Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2017
    Oh dear, what a read, with our always so careful Buzz taken in by a scam, Lin's less than sensible friend, if I'm allowed to say, who is likely to be hit with some horrendous bills and all legally, then let's not forget the delinquent Jilly refusing her medicine!!

    Buzz ~ Please don't think yourself stupid in any way because it's all about these nasty people praying on decent people who trust that those purporting to offer help are also decent individuals. It's another world to the one we enjoyed before the internet so unfortunately we all have to remain cynical about every message, however genuine it seems. I've come extremely close to getting stung as have friends and a couple have had similar problems to you with crooks finding their way into computers then offering to sort it out at a price!

    Lin ~ Sometimes as much as we can see that a friend is heading for a big fall there's no amount of advice that's going to get them to take avoiding action so you've done your best sweetheart and I know you'll be there for her when the inevitable happens without a hint of "I told you so".

    Anne ~ Jilly is a mischief isn't she and although it's funny it's frustrating too I know because I've gone through it with cats and George, in fact cats have an ability to clamp their mouths shut so tight I often can't get close to prising open! If blowing into her nose doesn't work then squeezing gently for a few seconds so she has to open her mouth to breath usually brings on a swallow. Ah yes, those phone calls. Ours are all about a government grant available to renew my boiler that apparently the government knows nothing about! When I explain I don't have a boiler they try to pry into my finances and if I receive benefits to which they get an extremely curt "as if I'm going to discuss such matters with you, now go away" although not always quite as polite a request to go!!

    Sandy ~ Oh dear, poor April although perhaps she's been waiting for her named month to arrive before delivering! I'll have to google her.

    Today I drove to Plymouth to look at a new sofa suite in a sale and came away a lot lighter in my purse but happy with what I've ordered. Buzz, I took your advice from some time ago and went to try out the recliners rather than buying straight off line and found the most comfortable 2 seater sofa and chair in deep red leather that will be handmade and delivered early June.
    A cool and cloudy day so I'm not inclined to do much in the garden and may just muck out the hens and leave it at that as it's already gone 3.30pm.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Whoa Sandy, I thought for a few minutes I must be watching a still frame of April but then her tail swished!! Nothing else that I can see although her neighbouring giraffe seems more animated and pacing..... is that Dad?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) I am going to try to go to my cousin's wake this afternoon, weather permitting. I am doing my laundry as Monday chores as this poem from my childhood reminds me.
    Wash on Monday
    Iron on Tuesday
    Mend on Wednesday
    Market on Thursday
    Clean on Friday
    Bake on Saturday
    Rest on Sunday
    Of course I don't do any of the rest of that stuff although my mother seemed to have follow a lot of it. lol
    The dinner and play was really good, I love musicals. I ate healthy and rode my bike in the afternoon so my weight is going down once again.

    Jackie, yes Oliver is the father of April's calf. She is a cougar being 15 and he is only 5. They say the bulls only have three things on their mind, food, sleep and producing so he could care less about his baby. lol They say when April stares off into space like that and doesn't move she is having a contraction, so hopefully she delivers soon. And to my surprise when I got home last night and went to my DVR I was more than surprised and happy to see Call of the Midwives recorded. You didn't give us any warning the new season started. Love that show!!!

    Buzz, I am really sorry about the scam but hopefully you caught it in the nick of time. Never click on any warning from your computer and never let anyone you don't know access your computer. My son is a computer troubleshooter so I only use him to work on my computer I trust no one else. Don't feel bad, it happens to a lot of us. I just had a charge from Best Buy on my charge statement that wasn't mine but thank goodness I do my banking online and called about it immediately. All is good and my card has not been compromised.

    I hope the rain holds off until after the wake, I would really like to pay my respects.

