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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,437 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,531 Member
    God bless you Jeri.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thinking of you Jeri and God willing the abnormality is nothing more than a poorly taken mammogram which happens a lot. These annual checks are frightening because they bring to mind what you've been through already but as you once advised me, early diagnosis if that's what it is, means it will be dealt with so you can move on cancer free. Hold on to that thought if you can. We're all with you in thought. <3

    Hugs, Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    Dear Jeri, I can't say it any better than Buzz and everyone. Please know our Thoughts are with you. Prayers are with you. God bless.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    First let the agree 100% with Buzz and Jackie. Several years ago I had a scare and was surprised to hear just as Buzz and Jackie described. I had a cyst that went away on its own. Indeed we are all sending you our prayers and continued love and friendship.

    The year begins with very chilly temps. we had a cold damp wind. So unpleasant that the neighbors only shot off a few fireworks. Katie was distracted and interested in the conclusion of the movie, Gosford Park. Interesting movie but the sound and accents of some of the actors made it difficult to follow for me. I think it needed some of John’s car chases and explosions. My party dinner turned out great. Today will be busy and a return to normal activities. No more champagne, cheese or desserts for awhile. Soup and salad for dinner.

    With steely eyed reality, I will try to press forward on my quest for better mobility and balance. There are many times I feel like a tipsy-totsy toy. Very wobbly. There is no medicine that cures this feeling. Only hard consistent exercises and stretches. John and Katie cheer me on from the open door of the dungeon.

    Happy New Year dear sneakers! Best wishes for a healthy and happy peaceful 2019!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,437 Member
    Happy New Year!! :) Jeri, along with everyone I offer my prayers and support. I pray for painless tests and good results, know that we are with you all the way. <3
    I do hope 2019 brings us all good health, peace and comfort as we deserve. Live each day as it were your last and always keep smiling.

    Love you girls!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Although it's already dark we did see sunshine for a while this afternoon and had at least an extra 15 minutes of daylight since Christmas so heading in the right direction.
    At the moment it seems both George and Betty are improving too so a good start to the year. Another quiet day with more apple cake to eat so my scales are still a no-no!

    The blackbirds have been singing today so they must think 2019 is going to be a good year!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I am literally terrified of jumping on the scales! All goodies, Christmas cake, mincepies, Quality street goodies, kahlua, Sherry are out of sight (if not out of mind).
    A huddle of sparrows tweeting in the bushes this morning JACKIE. Can we hope for an early spring seeing I haven't a snow removal man.
    Apart from the birds the only other living thing was Harry hauling out his Christmas tree for Christmas tree pick up. Beautiful fresh looking tree, such a shame it was chopped down.
    I think all the natives had a late night because we've just arrived back from walk number two and all we saw and chased was a lone squirrel.
    Birds now fed, Jill and I are settling down for a nap.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2019
    Yay! Happy Healthy New Year . Although we started here with fabulous buffets (New Years Eve lobster tails were perfection!), I went down minus my wheelchair, WALKING with my walker for the 1st time in weeks! And since my scale surprised me with a tiny weight gain, I did NOT peruse all the counters placed around the dining room with goodies galore! I had my yummy waffles; period! Not feeling full, nor hungry, either, I felt somewhat in control of my wicked appetite , and without resolutions to trouble me, I will watch what goes into me for both my health and my weight and feel no guilt should I want a treat! I really don't need another period of gout/arthritis, crippling me again! Now off to a tuna fish sandwich on pita! By the way, at today's buffet, there were champagne mimosa's at the entrance, and the chef added almost raw ahi ahi (tuna, fresh) which everyone said was fabulous! I stayed away, as my waffles satisfied me.
    Be well, y'all, including our 4 legged pets, and I'll return tomorrow...
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,531 Member
    Good day. I was off to Tai Chi early this morning and stopped at the library on my way home. Grabbing a snack and off again to afternoon Tai Chi class. I thought we were on vacation until next week but the instructor said no, we are back to the regular Monday/Wednesday schedule. Wahoo! Fine with me.

    Wow, very cold but wahoo, the sun is out. I like that. A bit warmer would be nice but okay, sunshine and no blizzard. I will take it.

    I hope all of you are having a good day. I have no Christmas decorations to take down so I am as ready for January as I can be.

    Jackie, hope George and Betty are in the pink. You too!

    Anne, lots of walkies for you and Jilly? I have a huge stack of books to read now. I doubt I will be able to get through them before the return date. The Louise Penny book is at the top of the stack!

