Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hello. A very rainy morning and now a cooler and sunny afternoon. But apparently rain is lurking and will be back. I went to Trader Joe's this morning and then to several Walgreens stores looking for a special-- neither store had what I wanted. I played Mah Jongg (yippee--one winning hand this week) and then tried another Walgreens store. I finally found a bit of what I wanted to purchase and wanted to use my rewards points. I have loads of points but could only use a small portion of them. I am not so thrilled with the system now. Last time I redeemed some it was an online purchase and I was able to use all of them. Well, now I know. Stopped at Aldi's on the way home. A friend had indicated they had all organic produce now. Nope, not true. Had lunch and working on a birthday card now.

    Marie, sorry about Kathy's continued health problems. I hope she heals up quickly. Good to hear from you.

    Anne, I would agree, spend the money on what pleases you. I get a very cheap haircut, in fact lots of cheap things and spend my money on art supplies and my special foods. Makes me happy!!

    Buzz, I hope you are on the mend.

    Sandy, wahoo, a trip coming up soon. You will have so much fun!! Glad the garage door opener is fixed and that your landlady was right there to write the check. Whatever you and Babe do is totally your business, don't let anyone make you feel bad about your financial arrangements. Nobody's business!!

    Pasty, I love the photos of Katie. She has the look of a very happy dog. Soooo cute!

    Jackie, another busy day! I hope you get things all sorted out on your decorating project. I detest deliveries that do not arrive on time. Grrrrr. Well all my best to you and George. I am sure you'll miss your walking companions. Although you are so busy I do not see how you have time for walking sometimes.

    Best wishes to all and hugs of course.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Bubble bubble, glub, glub, breathe in and out, etc., etc.,etc.,! At least my dinner comes to me via "room service". All clogged and I think just rest may help. Found out how to send a Gift card to my son from Amazon. Thank goodness I thought to ask as it meant opening an Amazon Deutsch account. And downloading a translator! Head feels too heavy to sit here now, so hope everything works out for you all. Trips, doggies, gardens, even hair! And definitely Mah Jongg!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A frustrating morning waiting for my wardrobe to be delivered which is apparently on its way but where? I think I'll get my gardening clothes on and potter outside where the sun is shining and just keep my mobile phone close by because he's bound to need directions to find me! Buzz, I'm so sorry you're feeling so rough and hope there are helping hands to ensure you have everything you need. Get well soon. <3

    Hopefully get back to you all later.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oh BUZZ, who breathed their germs all over you? I gather you are suffering with a cold. I hate catching a cold. People just shrug the common cold off, but I think it's one of the worst ailments of womankind. Anyway, coddle yourself and get better soon.

    I think we may well be kindred spirits when it comes to hair LIN. After all, if we don't look in the mirror we can't see our hair can we! Whilst we CAN look at the bought pansies and their happy little faces, and everyone else's hair for nothing! I get the impression that the hand that feeds her, Jill in other words, doesn't care, probably sees me as just another shaggy ungroomed dog.

    We appear to be in for a rainy day. I'd rather have a rainy day than a blizzard with snow to shovel. Rainy days are good. The thirsty poppies get to drink on hot summer days, the creeks fill with cool, clear water and happy fish, frogs, ducks etc. The mud and grime from winter disappears down the drains and even the odd hobo/street person benefits from a face wash and I benefit as well because I can hide my mop under one of those hideous plastic rain hats beloved of old ladies like me.

    So, if you are lucky enough to wear your wellies today, enjoy a splash in the puddles, I know GEORGE will,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Weather permitting I am going to bingo tonight to try to win some vacation money. It is dreary but warm but not sure how heavy the rain will be later. Lindasain sent me a message to let me know she is back but doesn't know how much time she has to post on our group. She did want me to say hello to everyone.

    Anne, I don't mind rain if I have no plans, humidity and my hair do not like each other. :s

    Jackie, I do hope the delivery gets there soon, nothing is more frustrating than waiting for something or someone when you have so many other things to do.

    Buzz, I think Amazon is amazing, they have Prime which I love so two day shipping and no shipping charges. Interesting to know that they have gift cards for out of the country. Stay in bed and get some rest, your body is telling you something.

