Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Have a wonderful day with hubby and pets!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Ditto from Anne. Happy Birthday Barbie.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy birthday, Barbie! Being mama to some wonderful creatures gives life a special sweetness as I am sure you know. You are an on going lesson in discipline and caring. Dance on! Thank you for your kindness and beauty. Have a wonderful day with your loved ones and of course many many more.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Lin – I have thought about getting some kind of embossing plates and machine, but have not done so yet. I have so many craft things I have not used, so guess I should start with those. I did get a Brother Scan and Cut about 6weeks ago that I have to get into using. Thought it would be good for card making and quilt patterns. Sorry to hear of your loss of another friend.

    Buzz – the couple ounces/week loss are in the right direction.
    I am sure your friend in Hospice care appreciated your visit. Usually just start a regular conversation and then follow your friend's lead. When ready to leave ask if there may be something they would like that you could bring to them on your next visit or something you may do for them.
    I have always thought your hair looked just perfect. You should treat yourself to the new shower set up of multiple heads. Ayup! ;) :-)\
    Glad the 'boots' are working for you! Peoples cicadian rhythms vary. If you are getting quality sleep than you are good to go! My bladder wakes my every 2-3 hours usually so I do not get quality sleep. Since hitting my head I have a sleep disturbance anyway, sometimes manly awake for 20+ - 40+ hrs with short 20 - 45 min. naps then I will sleep for 24+ hrs. up only for bladder breaks.
    Buzz,how true that no one knows what goes on beneath the surface in other families or relationships! You are so insightful!

    Jackie- Winter has been strange this year. I have started some seeds inside, a bit early but will see how they work out. I may hire some college kid to 'clean up' and prepare my raised beds this year … Lord knows my son will not have anything to do with them! :( :-(
    So funny about your friend and the driver who hit your car :D :-)
    We also do most of laundry when the rates are cheaper; it helps that we are awake overnights (son works overnights). My washer is “blocked in” with 'chock' blocks and on a platform in my finished basement. Had the dryer put in the garage after I hit my head 'cause there are only 3 steps I need to navigate if I have to empty dryer. I can picture sitting/pushing your machine back in place.
    You can learn a lot watching You Tube. Will await pics of chairs when you get them done.

    Patsy – sorry to hear your relationship with your daughter and family is challenged. You have a positive attitude and all you can do is try. I hope and pray your relationship with your daughter will improve. My to do list is huge and at times overwhelming, but just plug away at it when and as I can.

    Sandy – Yes! One day ( and at times one minute) at a time.!
    Those little ones are adorable! Thanks for sharing.

    Marie – Good news from the doctor – hurray!

    Anne – you are so funny -'the witch of the street'! :p :-) Our crocus and daffodils have yet to peak their heads as most of the flower beds are still under several inches of snow.

    Well have grandson for the weekend. Promised him English muffin pizza for lunch and baked steelhead trout with fixin's (salad & mashed sweet potato) for suppah! LOL! Time to go get veggies ready for pizza. After lunch will fold laundry and see how much stamina I have left to do exercises & P.T. Grand want “movie night tonight as well. That will be snuggle time on the couch,,, just love it!n He won't want to snuggle with Nannie for too much longer as he is getting to that age where it just isn't 'cool'! I will enjoy it while I can get it!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2017
    The bedroom curtains were pulled back to a display of glorious early morning sunshine that's been with us ever since. We walked across hill and vale as well as in the woods and I've taken some short video shots to put together in the next couple of days. After that I've been pottering in the garden and even mowed a couple of sections of lawn so am feeling positive that one day, who knows when, all will be in control again.

    Mae ~ Packs of seeds sit waiting for me to begin planting into trays but I'm not sure our temperatures are warm enough to encourage them to germinate just yet so will see what the next few days bring. At least my bees are making the most of the sunshine and zipping in and out of their hive as well as concentrating on some housework by throwing out any dead bodies.... they are amazing creatures but sentimentality doesn't come into it!! Have a wonderful time with your grandson with at least a few cuddles thrown in!

    Anne ~ Skip over if I've mentioned before a documentary I saw last year about the wide area around Chernobyl that has been deserted by mankind since that terrible nuclear accident but a hardy bunch with camera were allowed in for a day and night and took some amazing footage of creatures now living there that have travelled hundreds of miles from mostly Russia. So, with one elderly lady and her dog who said she stayed because there was nowhere else for her to go are bears, elk, wolves, wild cats and a number of other species all there because humans moved out! There's no doubt a hierarchy and as you say, survival of the fittest but it gave me hope that if we ever do something silly to ourselves life will continue on our planet.

    Patsy ~ Wouldn't we all like to think mankind had moved on from Neanderthal behaviour but it appears not yet! I shall do a little google search for your List of Women, thanks!

    Sandy ~ Beautiful photos of you and of course the boys. Your hair must certainly be manageable at that length and does suit you. I've an appointment on Wednesday but whatever I ask for will probably get the opposite!! It's one of those things on our roads in that the vast majority are considerate and polite, just he odd aggressive driver that spoils it. My hubcap is split in half so will have to be replaced at some point and the dent and scratch will be taken to my friend who tinkers with vehicles and hopefully repaired.

