Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne! What an adorable little face. She is so cute she doesn’t even look real. There are times when I wonder how our sweet animals can be such pleasant company, so accepting of our faults, that I can’t understand how people can be so cruel or neglectful of them. Thanks for sharing the latest pix of your little girl.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited July 2020
    I’m sorry. My allergies went crazy after being outdoors this morning. I sneezed and sneezed and sneezed some more. My sinuses are swollen up and my head is killing me.

    I need some rest. I have been dragging through things today but I give up. Putting the trash out and going to use some hot compresses on my face. Maybe that will help the unhappy sinuses.

    Great photo Jilly! Thanks for sharing it Anne.

    Sandy I hope you get rest today in advance of your babysitting.

    Jackie, glad some work has been accomplished at your house. Now where is the guy to start on the foundation for your greenhouse? You know lots about teapots! I just like to look at them. 😅

    Bob, I am sorry but I did not see your great post yesterday. I don’t know why MFP doesn’t work well for me some days. I refreshed the page repeatedly but nothing until this morning.

    Hello Barbie and Patsy. And BUZZ!!!

    Hope you are well. I am going to try to be better tomorrow.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    My doctor's nurse called to tell me I have high cholesterol at 253 and is putting me on a med for six weeks. I am not a happy camper. This is my first prescription for my health. Ugh!!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Being On my feet all day finally caught up with me so I fell asleep in the middle of watching an interesting documentary. I’ll have to rewatch on catch up tv but not now as it’s gone midnight.
    I decided to take George and Betty on to the moors this afternoon because they only got a very short walk early on. It was beautiful with enough breeze to keep us comfortable but the trip to the car wash went awry when I pulled in next to one of the machines only to find it wasn’t working but when I went to reverse to the 2nd one behind me someone had already pulled up so, not being good with queues I chose to drive out rather than go round and start again! Stopped at the farm shop for milk then home to put the kettle on. After that stripped my bed to get more laundry done then pottered for awhile.

    What a lovely picture of Jilly who looks very happy even after a night of storms. Weather is certainly becoming more topsy-turvy and sadly I read today that polar bears will be extinct by the end of the century.

    Yes Lin, where is the builder to dig the foundations? Another rambling text on why he couldn’t start today but nothing since so just maybe he will turn up in the morning. 🤨

    Sandy, next job will be an electrician and he is visiting tomorrow to see what’s required and give an idea of cost. Friday it will be the man to survey hidden asbestos although he has already told me it’s the least dangerous sort... some good news! I’ll also have to find a plasterer to skim the walls I’ve uncovered with all my wallpaper stripping. I don’t think I mentioned before that a section of wall discovered behind a battened and boarded alcove is showing an original Victorian lime washed area in a lovely pale blue/green colour that I love and will try to match when I get to the final stage of decorating.

    Time for my bed... pooches already snoring! Taking bets on the will he, won’t he builder!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Annie, what a darling picture of your darling dog.

    :)Sandy, when I found out that I had to take meds for cholesterol, I was quite distressed, like you. Jake told me that it was great that we lived in a time when there were meds to deal with such conditions.

    :'( I overdid it working in the yard on Saturday and my back has been sore. I have been walking the dogs in the morning but staying away from yard work and riding my exercise bike. The hardest thing has been staying off the bike because I usually ride it for hours every day while watching TV, eating my supper, reading, and going to Zoom meetings. Since I have some extra time, I've been taking a nap in the afternoon which is also good for resting my back. I'm taking it one day at a time. All this sitting is very unusual for me.

    :) We filled out our ballots yesterday and dropped them off today. We vote by mail or by dropping the envelope in one of many convenient drop boxes in the county.

    :) It is extremely hot for us today---77 degrees.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The builder was waiting for me when I returned from an early doggie walk and he and 2 mates are now stripped off in the sunshine digging foundations! George is having a great time chasing soil as it gets moved about so it'll be a shower for him later!! Also received a text from my hairdresser confirming my appointment on Thursday so things are picking up.

    Back later..... happy Tuesday. :DB)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    A teapot for you Lin!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2020
    I've just spent a half hour chopping off hair. I've ended up with a dustpan full of the frizzy stuff. I honestly think I do a better job of cutting than the hairdressers around here who are all Portuguese, Chinese, Italian or Indian and although doing a great job at cutting black, straight, shiny hair haven't a clue what to deal with when it comes to a mass of fine frizzy (in the summer, wavy in the winter) hair. One salon owner actually told me once I looked better when I'd gone in than when I'd gone out and it was one very expensive cut taken in desperation that I would finally find someone. Mary Jo who knows lots of Portuguese hairdressers who I've tried in the past remarked yesterday "they don't know how to deal with your kind of hair". That was it! So.....I've just spent a half hour....etc etc.