    Buzz, hello friend, always believe something wonderful is about to happen. I keep running that through my head. Now to actually believe it.

    Sandy, is Bryanna going to stop by to help you soon? Please don’t try to move anything heavy and/or bulky on your ow.

    Patsy, I hope you make progress in your pursuit of better balance. It is a daily chore for me.

    Jeri, I hope you are able to get your appointments and tests lined up very soon. Thinking of you.

    Hugs dear friends.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,437 Member
    edited January 2019
    Happy Wednesday! :) Laundry has been started, online grocery shopping done and bingo tonight. I am trying online grocery shopping because I get free delivery and $20 off on my first order. I usually shop at Walmart but since my son and his wife are coming Friday I ordered from a better grocery store that has items Walmart does not. I scheduled my order for tomorrow and I am hoping they bring it up the stairs for me. The website says drivers don't accept tips but they do accept gratitude, is there a difference?
    I took the kids and their parents out for early dinner yesterday and it was great being with them. They gave me a late Christmas present of a pink tool set in a pink bag and I love it.
    I only wish I had it when I put the legs on my new table because it has better tools than I used.
    Max will be two years old on Sunday but Lisa is having a small family party on Saturday which is good because it is my son's and DIL anniversary Sunday and they can go to dinner to celebrate. (I think they will ask me to go but will see)
    I am glad the holidays are over, although I love Christmas Eve with family I get a little down between Christmas and New Year Day. Probably because my routines are messed up and with most of my family out of state it isn't the same as when they were all young and home. I am glad to be back into my usual routine today and look forward to 2019.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

    P.S. Lin you posted as I was posting. I did get my table down the stairs with out lifting, I slid it down on the carpeted stairs. It has wheels so I wheeled it to the curb and I put the glass inserts in my recycling bin. All are gone so it must have been okay.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's FREEZING here and my naughty dog hates her winter coat. Snow later this afternoon.

    I've just spent an exhausting morning shopping at Marks and Spencer's and the grocery delivery site. Lol. Provided everything turns up okay, there's a lot to be said for sitting with a coffee on the sofa and getting all your shopping done. No waiting for buses in the freezing below temperatures. My only prob. is if it snows I haven't got a snow removal man and the delivery men might not be able to make it up my drive! However, it's supposed to warm up again by Friday. Grocery delivery day and hopefully M&S.

    My youngest sons year long sabbatical is over - hasn't it gone by fast! His back is no better but he's decided to try and sit at the computer all day. If it's too excruciating he can take early retirement, but he wants to try first. Both of my sons have the hard working sort of temperaments and I don't think Mark was comfortable being at home all day even if he's got quite good at cooking! He makes the most fabulous tasting bread. I think he tried everything you can think of to try and mend his spine.

    I've started my famine and if ever a woman suffered! I haven't approached the scales yet but my waistband tells me I'm not the girl I was 10 days ago! I was awfully good with my order. Nothing but organic veggies and fruits really plus fish and Jilly's chicken.

    Hugs from the poor deprived one.
    Anne !!!!!!!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,437 Member
    Anne, just curious, have they mentioned surgery for Mark's back? I am sure he has researched everything but my SIL suffered with what she thought was her back for years even to the extent of hunching over with a walker. Her friend made her go to Mayo Clinic where the discovered it was not her back but her hip. She had a new hip put in and has no more back pain. Just me putting my nose where it doesn't belong. Sorry.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I don't know SANDY, Mark tends to suffer in silence. However, Michael broke one of the bones in his back when he was in the army, it was removed I believe, anyway it involved welding. It was quite a frightening time for us because of the spinal chord. Anyway he's been okay ever since, but it does appear to be a weakness in my two. I know their dad had problems and Mike says today his dad is really hunch backed. Mark is 54 so he can take early retirement in August. I know he spent last year seeing a whole tribe of doctors, back specialists and personal trainers. It's a thought though isn't it, the hips, but he was into weight lifting prior and I think that's what's caused today's problem.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Cold here too but dry and bright so everyone seems cheerful. I took the dogs on the moor for our walk after wrapping Betty in her new coat and a poo check showed both are greatly improved so hopefully we can move on. I had a nice long chat with a man about growing sweet peas and our thoughts of Spring as he walked his Malamute dog then another cheerful catch up with the couple whose lovely old Labrador had to be put to sleep last year that recently adopted a puppy. I was told they had talked a lot about Betty after they first met her a few weeks ago and decided they wanted to take her home with them. Of course she just looked up at them with her big brown eyes in a very cute way that warmed their hearts!
    I got home to discover a radiator I'd ordered from Amazon at the weekend had been delivered and left outside my kitchen door so instructions to leave it in the unlocked garden room ignored! Once out of its box I could see the outer fin that holds oil had been bent inwards by something heavy so I've printed off a return label but have to transport it to the couriers pick up point which is our farm shop. IT'S HEAVY!! Not sure how I'm going to do that, maybe wheelbarrow it to my car then ask someone to help at the other end. I'll sleep on it.