    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Holy cow! Got a new iPad Air for our anniversary. This is wonderful. We live in a digital world now and there is no going back. I am a total nerd when it comes to technology but I love it just the same. Sunshine today! Thought I would never see it again.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning sneakers
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited April 2017
    Oh well, I must admit I was sloppy about the "Dell" phone call, because they identified my computer #, and I do use their Premiere support service, which calls every couple of weeks. I didn't request my own case number, and sure enough, he was a scammer, helped me download my new keyboard, and then said something was blocking the installation of bluetooth....nd oh yes, see all that warning? You have been hacked and I must get you in touch with a microsoft Level 5 technician since we Dell techs only deal with your computer,...not your internet!!!!! He continued, the diagnosis will be free, but the contract depends on what you choose to do!!!!! Would you have fallen for that? Well, it's what I fell for! ...Now to add to the fun and games, this morning as I finally got a bank agent, and was in the midst of changing my account numbers, I realized I was talking into a dead phone! Comcast was "having area problems and your service will be back around 12:30" :s ...I just got a call back from my bank where I will close my checking account and transfer to another (45 minutes, she said it will take) and then I must inform all my automatic companies to change ---She just came back and said it is not necessary to close the account since I stopped payment and put a new password on all transactions :) , so I think I'll have a bowl of soup and grab some sleep. since I went to bed at 5:45 this morning! I might just throw out all telephones!
    PATSY, enjoy that iPad, and a...
    <3 Buzz
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Buzz – Sounds like spring cleaning was a breeze. It was 49* F here one day last week and I was opening windows and enjoying the light breeze. :p Living up north I never felt I needed an air conditioner, but these past 2 summers I have not tolerated the 'heat' well. I am looking at either a room conditioner or a ceiling fan to help this coming summer.
    You have had quite a time with your computer. Oh, dear friend, sorry it was a scam; hopefully you caught it quick enough.

    Sandy –
    Sorry to hear about the steps, but glad you like your life as it is now. A Florida trip sounds delightful. I have never been there, but have dreamed of going taking the grandson and enjoying Disney, Bush Gardens, Sea World etc. My sister is currently visiting her friend in FL. And says how nice it is there (“just chillin” not doing the tourist thing).
    Sorry to hear of your loss.
    Sandy, I also ran across Call of the Midwives on PBS and am glad to see it back on air.

    Anne – Hope this harness works for Jilly. I bet you could sell her old ones on line and recup some of what you have spent. Lucky Jilly, homemade PB biscuits. YUM! Anne, can you crush the pill and mix in Peanut butter?

    Jackie – Glad George is better. I had to look up “dried sprats” as never heard of them. I also thought the maint. Guys meant Buzz was a good looking 'hot' lady!

    Lin – Sounds like a fun time at the library. Wish it was not such a chore to pack up and take supplies to a crafting session. I do have a couple rolling craft suitcases and one for my sewing machine, but it tires me to just get them in and out of the car. Hopefully after a few months of PT I will have more stamina. I have most of those channels in my basic cable. Thanks for explaining Sling.

    Patsy –
    Nice anniversary gift! I am not tech savvy and have to depend on my son when he gets the whim or fancy to help. Sometimes I get so frustrated 'cause I feel I “harp” “nag” to get anything done. :/

