Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well! A very happy 4th of July! So far this morning no fireworks or firecrackers. Katie has made her 1st peepee run of the day. She has had another huge slurpy drink of water and now will await activities to begin before the anticipated ball game in backyard. That is her regular exercise. She also would not mind two games of ball if the weather cooperates.

    NO big family picnic as would normally happen. We are not a huge family but like to get together for various events. Today I will call our kids, I have some great old music cued up on the CD player. I will fix John a 4th of July dinner of veggie sausage In a bun and oven baked fries. Later in the evening we will have a small banana split, made as interesting, small portion and yet a holiday dessert. It requires a tiny American flag stuck into the ice cream.

    I will try to remember the great BBQs we have had in the past. Along with volley ball or a frisbee toss and tons of fireworks. Most of those dear hearts and gentle people have passed but are not forgotten.

    John suggests we call a few friends just to make sure all is well with them. This is a small town and yet each day there are one or two more cases. We thought it might be cheerful to watch that old movie Yankee Doodle Dandy. James Cagney is a favorite of John’s.

    This is a special day and it is an interesting mixture of patriotism, remembrance, family time, food and celebration. And watermelon! 🍨🌭🍉
    BANG! POP! Pow! Happy 4th of July,🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    edited July 2020
    Happy Saturday! :) Sheets are in the dryer and Bryanna went to the store for me last night for my share of the cookout at Rob and Lisa's this afternoon. It is another hot day so not sure if we will be in the house or outside. I prefer outside where social distancing is easier. There will only be her parents there and Rob's dad (my first husband). He really should be staying home since he is diabetic but hopefully he will be wearing a mask. I will bring mine just to be safe.
    I did watch Hamilton and it was excellent and I understood more than when I saw it in person. Of course I do use closed captioning when I watch TV, just a habit I got into so I don't miss any dialogue. lol

    Bob, what touching stories you shared and I love the picture of the "cross" and fireworks. Also love the hats you wear. B) The wait times now are usually in one day and in some cases the same day if you don't mind a later pick up. I suppose I could go in a store but they say if your not ready just wait until you are. I might be a little paranoid but I can't help myself. :s

    Lin, I did hear some fireworks last night but they sounded further away. I know we have a minor league baseball field that is having fireworks for three nights. They were sold out immediately once people found out you can stay in your cars in their parking lot to watch them. We have the same weather and I believe Babe's granddaughter is in Iowa for a softball tournament so they must be really hot!! Love your graphic.

    Jackie, my resolve to fast everyday goes out the window. :D As I said in the pound a week post this morning my weight was lower. It is a constant yo yo. I saw Michael Flatley in Vegas a hundred years ago and once you have seen one dance all the others seem the same to me.

    Anne, I am curious how you sent MJ a text without a cell phone. It sounds like you and Patsy both had a Murphy's law kind of day. I hope today is better and cooler for you.

    Have a great day no matter what you do. We are in this together.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Sandy, I text from my that only for iPhone users? I know I cannot text one of my friends with an Android from my iPad.

    Back to work. 😂🤣😂

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, I guess it's really a "message" with the message icon on the iPad. Not a text. I send Michael and Mark one each morning when I wake up so they know me and the Bean are okay. That's why, when I lost the internet they started to wonder where I was by noon. Sorry to be misleading. Love your 4th July greeting but the eagle looks a little cross.

    BOB your cross and firework story reminded me of my mil's friend, Scottie. We had a get together and took a group photo of us all with little Scottie centre stage. When developed we were all as clear as clear, but the spot were Scottie stood was just an outlined white blur. She had died just after it was taken. Eerie.

    It's hot outside but must water my potato plants.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    I forgot you can message with an IPad but only for Apple products.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :) very American lunch today--grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We have just been advised on TV local news to keep our dogs at home tomorrow. Pavements will be too hot for paws.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :) I was awake from 10 PM to 1 AM with Bessie while the fireworks boomed outside. She stayed on the floor by my side of the bed and I was able to put her blanket on her and give her another small blanket and Jake's shirt for comfort. I played music and podcasts on my phone and she was able to go back to sleep. I stayed awake. When the fireworks finally wound down about 12:30, I waited awhile before taking the dogs out for their middle of the night potty break. When we came in both dogs enjoyed their treats and got in the dog bed together to go back to sleep. That's when I went back to sleep.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Barbie, what a long night. You are a great doggie mom. It was a crazy loud night for many people and animals. Multiple posts of lost dogs, others posted found dogs. So many run when there are explosions.
    I pray it is over.