    Sandy, your pink tool kit and bag sound a great gift and you'll easily find it when needed being that colour. :D

    Anne, I discovered my hips had osteoarthritis after seeing my GP about back pain but if Mark has seen so many doctors they will surely have taken x-rays of the whole area. My brother with MS who is now going to a gym 4 days a week and has lost all back pain is a contradiction of so many ideas so it really is a matter of every person's back being individual with its own problems! I did get on my scales this morning and AARGH!! that extra 3 lbs gained over Christmas has gone up to 4 lbs now. That takes me above my BMI so today I've joined you in a starvation diet, or at least that's what it feels like!

    Lin, sun and no blizzards sounds good! We were threatened with a blast of last year's Beast from the East but it's apparently heading towards Greece and other Mediterranean countries instead which will be a shock for them!

    It's completely still outside so the fire isn't drawing well tonight and my feet are feeling cold. At least a sleeping Betty across my legs is helping!! I'm going to riddle it with the poker and if that doesn't work I'll find a rug to throw over legs and Miss B.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Okay dearhearts! It has been one of those days! Not my favorite, to be sure. I got up with that old devil sciatica again. I have been fighting the urge to be snarly and mean at every turn. John is being way too tolerant of my bad mood. I need to let this go and change this attitude right now. Yeah, it hurts but I guess yelling and being grouchy isn’t helping much.

    So tonight I will be looking at some special exercises and stretches and aspercreme on my hip and ankle. It might not help but it will keep me busy trying to do something that is supposed to help. There are worse things than sciatica but I can’t think of what they are right now.

    We checked out a fun little movie to watch called “The house with a clock in the wall”. Starring Jack Black. He can be very amusing. I loved him in School of Rock. The cult classic Bernie is one of my weird favorites. Not sure why but it is.

    John got a long letter from his assistant from long ago. She is Japanese and is such a wonderful person. She sort of adopted every one of us as her family. She asks about our son and our daughter in every letter. I love that she keeps in touch with us after all these years. 25 years! She was unhappy with John for getting a promotion and relocating here in PNW. She got over it and has visited us many times. She is old school Japanese. Get a job and stay there until retirement. She did! John didn’t! She is coming for a visit this spring.

    Must start cleaning house now in preparation.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, even in Japan, one no longer has lifetime certainty with one company! Seems those days are gone forever, everywhere :'(
    Tonight, an ambulance picked up another Barbara here and took her to the hospital. Rumor quickly spread that it was I, and several people were seeking a driver to take a carload of friends to visit me after dinner! As it happened, my phone was having connections problems for much of the day, so no one could really check on me. I was blithely unaware of the mayhem as I perused the activities available for the month of January! Eventually I'll be forgiven for the mix-up. I signed up for, among other things, a group meeting with architectural engineers teaching how to enjoy building with Lego! Another evening there is a discussion on the advantages and/or effects of Procrastination! How could I resist? Lots of interesting things scheduled for January, including my favorite, Current Events, titled "What's Your Point of View"? That one drives the Trump followers crazy! Our Social Director has conveniently forgotten to list it on our board or in our sign up notebooks, as she has forgotten for the last 1/2 a year! Does she believe we don't notice? Needless to add she is one of the orange man's camp followers!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!...........................
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hello All,
    ‘Thanks everyone for your support. I had my mammogram and ultrasound today. Now I have to wait for the results. Fingers crossed. I guess I’ll find out on Friday. My doctor doesn’t work Thursday.

