Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hello! Sorry I missed posting yesterday. It was another busy time with me falling asleep in the evening when really I should have gone to bed! Today I’m up early to take the pooches for a walk before driving to the hospital in Plymouth, this time for my skin cancer follow up. At least it’s a pleasant sunny start and if it continues I might stop off on my way home at a shop that sells everything from clothes to bedding and other linen. Seems we are all busy bees!🐝

    Happy Tuesday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) Jake was diagnosed with an obscure blood cancer related to lymphoma in 2018. He had a series of chemo that included injections and day long infusions for several weeks in 2018. The doctors have monitored him via blood tests since and until now when treatment was needed again. He takes four pills and day and will be monitored for the indefinite period that the treatment will continue.

    :) Half my dental work is done. The two fillings were done two weeks ago but the extraction won't happen until next week. It will include valium before the procedure and something to put me asleep during. My Sunday walking friend will take me there and bring me home. She's the one I take every six weeks for macular degeneration treatment and wait in the parking lot, so she was happy to be able to return the favor.

    :) We have no plans for the 4th except to provide comfort for the dogs during the noisy fireworks. Fireworks are banned in our town and neighborhood, but we will be able to hear home fireworks in nearby rural areas.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Change of plans for accountant, I am going later so that when I drop off the tax papers to the attorney's office I can just go straight to the restaurant to meet my friends. I am very frustrated with Walmart because they texted me last night to say my order would be delayed by two hours so I waited until nearly 9pm before rescheduling for today between 10-11 and still haven't heard a word this morning. It is a good thing I changed my time with accountant because I would have never had made the time we agreed. I hate to cancel the whole order because with the holiday it will probably only get worse. If not here by 1:00 I will have to cancel and start all over again tomorrow. Ugh.

    Barbie, thank you for letting us know about Jake and his treatments. They seem to be working and I wish him continued good progress with his treatment. You sound like me when it comes to dental work although I haven't had an extraction for a long time I still have to have nitros and novacane when they work on my teeth.

    Jackie, with all you do daily I am not surprised you fall asleep in your chair. I am glad you have a nice day for driving and good luck at the doctor which reminds me my heart scan was good and I don't have to go back for another year.

    Lin, I need more good luck today with my delivery. The tax papers are income tax papers that the accountant got an extension for because his wife was ill. I have to sign and the attorney needs to know if a check is needed so he can close out Babe's estate. Next year my taxes should be easy and my daughter might be able to do them for me, we will see.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited July 2
    Hi, what a rainy day. The sump pump is chugging along and more rain is pouring down. We are under a severe thunderstorm warning too.

    Just wanted to stop and say hello. I tried Whole Foods delivery and once again I got the wrong sweet potatoes. That is something I apparently cannot order, I must go to the store myself.

    Ugh, a tornado watch was just issued for this area until 9pm. I need to do some organizing and hope the power and Internet stay on so I can participate in a late afternoon dance class.

    Sandy, good luck on getting everything organized on your schedule.

    Barbie, thanks for the updates. Will be thinking of you as you go for the tooth extraction. ❤️ Again, best wishes to Jake. May the treatment be effective.

    Jackie, did you have the opportunity to shop at that interesting store? It sounds like a good place to stop.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,768 Member
    edited July 2
    It’s almost time for my bed and I’m ready after a busy day. We walked on the moors for nearly an hour so that I would know George and Betty would snooze while I was out. A pleasant surprise later at the hospital was finding a parking space right outside the hospital building I attended so no driving in circles when I got there. My examination went well with just one small area in the middle of my back to keep an eye on, except of course it’s not possible for me to literally see it, even in a mirror! If it becomes itchy I must use plenty of moisturiser so I won’t be tempted to scratch!
    Back in my car I loaded up Waze with the name of the area the store is in I wanted to visit and set off. Three times it sent me the wrong way then back to my start point until finally reaching my destination! The store has been redesigned so to begin with I struggled to find the kind of clothes I wanted but then jackpot, I picked up two pairs of skinny jeans, a couple of cotton t-shirts and a lovely pink bath towel. Best of all was loose top in a blue and white Aztec type design that will be ideal if we get more hot weather. After a light lunch back at home, I spent a couple of hours tidying the lawn because we might get a small shower in the morning. I swear the lawnmower gets heavier each time I use it!

    Tomorrow morning I have the appointment at the optician to fix my new reading glasses before my hair appointment and I’ll probably buy groceries on my way home.

    Another tornado watch Lin. Stay safe. I heard today on the radio that hurricane season is starting earlier and with more force due to warming oceans, which isn’t good news for the smaller islands in the path of wild weather. Cute teapot!

    That’s good news about your heart scan Sandy but not so good with Walmart not delivering. I hope they turned up in the end. Thursday is our election day and I will be so relieved to not have to keep avoiding news reports on the radio on who says what and the latest empty promise!

    Barbie has reminded me I must phone my dentist for an appointment since the month has gone by since I tried but was asked to try again in a month. Where did that time go?

    Midnight so I’m off to bed. 😴

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) My meeting with my sponsee is cancelled as she home tested positive for Covid. I still have to run to post office and stop at Cheryl's for an outside chair for the concert we will be going to tomorrow night. Two other girls go early in the morning to save places with chairs. Hopefully it doesn't rain. Our early dinner was good and did a little slot machines which I only lost a little.
    Reordered my Walmart groceries and hope they arrive on time today. I am still waiting for my refund because I talked to one man who told me if I wanted to pick up the order I could go to store. I did and they told me the order was not there and might have been delivered at the wrong place and to call the 800 number for Walmart. I did that and he said the order would be cancelled but the website says they can't guarantee a refund if order has been prepared and will send a confirmation if refunded. I have not received the email and if I don't get it I will wait until the charge is not pending and dispute it with my credit card company. I had the most frustrating day yesterday. If there is another problem with my order today that will be the last time I order from Walmart. I never had a problem before.

    I am running behind and would possibly like to get to the pool today if I can get myself moving faster.
    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited July 3
    Hey Jeri……wow, didn’t know the image was so small. I am sending BIG birthday wishes!!


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,768 Member
    A cloudy, drizzly day but it didn’t matter too much because I was busy with appointments. First I took George and Betty round the block then drove to the next town called Bodmin and visited the opticians with my broken reading glasses and second pair that were too loose. They were repaired free of charge while I waited and do feel a lot more comfortable.
    My hairdresser was only a five minute walk away and as I passed an outdoor clothing shop I noticed through the open door a rain jacket hanging on a rack that was reduced for one day only from £100 down to £30. It’s breathable, waterproof and rather smart for dog walking but I decided why not? My hair is now smarter too after I told my hairdresser how wild it had been in the muggy weather. She tidied it but kept some weight to control it, hopefully!
    On the way home I stopped at an Aldi store for groceries so am stocked up and won’t have to venture out in what’s forecast to be unsettled weather for the next 5 days. My polling station to vote tomorrow is in the village hall half a mile away so I will stop on my way to the moors with George and Betty. I will decide who to vote for when I get there and gather millions of voters are just as undecided as me.

    Sandy, how annoying for you not to have received your groceries, especially if they can’t guarantee a refund. I would feel the same in saying I won’t use them again but these huge corporations don't care do they. 😠

    The pooches are snoozing while I watch Wimbledon tennis and ponder what to eat this evening. Probably salad as it is already gone 7pm.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERI. Enjoy your day whatever you get up to. 🥳

    Jackie 🥰