    Anne, thankfully they put out a warning for owners who might not think of that. We have a warning this morning to make your walk very short. We have some of the worst air quality in the country right now according to the newscasters due to fireworks residue hanging in the air. It is oppressive out there with the smell lingering along with the haze.

    Bob, thank you for your sharing. And highlighted with outstanding photos. You have a gift for telling life stories. ❤️❤️

    Patsy, keeping in touch with people can be difficult in the best of times. I heard from a lady I used to work with. I send her e-cards and usually get a thank you but she took time to write a longer email to me I responded with one yesterday and once again she wrote another long email. We are quite caught up now and it was very nice to have that happen. It has been perhaps a couple of decades si de we worked together and have only seen each other sporadically since.

    Jackie, are you receiving loads of people in your area now that more restrictions are being lifted? Did the bees move in to stay? How are the chicks? Must get back to the cards. Making decisions aren’t coming easily. 😂🤣😂

    Best wishes.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Small Wedgwood teapots


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dearest sneakers. It is a cloudy morning and quite chilly out. I am totally thankful for that. Several neighbors went together to buy fireworks and had a “backyard fireworks “ party. Many loud bangs and big aerial display fireworks. Music, drinking and picnic grills. It might have been fun to attend but even with a mask on, lots of risky behavior plus the loud fireworks scared Katie from afar. Glad everyone had a good time. Now, fingers crossed, none get sick. Katie had a tough night. Lots of barking and pacing. She likes to be cuddled when frightened...not easy for a 50+ pound dog to climb up into your lap. I needed at bigger lap. She is a big sweetie and still our big baby.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    edited July 2020
    Happy Sunday! :) Church service watched and now catching up on computer. We had a great time yesterday with our small family group. We all feel safe with one another because we mostly just stay home and isolate. It was very hot but my son still grilled us steaks, burgers, corn on the cob and baked potatoes. Sue, Lisa's mom made a fruit salad and this other jello side dish which was amazing and me, I brought salad, cupcakes and wine. Sue also brought wine so we shared her bottle and I brought mine back home. Lisa bought a big box of stuff for the kiddos to celebrate, mostly smoke bombs which were pretty but awfully smelly. There were some fireworks going on in the sky so we walked to the corner and watched a few before heading home. I have to say it was a great Fourth.
    Today is a rest day except for a zoom call this afternoon and riding the bike. I will also go sit with Joe later this afternoon.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy 5th of July to all! Hope everyone had a great (albeit “unique”) Fourth of July. Not much to report since all the running around yesterday morning, as previously noted. Got my early morning walk completed by 6:30am. Prepped food for a cook-out lunch and went to the mall at 11am to return a pair of jeans I bought yesterday. They had been on sale and there was only 1 pair in my size. I am a “quality at bargain price kind of guy and decided it wasn’t that great a deal.

    Late yesterday, Jean asked if I wanted to take a second long walk & I said “sure.” We locked up everything and she grabbed her keys. My phone was in the charger and Jean doesn’t normally bring hers. As we neared home, she realized the house key had separated from the car key chain – we were locked out! I’ll make it short – we walked to a relative’s house and called Blue Link – closed for holiday. Ended up back home and I climbed through bushes and after a long period of time pried open a screen and was able to force 1 window open. If only I could describe getting Jean thru the window LOL.

    Every year, we supply each grandchild with an “Old Navy” 4th of July tee…it has been a tradition since the 1st child. Love getting that group photo each year.

    Lin – I see those tea pots and immediately think of Robin Williams as Aladdin…guess I am a kid at heart. Here is a pic of today’s lunch :) :


    Sandy – Glad U liked fireworks photo and my headgear LOL... I think Instacart has been improving here as well. I don’t think you are being paranoid at all re: stores. I pretty much gauge everything myself to avoid crowds (Groceries at 6-7am; mall at that 11am-12pm hour many reserve for those over 65 etc.).

