Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Thank you Alice❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Tongue tied as usual. Loved your Mom❤️❤️

    God be with you and your family.

    Lin ❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Was a little under the weather yesterday but seem to be ok today so I will be sitting later. Cooler weather is really nice, so happy to turn my A/C off.

    Nothing exciting to add so will just wish you a happy day.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ALICE, how thoughtful your post is, and it brings back treasured memories of your Mom. The picture is beautiful and try to keep that happy twosome in your mind when things change with your Dad. We all wish you the best.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thank you for sharing such a beautiful photo Alice and your loving thoughts about the two of them. They look so happy and content in each others company. The cruelest affect of this virus is that it keeps loved ones away from each other when what's needed is loving hugs and my heart goes out to both you and your dad. We all miss Marie and think of her often.
    Stay safe
    Jackie <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Nothing too exciting to add today. Have spent a good portion of the day grocery hunting. Some success with 2 deliveries that still didn’t add up to the items on my list but adequate.

    Last evening, I did have a very nice conversation with the librarian who runs one of the book clubs I attended. Very kind gentleman and I did find out what he wanted me to do with the last book club book we received from him. So I found the drop off this morning. Done and dusted. In case I popped my clogs, I had a sticky note on the cover of where the book should be returned.

    Wishing everyone well.

    Many hugs. ❤️❤️


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I didn’t get to know Marie very well. I joined Sneakers just at a time when she was dealing with several health issues at once. I think she must have been an extraordinarily special woman. She touched so many lives and left an incredible impression. Of course, we loved to see the love story of Marie and her Jerry. These lockdowns are cruel and yet lifesaving at the same time. Sending you virtual hugs.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Started for a walk this morning and then came the rain. When it stopped, I was able to venture out and complete my usual route. Later, we headed to the mall for a joint walk. As prev noted, we get there about 15 min before all the stores open and we are gone after an hour. Social distancing is pretty easy (see pics).

    Looking forward to later in the month. My daughter asked us yesterday if we wanted to go to the zoo with the grandchildren when things cooled down… dah! We’ll all have masks etc so waiting for a bit cooler temps. Should be fun.

    Lin – hope your grocery order arrived ok. Even going to the store it seems to be pot-luck on certain items.

    Patsy – Thanks for the comment on the mother/son photo. While most outsiders understandably recall my dad, she was the glue and heart for all 7 kids. I have fond memories of all the old school dances… I was a late bloomer – didn’t become girl-crazy until I was about 12… LOL… but nothing like today… all innocent stuff. I only have a few pics from the day… wish there were more. You’ll have to share some of years some time.

    Alice – Loved your mom and so sorry about your dad’s worsening condition. And yes – love that smile on her face! Her warmth came thru loud and clear.

    Take care everyone. Bob

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another day to potter so little to report. A walk on the moors, delivered some eggs to my friend Jill and checked next door’s poorly chicken situation to discover she had died in the night so dealt with that. A dry day so time spent outside as well as in and now here I am ready for bed.
    Surreal to see Bob’s shopping centre so empty but it does look like a beautiful place to walk round.
    Rain forecast for tomorrow but hopefully I will get the pooches out and home again before it starts. Lots of little DIY jobs to do and also must chase the asbestos man for his promised quote for the removal.

    This evening I watched a documentary about travelling round Uzbekistan, a stunningly beautiful country with its amazing architecture and history. I might just add it to my bucket list along with St Petersburg!

    Nite, nite
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I watched the six o'clock news and the weirdest thing. Apparently people across Canada and the USA are receiving mysterious packages in their mail. It is thought the packages come from China and contain nothing but packets of seeds. The news caster warned DO NOT PLANT. Could be an invasive species. 2020 is turning into a very odd year!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Yep, this was on news also. Just don’t plant them if you get them. Something to do with advertising, but could be more.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Yes, we are to contact the Dept of Agriculture. They are collecting the seeds and testing them. I have not received any.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello. A Russian teapot this morning.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Back to seeds. Some curious person will plant them. Just hope it isn't a version of the Venus Fly trap plant who is fed up of a diet of flies and fancies a human instead! Okay, I'm joking of course - but... you never know!
    Mike survived his first day back at work after four months of idleness and walking Bean.
    I survived giving the house a good much needed clean with no Mike hanging around.
    Jilly Bean survived no Mike AND a tremendous storm.
    Mark survived a day of kidney stone pain.
    Alls well with our little world at 7:49 am.
    Anne. 😇🐶❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) How sweet to be reminded of Marie and Jerry. They have been a special part of my life. I had the extra bonus of talking to Marie on the phone. I had mentioned that we called someone and sang happy birthday and Marie liked that idea so she gave me her phone number and Jake and I called her for several years on her birthday in November and sang to her and then had a nice conversation after.

    <3Anne, poor Jilly Bean to be without Mike after getting used to his daily presence.

    :)Bob, you are fortunate to have that lovely mall for walking.

    :) Jake had his appointment with his cardiologist yesterday. It was a video call and saved us driving to Seattle (90 minute drive, ferry ride, taxi ride). The cardiologist agreed to meet again by video in February. The report is that he is still doing as well as he has been for the last few years.