    Well I did a lot more calling today to Medicare/Primary Provider/Hospital-Lab/Extra Help Care QMB to TRY and get all these bills straightened out. What a mess! :s They say it takes about 1 yr. To get billing straightened out and after that things should go smoothly, but oh this 1st yr. Is being a pain!
    The glass Co. came and replaced the front windshield. I had a crack clear across the windshield.
    The Fence guy came to give an estimate to fix/repair my backyard fence, not quite as bad as I had thought it would be ...Yeah! I have to have the foundation fixed/repaired 1st before will know if I have the funds for the fence and a few other home repair needs. Have to prioritize! It tires my brain ! Too much for my poor old brain between all medical bill issues and checking out what is needed and the costs for home maintenance issues.
    Walked around yard with fence guy then down 3 houses to neighbor's and visited then walked back. It was a lovely day outside and I really enjoyed getting out.
    A busy day tomorrow. I have my bone scan/head MRI/mammogram/labs tomorrow afternoon all scheduled in succession in the afternoon. It is my son's day off and he promised to help me exchange the area rug I bought for the living room. Once I got it home and in the room felt the tan was more golden and did not go with my décor.
    I also received my forms I need to take to the accountant to finish my taxes.
    Hope I can sleep well tonight so will be 'up' for the busy day. :)
    Good night everyone.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MAE dear, having almost crawled out from under all the bills associated with my dear Mike's final months, you have my deepest sympathies! Healthcare should not be so burdensome just when we mortals are so vulnerable! I hope everything turns out well tomorrow with all those scans. I'm fast concluding that I don't really want to bother much with doctors anymore. I will enter my 90s in June, and I will not want to undergo surgeries or use heavy medications at this stage of my life! I will adapt to bad knees, hips etc. by cutting back, using the pools for exercise as soon as I fit back into my bathing suits, I find that taking up all one's time going to doctors or looking up new ones because the old ones have gone into concierge practice and
    don't take Medicare patients any longer--- it's too depressing and life at this time should feel very positive and upbeat! Of course it's easy to say when all seems to be going fairly well ;)
    I shopped today using our bus and I sort of forgot I had to carry what I bought! At the counter, I had to leave behind the Tide, toilet paper and cereal due to weight! I'll have to learn to plan differently and maybe go more often! I'm still shopping like I used to at Costco!
    Blessed sleep, here I come!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm with you BUZZ regarding doctors, I haven't bothered with them for 8 years now. Having survived all my relatives and friends of the same age group - 81 at this point - without the quacks help, cutting back and exercise sorted out my wonky knee without their "recommended" surgery. Good luck on your journey into the 90s. A lady here on reaching her 100th when asked what her secret was replied "avoid doctors".

    Maybe Jilly knows a thing or to as well! We've tried everything MAE. Coated pills in peanut butter, butter, sugar, mashed spuds, etc, crushed them - no way. I managed to get antibiotic pills down her, but not these tick/flea prevention pills. They must taste pretty awful and it's back to the liquid squirt on the back and rump.

    Guess what but no prizes if you guess right! What's the weather like here?

    Now, clue, where's my brolly?

    Anne and Jilly Bean - who's back in her bed! Thinking it's bedtime no doubt because of the gloom.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good day. We may get peeks of sunshine today. I need to run errands today and will play Mah Jongg, book club this evening. Oh and Walgreens has Senior discount today. That always draws me in.

    I am in the avoid the doctor as much as possible club but I am in their clutches since I need a prescription renewed each year. That is coming up in May. Ugh!

    Best wishes today Mae.

    Buzz, I hope you get some rest/sleep.

    Anne, Queen Jilly rules! Ha, just kidding but they all have their own ways. Not necessarily our ways.

    Hugs all. Must get moving.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Finally a day that I don't have to do anything if I don't want to. I might go to the store, I am going to try to make a craft for my friends for Easter.
    I am not very crafty but this looks easy if I can find bunny ears cheap. lol

    I did go to my cousins wake in the rain and it was an awful drive there and back. With some fog and the rain it was hard to see but I am at least glad it was daylight. I did not know anyone there except his wife and I barely know her. She did say that my cousin would have been happy I was there so I am glad I went. I think I have decided I do not want a wake because the person never looks like them self and I want to be remembered for how I am today. Morbid subject but just thinking out loud.

    Anne, I think you made the right decision in opting for the liquid flea and tick medicine. Does Jilly like her heart worm pill? Most dogs think of those as treats. Just wonderful how the princess feels? lol

    Lin, our weather is the same but they say in the 70's over the weekend. This rain is so depressing, I feel like I live in Oregon. No offense Patsy. I love your state just not your rainy weather.

