables (Eggplant , Zucchini , Roasted Red & yellow peppers and onion.) pic.


    Jackie – You must love those morning walks. Slow/fast it doesn’t matter – for me it’s the routine and sets the tone for the day. I texted that pic to my daughter this morning and she joked about getting some cigars/whiskey… It’s a different world…she is in top condition and the entire family has nothing but great eating/exercise habits. I had good parents but it was an entirely different upbringing having lived the Great Depression. I’m sure G’pa appreciates the birthday wishes.

    Great veggie collage … nothing like garden fresh food. I am not big on canned veggies, but love everything out of a garden. Loved that photo from a month ago too.

    Anne – Your dad was certainly a handsome and dapper man! Love your expressions of love and appreciation. There were 7 kids all spread out in ages, so everyone has different memories. By the time I was 10 he was starting his own business and that was a lot of work. I was a “momma’s boy” she had so much love for my father and her kids it is amazing. Fortunately I have a few of the love letters they wrote to each other. Jean and I love photo memories and years ago decided to hang dozens…why save them for when we die and people go thru a box wonder who is who etc.

    Lin – Jean has been watering our tomatoes & flowers a lot – this heat can be brutal on them as U know. Glad things have cooled off for you. When I see “Spode” all I can think of is Spode Christmas China. As for ancestors, I wish I knew soo much more than I do. One relative was a Sister of St Francis nun stationed in Hawaii and had volunteered for hospital missionary work at the same time Marianne Cope, also known as Saint Marianne of Molokaʻi was there.

    Sandy – Sorry to read about the “dad memories.” To a certain extent, I understand…let’s just say he was a strict disciplinarian and I will leave it at that. The best thing I witnessed was the love my parents had for each other…my mother was the “heart” of the family.

    Ok – this is getting long – so I will just say adios for now and wish everyone a great Sunday evening – we are expecting a storm. Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited July 2020
    Good afternoon. I watched the church service and got caught up in a new jigsaw puzzle. It is finished now and I am making lunch. Probably reading a book will win out over die cutting but you never know. 😃

    Barbie, there are more puzzling people out there than I can tolerate these days. And his platform is not a joke?

    Buzz, yes, there seems to be a bigger than usual move to suppress the vote this year. I have already requested absentee ballot as I usually do not go out much in the regular flu season. We had very few polling locations open for the primary election and with the continued Covid situation they may have a shortage of workers again in November. My voting location was changed and there is usually a waiting line, not going for that this year. Some of my friends are totally opposed to voting by mail and I guess I don’t see it. If bad actors want to interfere they will likely go for the electronic systems. Oh well, that is for another day isn’t it? Happy happy to see you here today. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Sandy, that is a large summer squash. My goodness. That’s enough for the entire family. 😄 say, love those masks. How lovely that you are able to choose a dog breed. She will love it.

    Must finish lunch. Enjoy your day everyone.

    Finished puzzle

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2020
    I've Mike coming over so for now just want BOB to know my dad wasn't dapper at all. I think his mom had a hand in dressing him up for that 17 year old photo! I remember him best in oil stained overalls or plaid shirts. He was fascinated by Canada and the USA but of course never made it over here. I did, after his death. As a small boy his parents took him to see the Buffalo Bill Cody circus which was touring England. I think that's where the fascination came from.

    Will tell you later about a terrifying storm we had and our close encounter with a lightning strike. Suffice to say Bean ran straight up me and clung to my neck shivering and shaking. A huge boom followed and our electricity went off for seven hours. 1:30 to 8:30. My hair is frizzy enough in this heat without lightning bolts! Couldn't sleep after the sticky heat so here I am rushing around before Mike turns up.

    Hope today is peaceful and not over a 100 like yesterday!
    Anne and the back to normal, brave little Jilly the Bean. 😇⚡️🐶
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Good morning. A teapot with no added information.



    Anne, what a day! May today be much much better.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Seven possible tornadoes yesterday, what! Today much nicer with low humidity but watch out Wednesday again !!!!!! Anne🌪⚡️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A Sadler teapot Lin. They were produced in Stoke on Trent where so much pottery and china was before the market was swamped with cheap Chinese copies. Brown Bessy was another of their popular teapots.

    A gorgeous day and so far going well although the lads who came to refurbish my garage were held up for a couple of hours in a motorway jam after a nasty accident ahead of them. They had to detour but did phone to let me know what was going on and once here I gave them coffee and chocolate biscuits to re-energise them! They did an amazing job and within a couple of hours were turning their truck round to head home to Bolton. They did make me laugh when they said they weren't used to our hot weather although seemed to be enjoying it but no time to stop by a beach for a swim on the way home! Coming from Yorkshire, Anne will sympathise with their weather comment, especially at the moment when it's so hot in Oakville! Covid spikes in their area so I was careful to gel my hands once they'd gone.

    Oh dear Barbie, that man running for a State Legislator position needs to look at what is happening south of his country if he wants to see bodies layed out on the streets. God forbid things get that bad if something isn't soon done to stem the flow in America. A funny coincidence; on Saturday night I watched a movie about the true story of one of Princess Diana's ancestors who was married off at 17 by her mother to a Duke who wanted an heir.... spot the similarities! He took it as a personal affront that she produced girls rather than a boy although he got his wish in the end so left her alone! Of course she had no rights as a woman and he treated her appallingly then threatened to keep her away from her children if she didn't behave. That was 300 years ago so your man really is living in the past!!

    I'm now going to visit the car wash then pick up milk for afternoon tea on the way home since I've run out. Maybe cut the grass (AGAIN!) once back.

    Happy Monday.... take care everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Monday! :) A little cooler with temps in the 80's. No plans other than the usual bike riding and visit with Joe. Monday is my day to rest before sitting on Tuesday. It did rain yesterday so I didn't go to my friend's farm. I had a couple of video calls to pass the time and watched a couple of episodes of Hanna. Life seems to be like the movie groundhog day with doing the same things over and over.

    Jackie, one repair done now how many more are you waiting on?

    Anne, such violent weather, I am glad you and Jilly are safe.

    Lin, that is some puzzle, you much have so much patience.

    Bob, what a beautiful sunrise.

    Buzz, it is so good to have you join us when you can. Just keep taking care of yourself. I am glad the cards make you happy.

    Patsy, stay safe in your home with all the protesting going on in Portland.

    Have a wonderful day and always stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's a much nicer day here with no nasty booms and lightning streaking towards our window.
    I'm just drying off after a nice cool bath. Jilly Bean.