    Lin, I am a Walgreens reward holder as well but I don't shop there enough to accumulate enough points. My daughter had on her blog this morning the card she made for me for my birthday. It reminded me of you and thought I would share.

    (Kristy wrote) It is made with Washi Tape. If you’ve never heard of Washi tape, it’s fun, colorful, patterned crafting tape that has been all the rage for several years.

    I just wondered if you used this as well Lin.

    Have a great day, stay dry!!
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Pretty card from your DD, SANDY.One more stuffy day for me, so that's less days ahead provided this is typical and lasts 1 week or 7 days ;) !Back tomorrow, in better spirits of course!
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello all,

    Nice day today. Our 42nd anniversary. We went out for supper and then to a artist's reception. Our daughter's father in law is a fabulous photograph and one of his pictures was accepted for the show.

    What a nice evening.


    Ed took this photo of me at supper. I think it turned out very nice.

    Back to a busy life again, taking MJ to kindergarten tomorrow.

    I must go downstairs now, unload the dishwasher and get a salad ready to take with me tomorrow.

    Have a great day.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Storm warnings and watches all evening long so I had everything shut down. Luckily nothing horrific arrived here. A tornado touchdown but nowhere close.

    Buzz, glad to see you and I hope the cold does not last longer than usual.

    Jeri, you are lovely and the photo is <3 great. Enjoy your busy life. Congrats on your 42nd anniversary.

    Sandy, totally lovely card. Cute, cute, cute. Yes, I have washi tape. There are so many colorful options. I have used it on cards. It is fun! You have a creative daughter. Hope you had a profitable day at bingo. :)

    Anne, agreed. Rain is much better than a blizzard, especially with May around the corner now. I have decided if I get to the point of being totally socially unacceptable, oh well. I cannot believe hair is that important but I do not have a plastic rain bonnet. My mom had an army of the things and always sent one with me as a child and yet I hardly ever used them.

    Jackie, dare I ask if the delivery showed up??? Frustrating to wait for people. Growl. I do that much too often.

    Time to get moving along.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Finally, if anyone is interested, I appear to have found a decent shampoo at the organic store that seems to be controlling my mop. It's
    Tea Tree Shampoo made by Thursday Plantation, Australia's original. Wow, what a difference! Not quite Jane Fonda, but I'm not complaining. Guess who's stocking up tomorrow in case it disappears!

    DID the wardrobe arrive JACKIE and in one piece? Sincerely hope the delivery van didn't encounter the evil farm vehicle driver in the narrow Cornish lane.

    Lovely photo JERI, a real keeper for the family album, and BUZZ hope the cold is departing.

    LIN, stay safe from tornados and other storms,

    And I must take Jill for a walkies whilst the washing churns away.
    Happy Thursday and stay safe, all,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Brrrrrrr. It's freezing out there! Parka weather still.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Afternoon already and best laid plans as ever out the window!! Yes thanks, the wardrobe was delivered an hour of so later than anticipated but by a charming lad who had kept me informed via text messages as he worked his way in my direction. A phone call from him saying he thought he must be lost turned out to be from about 30 meters away and outside my garage where the wardrobe is to be stored until the decorating is finished. After that and while waiting for my pedicurist to arrive I had a call from the housebound neighbour sounding distressed but a few questions confirmed she was just feeling lonely so this morning after our walk George and I popped in for a visit expecting to stay about 30 minutes but because her carers were late arriving to make her lunch I stayed over an hour. Back into town I drove for cat food and corn for my hens where I found a black cat with white paws outside the store doing its best to get in the door but NO, I didn't bring it home as its owner was inside buying food for it and told me it follows him along the road.... yikes, I wouldn't trust our local drivers anywhere near a cat!! I've just enjoyed a cous cous and mackerel lunch and will now wash down woodwork in the bedroom ready for painting about 4 hours later than planned!

    Anne ~ My pedicurist recommends tea tree for everything and I have a face wash as well as small bottle of tea tree oil to fight infections. Coming from an organic shop I can imagine all the nasty chemicals normally in shampoos that strip our hair won't be in yours so good choice! The driver of the van was enamoured when it came to this area with its scenery and quaint pubs as he lives the other side of Plymouth city so has made plans in his mind to bring wife and young daughter back to investigate further in the summer!