    Jilly had her bath yesterday so us girls are all spiffy and ready to face foxes, ferocious bunnies, and anything that creeps in the night. Jilly seems to enjoy being bathed. No squirming etc and so unlike her friend Amber who yelps and squirms and tries to escape. I know she's mine, little Bean, but she really is such a sweetheart. Friendly to almost all she meets, just the odd person she views suspiciously like that "strange character with black curls and a Tilley hat" at my back door who appeared to be viewing the place for a future breaking and entering. The one I told I had the virus and he shot off at great speed leaping over the gate in his haste accompanied by much barking from my brave little defender.

    The builders have arrived! Oh happy day JACKIE! You might be all done and dusted in time for Christmas. Hasn't this year flown by and such a lot happened in it!

    And I must away, but wish all you dear people a lovely happy Tuesday,
    Annie. 😇❤️🐶❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Oh my goodness Jackie! What a TEAPOT!!! It is quite lovely and in good shape for something made in the 1700’s. Thanks! I enjoyed watching that video.

    Meanwhile, here’s a Gibson teapot that caught my eye earlier this morning.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Well for goodness sakes. With a comment each for everyone, my post simply disappeared. 😡

    Jackie, thanks for the video. What a teapot. I can’t imagine having something like that in my home. It is always astounding to see these things exist and are actually passed down through generations. And so glad you will be accomplishing a number of things on your list this week. And yes, foundations for the new greenhouse. Progress! The lime wash you uncovered also sounds lovely, I hope you can replicate it.

    Barbie, I am sorry about the back issue. I know you will do your best to rest it as needed. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, also sorry you will be taking a prescription drug. Maybe a few tweaks to your diet might help? Although you are quite cautious about what you eat. Best wishes.

    Anne, I hope you had a good day yesterday. Has Mike decided what he is going to do?


    Patsy and John, hello and all best wishes.

    My sinuses are a bit better this morning. We will see how the day goes. Maybe some warm wash cloths on my face again today.

    Must run along.

    All best wishes for health and happiness.

    Lin ☺️

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! Looks like a marine layer here, so who knows what is going on above that? Could be another scorcher of a day, like yesterday. It was so hot and humid,I could hardly push air in and out of my lungs. John was also suffering in the heat. That is rare for him.

    I am feeling my age today. I got up creaky and in need of serious attitude adjustment. Our dear little Katie is ready to help. Her personality is really nothing like sweet Jilly. Katie came with a fearful attitude. She is comfortable withJohn and me. She loves our son Damon but is very cautious around our daughter. She barks loudly at anyone coming onto our property. “Halt! Who goes there?”

    We are watching the TV series Fargo. NOT my favorite. Strange, uncomfortable, creepy! John loves it. I tolerate it, Katie sleeps through it. She gets her special chew treat before bed so she is really patiently waiting. I watched a bit of a Russian child ballet dancer. This graceful little baby could dance like a little butterfly. At 9 years old! The discipline that would have taken is amazing. Being on point that early does terrible things to their little feet. A billion years ago, I took ballet and tap right up into high school. I was not allowed on point until I had a full 5 yrs of ballet. Good exercise and great discipline. I always loved classical ballet as well as modern dance. It takes me away from everything.

    Anne: I watched a YouTube instruction on cutting one’s own hair a couple of years ago. Our hairdresser was getting so expensive and she kept doing a horrible job! I looked around and things were not much better elsewhere. So I decided I could do this myself. I also cut John’s hair. He loves it. He gets a head rub after the haircut.

    Lin: the teapot with the pansies is so elegant and a real thing of beauty. Your teapot hobby is so much fun.

    Sandy: you are now part of a very large crowd taking meds. We avoid high cholesterol foods. Both John and I have to do that. Sad to give up some of our favorite foods but there are a lot of wonderful things we can eat that fit into our diet. It really isn’t so hard.

    Jackie: oh my! How wonderful to get your projects going at long last. We will await breathlessly for the next photos as things progress. Our tree trimmers are to drop by tomorrow to estimate the size of the job here. It really is a massive undertaking but John is a true treehugger. He goes nuts every time a tree is cut. He says it feels so upsetting even through we live in the premier timber growing area of the Pacific Northwest. Trees just spring up overnight. 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲

    Buzz: so fabulous to have you with us again. I know you understand the terror happening here. Oregon is one of the most liberal states in the US. Peaceful demonstrations have been going on here continually since the 70s. What is happening should strike terror in every american’s heart. John Lewis was such a force for good, he left a huge legacy.