    Hugs to all

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Fingers tightly crossed JERI.
    JACKIE are you going to watch out for the meteor shower tonight when you take George and Betty into the garden. You have a better chance than us over here because it only lasts 4 hours and for us to even get a glimpse it will be on display just after 5pm, sunset, so that will be 10pm for you. Just the right time for when the pups water the grass.
    PATSY so sorry for your sciatica pain, That's the sort of pain Mark suffers.
    BUZZ that will be quite funny once everyone gets over the shock of the wrong Barbara in the hospital bed peering at them over the sheets. Shows how much you are regarded and loved though. Always good to know!
    LINDA, have you waded through any more books and SANDY is it bingo night?
    I'm surveying the heap of snow that fell during the night. Jilly's legs are so short her tummy will leave a wide trail next to my boot prints as if I'm walking a giant snail.
    Alls calm here.....so far.
    So I'll bid you all a good day,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Grey and cold again but at least I was lucky enough to walk George round the block early when it was sunny and frosty... that woke me up! Betty stayed home because she had done what was needed first thing and I needed to walk quickly before George's groomer arrived. He's looking sooo cute now he's tidied up and very pleased with himself!

    Patsy, sciatica sounds awful from what has been described by sufferers, debilitating in fact so my heart goes out to you. Do try anything that might help and accept that sometimes grumpy is the only option! How wonderful you have a Spring visitor to look forward to; I'm guessing you are already planning!

    Buzz, I for one will be fascinated to learn how any orange man supporter is still justifying his tantrums. I know you will voice your opinions and take any flack flying in your direction, especially now your diverse House of Reoresentatives has opened. Let the fun begin!!

    So China has landed a space craft on the far side of the moon. Our BBC reporter was in Beijing peering at the camera through a filthy smog which had me thinking what a shame they can't spend their money on cleaning up their environment instead... huh! Dream on Jackie!

    Time to drag the damaged radiator to my car then housework before my late afternoon pedicure.
    Have a pleasant Thursday friends.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thanks Anne I hadn't seen any news about a meteor shower perhaps because the whole of the UK is covered in dismal grey clouds but if the skies should clear this evening I will glance upwards. It's something I often do because living in a rural area away from street lighting I get the most amazing sparkly show and can often watch satellites as well as shooting stars skid across.

    Think we were typing posts around the same time so sorry, missed yours until now!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,437 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today and I am running late so will just say good morning and come back later.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I didn't realize this is my 3000th day in a row! I also lost my opportunity to wish you all a Mele Kalikimaka and Hau'oli Makahiki Hou (Merry Christmas and Happy New year in Hawaiian!)! The language has far fewer letters than English, and I'm afraid I've forgotten mst of the words and phrases I used for years when visiting m son in Hawaii. As in everything else, if you don't use it, you lose it!
    I actually got no sleep last night but somehow am dragging on today. Slowly, but awake! The mounds of newspapers are piing up and I think I made a mistake resubscribing to everyday delivery!
    JERI, keeping my fingers crossed for you, and PATSY, I recall certain positions that were supposed to provide some relief, though never complete! My sympathy to you!
    JACKIE, one cannot discuss the orange wonder with his followers without the jaw dropping while listening to otherwise rational people explain his existence! My hope is Pelosi will deal with him, and I pray NY will insist on Income Tax information. The man is such a fraud!
    ANNE, poor tiny Jilly! Her belly must be frozen!
    SANDY, did you use Instacart for your grocery online shopping? I loved it the 2 times I used them! Then I forgot about it!!!
    LIN, you inspire me to start another book now that I have finished,finally, "Portrait of a Spy". It was almost possible to imagine it written yesterday though I think it was about 10 years old. Some things may never change. I find I have problems remembering the names of foreign characters, and this was written about the Mid East.
    I'd better grab a banana along with a bit of leftover chicken, as I don't lose weight if I skip lunch! And it is slowly going back down. Again!!!
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!...........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,437 Member
    Back from my meeting and errands, now waiting for groceries to be delivered. Very tired as I got to bed very late last night so I will just come back in the morning.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,531 Member
    Good evening. After the morning in the library I got tangled up in computer stuff and just finished straightening things out (for now anyway). How can it take so long?

    Well we had a sunny and warmer day today. Loved it. I will take all January days in the 40s and no wind. Can you see me smile?

    Buzz, I am excited to have started on the new Louise Penny book “Kingdom of the Blind”. Armand Gamache is apparently still in a mess of politics. I do adore these books. I would prefer to read and not sleep but that doesn’t work out well for me. So, I will read for a little while and then go to bed. I don’t know how you carry on with no sleep. Oh my.

    Sandy, it sounds like you had a very long day. Sleep well. See you tomorrow.

    Jackie, did you look for the meteor shower? Since I live in the suburbs we have too much light to see much of anything. Darn.

    Anne, you and the Bean do keep track of the world news. I am still trying to live in oblivion. Sometimes I am successful. I think I do need to check on changes in world leadership.