    Have a great day everyone!!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2017
    I feel a bit lost today because there's no evening yoga class but I did swim this morning and have just arrived home after an afternoon walk in the woods with George after driving into town to collect a parcel from the post office. It's a beautiful evening with blue skies although a not so gentle breeze. When I stopped off at a local shop for firelighters in case I need to light a fire there was the last of their daily batch of Danish pastries on the counter looking at me so having enjoyed it with a cup of tea I now have just 3 days to shake off those extra calories before weighing on Friday! When I read about the hassle that goes with health care for so many of you and as much as some complain about our National Health Service I think we in Britain are so lucky to be looked after the way we are with no questions asked other than "are you a resident of the UK?" and even then no one is turned away. I have always done my best to avoid a doctor's surgery and even on the rare occasion I find myself in their waiting room I'm thinking "what am I doing here, this isn't for me!" My heart goes out to you Mae and Buzz if you have to chase people for what is rightfully yours.

    Time to give the hens their evening corn, feed the cats (George has already eaten) then maybe a salad for myself to compensate for the pastry!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    I was just looking at the TV for a bit while I should be moving! Rick Steves featured Cornwall and Dartmoor National Park. Lots of wild ponies and lovely lovely landscapes......

  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Buzz – If it were not for the blood clots (DVT”s/PE's), the migraines, and kidney stones which require medications that require you to have labs and Dr. visits to manage the prescriptions, I would not see the Dr. as much either. Having had 15 PE's (lung clots), and a couple migraine induced strokes I see the necessity of the medications and therefore the labs/ Dr. visits to prevent further clots/strokes. Hoping PT will help with gaining stamina, balance, and stabilizing my B/P & AP.
    Can you take a small fold up cart on the bus to carry some of your shopping? My uncle used one and loved it. He went shopping once each week using the local bus system.

    Lin – What a busy schedule.

    Sandy – I bet you can do those bunny jars. I am sure your friends will enjoy them.
    Bet your cousin's wife appreciated your paying respects. I have decided no open casket but do agree with a celebration of life and time for remembrances, it helps with closure.

    Jackie – Thank you for your thoughts. I am dealing with the physical issues ok, it is the finances and getting things straightened out that is frustrating. Physically I am progressing slowly and coping. Today things are better than a year ago and hope next year to be better still...taking it a day at a time. ;)

    All my tests done! Exchanged my area rug for a new one and picked up the new 55” TV both with the help of my son. Received text from Dr., there was a mix at the lab and I need to go get blood redrawn tomorrow.
    Went out to eat at Applebee's with son but ate only part of meal to stay within cals. ( … and to allow ice cream before bed tonite o:) )
    It went from a gorgeous day yesterday to a cold bitter sleety day today. Hope to see crocuses and daffodils peeking through soon.
    Nite all Mae in Maine.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MAE, your coping skills are incredible! A 21 gun salute in honor of your stamina and attitude!
    I am fighting an overwhelming desire to sleep And I must get these wraps off my legs . Forgive me, please?
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm home after a lovely walk into the woods and across the fields so after my usual mug of coffee am now going to spend the day working in my garden. There's so much to do but I'm going to give myself 3 tasks a day, no more, no less and then it won't become overwhelming. First I have to check inside my beehive to make sure my ladies are not needing more sugar syrup now the weather is warming up. Mae, you are seeing progress and I know that's so important however small the steps so hang in there and let's hope that lab technician who mixed up your tests gets a slapped wrist!! Lin, I just found the Rick Steves video about Cornwall and Dartmoor so there's a half hour gone of my morning.... never mind I did enjoy it and thought his presentation informative as well as entertaining! When I have more time I'll check out more of his programmes. :) You asked a couple of days ago if Brady is an April Fool, well all I can comment is he's not the sharpest tool in the box but still adorable when not scratching off my wallpaper!! Sandy, I couldn't check April this morning because the link wouldn't connect so fingers crossed she's ok. That's a different and very cute bunny idea and I'm wishing I lived round the corner so I might get a treat! :pAnne, I hope you woke to brighter weather today.... Spring has to be just round the corner doesn't it? We have a cool northerly wind that's spoiling the sunshine but at least the ground is finally beginning to dry out. Buzz, enjoy that sleep, you deserve after a traumatic couple of days. <3