    My daughter and family have been very “contained” since this all hit – hence drive-by birthday / graduation celebrations etc. I always think people should do what is in their comfort zone. Someday this will be over. If I lived in NYC, my comfort level would be VERY restrictive… the suburb we live in isn’t bad and neighborhood distancing is pretty easy.

    Anne – Loved the Scottie story – amazing when those things unexpectedly happen. As for Fireworks – we could hear them late into the night. I should say Jean and others did – I can drown that stuff out. I do worry about dogs…they can be so frightened. Years ago, a neighbor had his Labrador run off frightened – and was never seen again. Sad.

    That’s about it… Looking forward to YELLOWSTONE on TV…. That and TCM old movies are favorites.

    Have a great night . Bob
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Nearly midnight so I should be in bed but sat up watching the movie Dead Man Walking with Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn. A thought provoking subject, the death penalty! My day was a gentle one with a bit of all sorts thrown in including of course gardening. I also had a great long chat on the phone with my old school friend then, as my evening meal cooked, called Buzz to catch up on her news. Politics came into the conversation of course but I also asked about her current health. The pain relief certainly does help so she is doing her exercises In a bid to strengthen her leg muscles and is planning to walk again. An appointment to see a doctor at the hospital has been offered but because the situation in Florida is so bad with regard to the virus she feels the risks outweigh anything that might be done to improve her mobility. Of course she sends her love to everyone. ❤️❤️❤️

    Yes Lin, tens of thousands of people heading in my direction over the weekend so any thought of relaxing out of lockdown is out of the question for me. We have one small hospital with just 15 ICU beds in Cornwall and also an ageing population so I hate to think what’s going to happen over the next few weeks. The vast majority of the country feels this is happening too soon since the virus hasn’t gone away but it seems the economy is more important!

    Another great photo Sandy. Just take care out there! ❤️

    Poor Katie Patsy but hopefully celebrations are over along with the fireworks.

    Now gone midnight so I must get to bed.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    My day yesterday was a day mostly spent inside because of the heat. It's here fòr another long week and it hasn't been this hot since 1957. Well I did manage to water the clay once called soil. A day of washing and there's not much to report on washing.
    Aladdin ah yes I vaguely remember being Aladdin in the British pantomime hilarious romp when I was young. All of 41 yeas.00mk65xscgzc.jpg

    Seems a long time ago! Wish I'd appreciated my legs more.
    Letters halting when typing so must away. Must be the heat!
    A very sticky
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    A real blast from the past there my friend. And you were singing? Wow....

    Meanwhile, here’s today’s mystery teapot.


    Waving 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2020
    Yes, "singing" I was. To the tune of "A wandering minstreI I" from Gilbert and Sullivan - Aladdin is my name, a lad of lowly station, of humble occupation" sung to the poor folks who paid to watch this spectacle! Wouldn't dare today!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Oh Anne, lovely indeed 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 brave of you. ❤️❤️

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another weather oddity here. Chilly and cloudy with showers on the way. The showers are part of living on the coast but not normally this chilly in July. Oh well, the world is still spinning and the sun is still shinning. God is in his heaven, etc etc etc.

    I had a wonderful little treat yesterday. There are a number of little home-based e-commerce companies that have been springing up. A friend who is delightfully creative and handy has made a career of her Fabre art. She designs fabric designs for material manufactures and she makes and designs toys and soft sculptures. All from her attic studio! She sent me one of her original little toy birthday-animal cards. So delightful. I love to see people use their talents to follow their bless. her toys are displayed at the Seattle art museum and in several galleries in Seattle and Portland area. She has an amazing sense of whimsy.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oooooops! Me again.
    Anne! You are a stunningly beautiful woman. Those gorgeous legs and glorious hair, who could resist your Aladdin. I hope you know, you are still that magical person you always were. Stay in your bottle (home) this week. Stay safe and keep your little buddy cool and off the scorching pavement.

    Lin: your tea pots always make me laugh out loud. I love them all. Especially the ones that are more a collectors item than for practical daily use.