    <3 Barbie

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our promised rain has arrived but I did manage a mile or so walk on the moors with George and Betty beforehand although it was one of my Cathy and Heathcliff wanders in blustery wind and low clouds shrouding the hills! Before going home I drove to our farm supply store to stock up on the hens’ corn and food pellets as well as blocks of frozen raw dog meat George loves so much. In the queue I found myself looking at the rack of magazines then picked one out to buy that had lots of free packs of veggie seeds and growing advice so because it’s now pouring with rain I am, for the first time in weeks, sitting in the conservatory relaxing and reading about everything from composting to green manure and growing a variety of mustards. I can see outside my petunias in a window box are being flattened by wind and rain.

    A phone call just now from the conservatory company to say they have now moved “possible” delivery of my Black Friday 2019 order on to September. A pleasant, well spoken woman who intimated their orders have gone a bit awry which is an understatement! She could tell I’m very cross about the constant delays, not that I ever shout or show anger, just quietly seethe. No response to my question about a refund of my deposit if I cancel so I took that as a “no”! She will speak to someone about keeping to the last promise of July/August and I’ll continue to not hold my breath. 😤

    Lin, Now I’ve seen Uzbekistan in all its glory I can see the Influence in today’s teapot... full of eastern charm!

    How sad that a pack of seeds should cause such a stir. What is the world coming to? I’m afraid my rebellious curiosity would force me towards secretly growing them on... probably get arrested! 🐲🌱🌿🌾

    Goodness me, time to put the kettle on for a cuppa. Need to stretch my legs too. 🏃🏻‍♀️

    Stay safe and well. 🥰

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I think it's the China post mark that's caused the consternation JACKIE, but yes, I'd be very tempted as well!
    Meanwhile my Aussie cous sent a letter very annoyed with the residents of Melbourne forcing the rest of Australia back into mask wearing. Even though it's winter there - very sticky wearing a mask. I can imagine.
    I've just made out an order for mainly cleaning products and canned goods just in case.
    Lovely mild day here for once. Enjoyable!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello, busy morning. A few people from my church have had accidents, with shattered hips, broken limbs etc. so I am busy with cards. One lady is not recovering well from heart surgery and is back in the hospital. Yipes. What a year. Oh, and I need to make some birthday cards as well. That will keep me busy.

    I really hope that no one plants these seeds. They could be invasive species that cause no end of harm. Weed or flower, trouble could be in store. Since agriculture is a big part of our economy, there have been many warnings to turn in the seeds. They will eventually destroy all of them. Of course, some people think they are radioactive or coated with poison, toxins, or other nasties. It is 2020 so who knows!

    Jackie, I would be very steamed over the delays. I know we have to be patient about a lot of things but this is really a long delay. Of course my starter fertilizer is now on tap for shipment September 15th. Think that will happen? No word yet on the other items.

    Anne, well you all survived the day and it sounds as if you and Jillo did okay. Wish Mark was feeling better. Congrats to Mike on his first day back. That’s a start.

    Barbie, wonderful news. So glad Jake is doing well. And that you don’t have to travel to Seattle is a real plus.

    Bob, that Mall is huge and so deserted. I haven been near our regional mall for so long I cannot remember my last trip. More than a year at this point. But a great place to walk. I have looked at your family photos several times. I hope there are some good memories along with the sadness of losing people at such young ages.

    Sandy, I hope you are feeling better. Looking down all the time gives me a neck ache often. Wish I could find a way to avoid it!

    Patsy, hello! I hope all is well in your home. Is your foot doing okay?

    Must get back to trying to make greetings for people. Buying cards would be lots faster😃

    Be safe and happy❤️❤️

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    BOB, your architectural photos are magnificent!
    JACKIE, I doubt I could be so patient!
    LIN, I didn't receive seeds, either.
    ANNE, I think the masks should be everyone's responsibility!
    BARBIE, I'm so happy for JAKE's continued control! Wishing you both excellent years ahead!
    I'm continuing to get stronger and the walking is progressing slowly, but better. My day of decision is approaching
    about a permanent move, and I dread breaking up my apartment! oh oh, lunch!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited August 2020
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Still with the cooler weather until the weekend. I am feeling much better and took aleve for my neck and back, the disadvantage of old age. I went to sit yesterday and Lisa left for the store as soon as I arrived. My son came in a little later and asked if I was there for them to play volleyball which I said yes. He said the game is tomorrow (today) but Lisa evidently didn't know. I got home early so I am going back this afternoon.
    Rob gave me the full schedule to put on my phone calendar, so I am set!!

    Buzz, so happy to hear you are getting stronger everyday. So you are moving to the medical floor and giving up your apartment? Probably a good decision as long as you can keep in touch with us.

    Lin, I did not receive seeds either and hope I don't because it would probably be a hassle to get them to agriculture. You are such a special person to make all your own cards, that is not easy to do.

    Anne, found this article about the seeds.
    I really feel for Mark with his kidney stones. When my granddaughter had them she was told by her doctor that she could take a medicine that would hurry the passing but it was not covered by insurance and was $200. I was all ready to pay when she passed in during the night while we were in Florida.

    Jackie, I do not have patience in waiting for deliveries thus all my disputes with Paypal.
    It is about time you sat and relaxed.

    Barbie, glad to read Jake is doing well with his heart. Great that he was able to do it remotely.
    Strange times make medical treatment confusing at times.

    Babe told me his son got fired from his job and fell in the garage yesterday. He ended up with a crack in his shoulder, a broken arm and broken wrist. Supposedly, no alcohol in his system but his sugar levels were 3 times the amount of normal which is probably what made him so dizzy and probably means he is a diabetic.
    There is always something with drama in the house.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    This is my shirt award for the library summer reading challenge