    Jeri, I hope and pray you receive good news from these most recent tests. We will be holding our breath along with you.

    Hugs to all. Early Tai Chi tomorrow and then I am visiting my friend who is still recovering from surgery. That will eat up a good portion of the day. It should be a good time though. I talked on the phone with another Tai Chi buddy for a while this afternoon. Time to get some details pulled together for our Chi see New Year’s party.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Grey and cold but what's new? About to shower, walk the pooches then a trip to Plymouth for what's hopefully my last eye check after cataract procedures. Apart from a slight smudge in one eye that comes and goes all seems fine. While in the city I will do a little shopping for birthday present for a friend. Too cloudy for the meteor shower last night unfortunately.
    Have a good Friday once you're up and about. Thinking of Jeri. <3

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm stuck in most of the day waiting for groceries this morning and M&S delivery this afternoon. This will not be easy this lack of pup walking because I got weighed today after a Christmas break from dieting and I jumped, well tottered on the scales this morning and I've gained a WHOPPING 4 lbs! No Jilly didn't have a paw on the scales! Just me and greed and lolling about reading books instead of too much duster wielding! Fortunately, not a sniff of a muffin, or a mincepie or a box of quality street candies in this household anymore, well until next Christmas anyway. Mind you, I DID enjoy Christmas this year.
    Marie from next door breathed flu germs on me yesterday, fingers crossed. "I've been ever so poorly" said Marie as she crawled out of her car and bent to pat our Jilly.
    No meteor sightings JACKIE? Me neither at 5pm and I guess LIN didn't see any either, OR SANDY!
    BUZZ, there is ONE thing I'm grateful for as far as Mr. T is concerned. My knowledge of American politics as increased immensely in the last two years. Fascinating stuff. What with wall building, tweets and Brexit over the pond my octogenarian head is spinning!
    Thinking of JERI, and hoping PATSYs sciatica is on the mend.
    Brekkie, and a meagre brekkie at that.
    Anne, the deprived one.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I gave myself extra time to journey to the big city expecting lots of holiday traffic and now sitting in cafe area of hospital with half hour to spare!! A black coffee but managed to avoid even looking at muffins!
    4 lbs ANNE, that's 8 between us... over a stone!! Oh well, like you I enjoyed myself so no regrets but I'm guessing it won't come off as easily as it went on!

    Ah-ha, sunshine outside, that's promising.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Let's be positive JACKIE, at least we are firmly anchored to the earth and won't float away if a gale force wind arrives! Sigh....
    Annie the rotund
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,437 Member
    Happy Friday!! :D I am right there with you, Jackie and Anne. The holidays were not kind to me as far as weight and now I am almost 7 pounds from my goal weight. I have to lose it by the wedding so I really have some work to do. Won't be easy with my son and DIL coming today for 5 days but once they are gone I will be disciplined. Like Jackie said it won't come off as easy as it came on but I am determined.

    My grocery order was fine except that the grapefruit juice I ordered for my son was out of stock and I ordered two packages of six ounce filets and only got one. I spent my whole evening playing phone tag until I finally emailed them and they answered by saying they would give me a refund and a credit on my next order. Not sure there will be a next order.

    Jackie, I am wondering if you have secondary cataracts like I did. If so they will lazer them which should clear up the blur, just makes it difficult to drive with floaters as big as dimes.

    Anne, I hope both of your orders come early so you and Jilly can take your walks. BTW, I went to tip the guy and he said company doesn't allow tips and even though I said I won't tell if you don't he didn't accept my tip.

    Lin, you are indeed a good friend to spend time with your friend. I am sure she appreciates your kindness to no end. Enjoy Tai Chi.

    Patsy, I have had sciatica as well but nothing worked so I ended up having surgery to remove the bone off the nerve. It was an easy surgery and I am so happy I had it done. I do have a little arthritis so lifting the kids still brings me some back pain but not like the sciatica.

    Jeri, a cousin of mine just had 7 biopsies on her breast and all were benign so I am praying for the same results for you. She has this done often as she is prone to cysts.

    Buzz, my groceries came from Jewel Osco which is a local grocery chain in Chicago area. I think the deliver service was Safeway which must be a part of Jewel. I loved that he brought them up the stairs and into the house but was disappointed for the reasons above.

    I am getting my hair trimmed, then to Jewel to get the missing items and later cooking the filets for my kids. Tomorrow Max's 2nd birthday party and Sunday my son and dil anniversary.
    Busy days ahead including some game nights. I hope I don't blow up from all the extra weight.

    One Day at a Time