    I am ordering a mask that looks like the face of a labradoodle. 🐕🐕🐕Photo to follow when it arrives.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Wow, there are so many people that I know with high cholesterol I guess I didn't realize how common it is. Can you suggest what kind of foods I can eat, I already eat low carb which seems to have low cholesterol so I am not sure. My friend said to stop worrying about it because the meds will lower the cholesterol levels. I am going to make a grocery order today to pick up tomorrow and fish will be one of the items.
    I am supposed to sit for volleyball tonight but not sure about the weather, some rain is predicted in certain areas. It will be a wait and see kind of day.

    Patsy and Anne, I did take scissors to my hair a few months ago and what a disaster. My hair is a straight as a board and humidity is not my friend, which is why I color it, for body.

    Lin, I do try and eat healthy so I think it might be genetic. I texted my niece to find out if my brother also has it and they just found out last fall he did. So I guess I am now part of the seniors who need meds to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Anne, I remember the incident with the guy at your door but I didn't remember you telling us you told him you had the virus. Good thinking my friend.

    Jackie, good video, I am sure that lady was very pleased. Yes, can't wait for all kinds of new pictures as your projects are done. It will be like a new house.

    Barbie, sorry about your back, I know you hate when you can't do your daily life. What kind of foods do you eat? Are you and Jake still doing weekly cleansing?

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hair, mines so bushy that any errors I make sort of blend in and eventually grow in.

    High cholesterol and blood pressure. I told my previous doctor to get lost. That was ten years ago. I'm still here which is longer than family and friends who took everything prescribed. Downside, just about only me left standing! Lol.

    Mike and I are looking at properties way up north. Told you I was going to live in an igloo! Well not THAT far north. Something to do on another hot day and sort of a pipe dream for if he gets the boot! I've always wanted to live in the Georgian Bay Area. Too old now to paddle my own canoe but me and Bean could watch Michael. No way is shorty pants going in a canoe, that's Bean of course although I swear my once long legs have Age shrunk.

    Maybe a snow mobile though! Anybody for ice fishing?

    Such are dreams made of!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi all. getting pretty discouraged that so few are calling the lies and rotten judgements made by "the world's most dangerous man" but just saw where Liz Cheney, of all people, is willing to put her career on hold by not supporting him while backing Fauci! Yes PATSY, we live in frightening times!
    ANNE, sounds like a dream move!
    SANDY, the cholesterol has waited a long time to become high! Just keep an eye on how your leg muscles react to the Rx!
    LIN, hope your sinuses clear up soon. <3<3<3;)<3<3<3
    JACKIE, I used to make silver teapots.
    BARBIE, wise JAKE!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Gorgeous day today in the low 80’s with sun. Started with a 5:30am sunrise walk. Then time with Jean catching up on TV news, plans for the day etc. Had a 9am eye appt to see about new lenses (I had 3 pairs reg / sunglasses the frames relatively new) re: new Rx I recd this month. As it turned out replacement of lenses would have been “hundreds more” than the cost I pay online thru Zenni… so will order replacement from them.

    After eye appt it was a pit-stop at Wegmans for food to cook on grill today (pic). After cooking out, we made a mall-walking visit for additional steps. I did happen to spot 2 pairs of Cole Haan socks that originally cost $12.50 and I purchased for 75 cents… Some people probably think I should have waited for a better mark-down – but I threw caution to the wind and purchased. LOL (pic)


    Lin – What a great puzzle!!! You had me at “Ice Cream”.

    Anne – Sounds like your dad was like many men back in the day…strong and with a solid work ethic. My dad morphed into a “businessman” but his early years weren’t easy. For kicks – here is a pic of him w/ his brother and dad (who died young). The “mansion” was the first home for him, his teen bride and 1st of 7 children. Then playing ball and as a scout. Much of his upbringing was done by a local priest…home life wasn’t exactly “Leave it to Beaver” LOL.


    Jackie – I guess you really know something about tea pots as well. As for the workmen – “coffee and chocolate biscuits to re-energise” confirms you know the way to get the best service.

    Sandy – Glad you are taking care of your high cholesterol. On the positive side – being your 1st Rx for your health is one heck of an achievement! Between a 785 calcium score with CAD etc a few other conditions they have been pretty quick with the Rx (LOL) for years including various statins.

    I think I shocked my cardiologist. Even with a statin my cholesterol would pop above 200…After a year of intermittent fasting starting last May etc. my numbers dropped without a statin to the best numbers in at least 6-7 years… cholesterol went from 204 to 137, LDL from 133 to 72.20! Wish you all the best.