    Must get on as it's past midday already. Enjoy your Wednesday.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I had bad news yesterday, my favourite (ex, but always) sister in law had a massive heart attack and is on life support. She was the youngest of us all. I say was because she is really gone, no hope.
    Never having had a car BUZZ I've always had a shopping cart on wheels. If you get the wire one which paper boys once used, it will last forever. Mine is about 25 years old with constant use.
    MAE, you are incredibly brave.
    Well not much more to say, happy gardening JACKIE and Bunny making SANDY, and card making LIN.
    Everyone, enjoy your day,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good drippy morning - just a quick note once again. Off to Tai Chi this morning, some time at the library coloring and visiting. Last week a couple dropped in and they were so interesting. He is a newly retired border patrol agent and she was an ESL teacher I believe who left San Diego to come to our state where they say everything is so cheap! He is from Alaska and so lots of different topics. I hope they return today. Then Rx pick up and veggie shopping.

    Anne, I am so sorry. I hope you are remembering happy times with your ex SIL. The world seems filled with sadness many days. Tell Jilly to be extra kind to you.

    Jackie, sorry to have made some of your time evaporate. B) Those programs are so interesting for me as I do not travel but love to learn more about places far away. Happy program hunting. And 3 tasks a day sounds reasonable depending on the size of the tasks.

    Mae, you got so much accomplished yesterday. Wow!!! Amazing. And a very busy lady and determined last as well. Wishing you well.

    Buzz, as always, I am nagging you to get some sleep!! I also have both returnable bags I take to the store and I have a roll around cart that I purchased when taking supplies to my dad. It is a very versatile and helpful tool.

    Sandy, that is a cute craft. You can do it!!! I really like the bunny ears sticking out of the top of the jar!!

    Time to zip along again


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    edited April 2017
    Happy Wednesday! :) I was thinking of going to bingo tonight but the weather isn't very good. they are even talking about snow showers. I will see how it is later but as of now, I think I will stay home.

    Lin, this weather is so depressing but at least you are enjoying your time with meeting new friends and keeping busy. I am doing the one with the bunny ears, wish me luck.

    Anne, I am so sorry about your sil, ex our not they are still special to us. Prayers for her and all of her family and friends, including you. I have a shopping cart in my garage, I always forget to use it. lol

    Jackie, I think with so many people watching April they lose the feed. The best place to watch it youtube under animal adventure park. Now I will tell you how silly I am because I paid $4.99 to get alerts from the animal park when she goes into actual labor. I just can't spend all my time watching her back quarters waiting for hooves. lol

    Buzz, always glad to see when you go to bed at a decent time. Hope you got some rest.

    Mae, you give us so much inspiration. you work so hard on taking care of yourself. You are too be admired and I am so happy you are back with us. I too, want a celebration of life but with a Mass and then a luncheon where people can have fun and remember the good times with me.
    There had to be some!!!!! :D

    Now can the crafters tell me if I make those jars this week will they stay good until Easter?
    I am applying the ears with hot glue so they should stay up correct??

    Have a sunshine day, even if it is raining!
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    I've been lost it seems and extremely busy. We have my sister out with us for 2 weeks plus birthday parties, confirmations, shows, kindergarten, etc., etc. at least it keeps me very active. She doesn't leave for almost a week so I'll be exhausted just in time to cook Easter dinner.

    I'm also fighting a chronic candida infection. Boy does that upset me. At least the very restrictive diet is allowing me to lose weight. Anytime I stop carbs I lose weight. Too bad it doesn't stay off. But it does make me wonder if that is why I was having so much trouble losing weight. Under this way if eating I lost almost 5 lbs in 1 week. Usually I'm lucky to lose 1/2 lb.

    Has anyone else dealt with candida?

    We are off this afternoon to try find a present for Zach and then go to a casino with Val. She always likes to do that. Wish me luck.

    Time to run. Have a great day.