    Buzz ~ I do hope those bugs have at least begun to fly away today. <3

    Lin ~ Tornadoes are something I would dread because they are so out of control so luckily we only get mini ones very occasionally in the UK. Glad you're safe. <3

    Jeri ~ Happy anniversary and looking gorgeous as ever!

    Sandy ~ How was bingo and those big wins? :p Nearly time for you to fly to Florida so you must be excited. Don't hold your breath for photos of my newly decorated bedroom because at the rate I'm going it will be weeks.... haven't even ordered new carpet yet!!

    That's it, I must get on otherwise it will be another day lost!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Forgot to post the bluebells in the woods. Another week and there will be hundreds more!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Jeri and Ed:


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    A very happy anniversary Jeri! At 42 years two very nearly just newly weds!
    Best wishes!

    We have sun...sort of! Things are leafing out and pollen is starting coat everything. I know I am still alive because I have my hay fever/allergies in full bloom. That is interesting. I go about with red runny eyes and nose. Very attractive. But it is only temporary. We need the pollen to have all the rest of the good stuff.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Went to the doctor today and thhe nurse got aa big chunk of wax out. Guess what I can hear better.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Buzz- I have heard “Hidden Figures” is a 'must watch'! It is on my 'hit list”!
    Sorry you are 'under the weather' and hope you feel better soon.
    Lin – Sorry to hear of your friend's husband's diagnosis. Your friend's response is not unusual, it is a common 1st stage – denial. :-( Will add him to our prayers.
    I hear you , between house and car there is always something needing to be done -$$$ -!!! I to wish the US would ban certain pesticides commonly used. I live in residential area and Do Not spray my lawn much to many of my neighbors dismay!
    Sandy – Prioritizing necessary needs can be trying. Glad you are able to make travel and visiting family at the top of your list! Do so while you have your health and are able to do so. :-) You never know what tomorrow will bring.
    Babe loves you and wants to take care of you/your needs, that is what one does for a loved one! I am glad you have him.
    It is nice you have a responsive landlady. Nice B- day card!
    Your trip is coming right up, safe travels and ….Enjoy!
    Anne - So glad to hear your Easter turned out 'smashing'! It is nice to have a safe backyard where Jilly can roam free.
    I too save $$ where I can and average 1 haircut, maybe 2 per year. Wish I had ability to cut my own. My mom taught me to 'stock up' on good buys but my son calls it hoarding if you have more than 1 spare of anything, especially consumables. I call it penny wise vs pound foolish! Have to save/pinch those pennies where I can.
    Patsy – Our animals are part of our families,so glad they were included in your Easter celebration.
    Jackie – Send a little of your energy my way....Please! LOL! Awaiting pics of finished room.
    Love the bluebells!
    Marie – Sending prayers for Kathy and what she is dealing with.
    Jeri – Happy Anniversary, glad you enjoyed your evening together. Very nice pic! :-)