    That’s about it for now. See ya tomorrow. Bob
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Sandy, a bit of a long read but our NHS website usually keeps information easy to understand otherwise I find medical terms go over my head! 😕. Hope it helps.

    The builders have done a good job and will be back in the morning to finish.
    The Electrician dropped in to look round and advised not to worry about older wiring. Our live and neutral used to be red and black but at some point was changed to blue and brown So my assumption was the older had to go but no, not unless it’s damaged. That will save me money. 😊. He will renew the heating once the walls are re-plastered. I’m still trying to colour match the old plaster but not there yet. My neighbour picked up some samples at a DIY store but although a couple are close, I feel they are too bright.

    A beautiful part of Canada to live Anne but don’t they get Covered in black fly Certain times of year? You and Mike would have to be covered head to toe what with that sweet English blood running in your veins.

    Sorry to read you are creaking Patsy. Could that be because of the heat and humidity which can be draining? Interesting what you say about the Russian child ballet dancer. To force such strict discipline on a small child seems almost like a form of abuse but it does seem to happen a lot to these talented kids. We have a current story breaking about young gymnasts being bullied and intimidated into doing better all the time and many have left the sport traumatised.

    Lin, I’m pleased for you that your sinuses are behaving better today. Horrible to find yourself sneezing out of control. I loved that silver teapot too. Sounds like your post did a similar trick to mine the other day.... whoosh and away!!

    I wonder where your silver teapot is today Buzz. Do you know? I know you’re not my grandmother and neither of us would suck eggs but a lovely lady I knew a few years ago who had a stroke was told by doctors to accept she wouldn’t walk again so what she did was once every hour carefully push herself out of her seat holding on to the arms, straighten and stand for about 10 seconds then sit back down. She kept the back of her legs against the chair to help balance while doing it. It helped immensely to strengthen her muscles and in time she did walk again. Oh yes, and she was in her 90’s!

    Feet up watching a documentary about the Murdoch dynasty. Mafia comes to mind!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Aw JACKIE! I forgot all about black flies! Annie. ☹️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited July 2020
    MFP is nuts! I post and see no other posts after the refreshing the page and I come back later to find, oh yes, there may have been one or more posts. Sorry, not ignoring you but I can’t see what MFP keeps from me!

    Jackie, those colors do not seem right at all. It could be the lighting but it seems a grey-green color. But in any event, those swatchs seem way off to me.

    Bob, another great day and super busy. Wow, a huge purchase there. Seventy five cents a pair for those socks!! Oh my gosh, what a deal. Love the photos of your dad. He looks quite rugged in that photo with his friends (football).

    Anne, yes, if there is a black fly season that doesn’t sound too appealing. They eat you up alive don’t they? Maybe you can just visit from time to time.

    Buzz, things are so messed up now. I am not at all certain anyone can straighten it out. And you-know-who cannot be corrected. He starts an all out campaign to annihilate anyone who disagrees.

    Sandy, you will be fine, there are many people who have a genetic predisposition to this and get along well. Don’t worry.

    Patsy, I wish I could learn to cut my own hair but I don’t think there is a way to keep a fairly straight line when shearing. I am not good with these things. As bits bother me, I am whacking them off from time to time. 🙃 Sorry you are feeling creaky today. We all have those days I think. May tomorrow be a better day.

    It has been a nutty afternoon for me. I got a grocery order with $29.99 worth of items missing. I wanted them to deliver the missing stuff but all they would do is say they would process a refund in the next few days. I will have to place another order and try again. (And no Sandy, it wasn’t Walmart).

    Then I got a notice that a PayPal charge from Office Depot was processed for an order placed today. Yep, I didn’t buy anything from them today. So I spent some time trying to figure out what was going on. Outcome, PayPal password and challenge questions updated, verified who I was again. Filed a dispute and spent a lot of time on chat with Office Depot. They say it is an item I ordered on April 1st that was shipped July 1st. They are to get back to me with an email on the shipping details.

    Then I will admit I got caught up in Facebook circles. I found out a guy I knew in high school/college passed away a week ago. Which led me to all the people posting regrets, which were many people I knew back then. Most have open profiles so I looked them up. Some quite accomplished folks. Everyone is retired or running their own business now. Interesting.

    Out to check for mail.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Been up north tons of times but mainly in the fall so I guess I missed out on black fly season. Ignorance is bliss. Back to thinking of moving to the Hebrides! I can handle sheep. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Something to give you a smile Anne! Perhaps even further north..... the Arctic?

    Lots going on so back later.