    My crocus and mini hyacinth are peeking through the mulch of leaves and blooming. There is hope warmer days are ahead. I have starts sprouting in my Bay window and anxious to get them outside to harden off and ready to plant. My nephew who agreed to do work for me ended up working for his father at their car dealership during his school vacation :-( I get a bit depressed when I look out back and see the overgrown mess and repairs that I no longer can do and do not have the finances to cover a professional to do. :-( Oh well! As mom would say ….”such is life without a wife and home without a cook-stove...” A couple workmen came and gave me estimates for different jobs. Priorities state must take care of water in basement issues so need to fix: the crack in the foundation, broken gutters, new sump pump, ...then maybe fence company to repair fence and add a gate. Hope nephew comes soon to power wash fence/deck then stain them too save $$ and quiet my neighbors complaining about my 'unkempt ' property! They have told me I need to sell as I obviously can no longer keep up with things appropriately. I feel like telling them...”be my guest to help and do things if it bothers you so. I keep the gardens and lawn cared for outside the fence where it is visible to 'the world'.
    Our temps. Have gone back to 30's & 40's! Wet raining and gloomy. I did get outside and enjoyed some of the warmer weather when it was here.
    Had a few medical procedures and now need a biopsy done. They wanted to schedule it for the next day but since I am on Coumadin I have to do 7-10 day “bridge” with Lovenox injections before any invasive procedure. So I will have it this coming Tuesday.
    Well too long winded again! Everyone have a good day/night.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Poor George had a very short walk this morning and then made me feel bad as I went off for my weekly swim with his sad brown eyes looking at me accusingly as I went out the door! This afternoon I'm meeting my neighbour at the allotment for a couple of hours work there and am already having a guilt trip about leaving him again! My head is full of plans for the jobs needed in my bedroom and I imagine doing at least 5 a day but where does the time go before I'm contemplating a cup of tea and sit down? It's surely nothing to do with slowing down as I get older!! Our weather forecast is for cold weather next week and although after a dry fortnight I don't mind a bit of rain, they talk of snow starting in Scotland and working its way down through England so that will concentrate the mind on working on the decorating rather than drifting round my garden looking for weeds!

    Anne ~ Yes, lots of bluebells that will go into shock if it gets really cold next week although now the woodland trees are sprouting fresh lime green leaves they will have some protection.

    Mae ~ My beetroot seeds and a few peas are showing their heads in trays plus a couple of patty pans but beans and courgettes don't want to greet our cold nights at the moment even though they're under cover! It's never easy is it, keeping a property maintained as well as outdoor areas clipped and tidy although at least for me, creating a cottage garden leaves room for plenty of roaming plants as well as buttercups, daisies and dandelions in the lawn but my neighbours wouldn't dare say anything anyway, especially the toxic bonfire couple with their screaming children because I'm the mad old woman at the end of the lane with cats!!! A shame your complaining neighbours don't have a sense of community if they think you're struggling and offer a helping hand but do hope their comments aren't putting added pressure on you. You're posts are never long winded but always interesting and I do hope the biopsy shows all is fine but know it's a worrying time whatever.

    Marie ~ Great to read you've been unplugged and hope everything else is going well for you.

    Patsy ~ Of course you know my bees will be grateful for the pollen that gets up our noses and yesterday in some warm sunshine were dashing about being busy as...... well, bees!! Any sort of sun is better than none so soak it up if you can.

    Here I am again, a morning gone and now contemplating a jacket potato lunch before I get started with a paintbrush as the plan is to at least get some woodwork covered and dry for wallpapering tomorrow. Walking George and getting to the leisure centre early for a swim didn't allow me time to hop on my scales so will weigh in tomorrow.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    MAE, I find it appalling that you have neighbours who tell you to sell if things slide a little! Or even a lot! They should meet my neighbour who is a strong, healthy male who much prefers a beer outside on a warm day rather than painting his peeling window frames! Don't FEEL like telling them, TELL them any neighbourly help would be much appreciated. We street dwellers all accept H as he is, a sort of amiable giant, and I have a high fence between us on much of the divide so it's out of sight out of mind!

    Meanwhile, I'm tempted to have a wild flower garden to encourage the butterflies and bees. With weed killers and pesticides banned it would flourish! The dandelions are beginning to appear all over our town grass verges so it's rather a losing battle digging them up on our own plots anyway.

    We had an awful lot of rain overnight with thunder and lightning. All day yesterday in fact, non stop.

    I'm still delighted with the made in Australia Shampoo I found! I've got curly hair again which of course helps the self cut. It all blends in now!

    I'm not sure what today will bring in the grocery shop dept. Mike has an appointment so I could well be trundling off with the old trolley leaving Jilly on her own-some. She loves to travel in the car normally.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    PS. JACKIE beat me to it in the posting department but she's suddenly popped up and I'm so glad you agree with me JACKIE on MAE's complaining neighbours! It looks as if George is a fellow sufferer with our Jill today! She's such a good little friendly girl I would take her everywhere if I could! And I'm sure you would as well with George! "Happy painting"! The pair of you, George supervising of course.
    Just realized I'm a little unfair on my neighbour. He does enjoy sawing logs, lol.