    Lin ~ Your latest craft project is beautiful, I just love those colours. Glues and pastes don't go well for me and I usually end up sticking myself to something I'd rather not!

    Buzz ~ It's my impression politics is a career move rather than a calling these days so little or no belief in principles, just power and the money that comes with it. Working in social care taught me oodles and I met some wonderful people in our community. Also set me on a road that keeps me moving whatever because the alternative is not good!

    Time to do some cooking for an evening meal and our clocks go forward tonight so I must adjust the chicken's timer on their door too. Out walking and then lunch with friends tomorrow and may not drop in so wish you all a lovely and peaceful weekend.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Reset URL for MFP..[url="http://"] [/url] ...

    Sorry I couldn't make it a hyperlink , MARIE, but maybe someone else can!

    <3 Buzz

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Huh? it did it automatically I guess!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    What wonderful reading in everyone's posts today! Such wisdom to reap, and so much to agree with. What a group! SANDY, love your hair. Yes, mine WILL grow out! And Robby and Max are priceless!
    JACKIE, you hit the nail on the head regarding dedication's disappearance today! I keep shaking my head in disbelief!
    MAE, Yae!
    LIN ---talent!
    ANNE- BOO!
    MARIE, I posted the address.
    Everyone: you can see I'm in a rush! My friends across the hall needed help doing their taxes and their computer confused them, as well as the printer, so I got it set up for them and it threw off my timing. Dinner in "New Zealand" was spectacular last night, with real NZ rack of baby lamb. Followed by the worst movie I ever slept through, something like "Strangeheart Asylum" based on Edgar Allen Poe, but it was awful! Now running late and my hair won't behave!

    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :)Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes. I read this thread every day, but don't post. You all have such interesting busy lives and I love reading about what you are doing.

    :) When Jake asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday I couldn't think of anything because my life is perfect every day. I started my day today walking my dogs for about two hours. Then we did our regular Saturday morning "errand date" including going to Costco and buying only what was on the list and not sampling the free snacks. We went to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant where I had exactly the same thing I always have (chips and salsa, one cheese enchilada, a large side of pico de gallo). After lunch we came home for a family nap followed by more dog walking. Today is not a dance day, but yesterday I taught my class in the morning and taught my friend's class in the next town in the afternoon. Both classes sang "Happy Birthday" and my class gave me a card signed by everyone and a gift certificate to my favorite Chinese restaurant.

    <3 hugs to all of you, my special friends.b0323.gif
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie cat

    i have been try ing all day to reach you Sorry for being so late

    I hope jake sang happy \birthday to you. Love you both

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2017
    Lovely birth - day BARBIE doing exactly what you love to do.

    Actually yesterday WAS a nice day for us as well, if quiet. I've been on the Bugs Bunny diet for 8 days and it's working! Will record tomorrow SANDY, and Jilly Bean, now fully grown, gained weight despite having her nails clipped. I believe Michael is coming over at some point and we'll trot to the park IF it's not raining. Having nothing else to say, remember girls:

    The rain it raineth on the just
    And on the unjust fella,
    But it raineth harder on the just
    'Cos the unjust stole the justs umbrella.

    Hang on to your umbrella PATSY!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    <3Marie, It's good to hear from you. How is your new dog? I think of you every day as our new rescued dog, Bessie, gets more and more comfortable with us. She is still nervous about things and won't take a treat out of our hands but she'll lick our hands and sleep near our heads on our bed.

    :) Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello barbie. Misty is doing better ButShe does o walking wit Jerry twice a day. a long way to go the dog ie I dream of. But I do love her and would not give her uo. She stills spend her time behind the chair/She does not sleep on the bed with us Bur she does meet me at the She will let me pet her so. She does not ike the lease But seems to love walking.,She has not warm up to Alice at all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Doing my laundry today as I am leaving in the morning for the casino trip.
    Not sure if I will be posting but I will try. We went for pictures with the Easter Bunny and had a fun morning. At one point the bunny held five kids, our two and Lisa's brothers three, two of which are twins.


    We then went for lunch at Red Robin where I had a salad so was good. When I got home went for my no chip manicure and then on to 5:00 Mass. Stopped at Babe's and he gave me some money for the casino so that made me happy.

    Marie, Missy probably still needs time to adjust, it is a new environment for her. She is grateful she has a forever home but is still probably a little scared it won't last. Good news from your
    doctor, you are amazing!!

    Barbie, good to hear from you, still as active as ever!! Bessie is so very lucky to have you and Jake as parents, I bet she loves those walks with you. Hope your birthday was terrific!!

    Anne, you make me laugh everyday, ever think of going into stand-up comedy?

    Buzz, love the new haircut and the cute little smirk on your face! lol You always look so together. Keep enjoying life, it suits you!!

    Jackie, I hope you are enjoying your time with your friends and having the peaceful weekend you deserve.

    Mae, enjoy your time with your grandson, how old is he? I live by that motto, One Day at a Time, can't control anything so just enjoy the day.

    Patsy, how did things go with your daughter?

    After my laundry is done I will pack my little bag, then sometime today I will ride my bike and just chill out. As the kids say, one more sleep before the fun begins.

    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2017
    can't seems to get my log in days back Buzz i tried that link but no luck.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So sorry, MARIE. That's the link I use when I can't get in here, but it may not be current. They change things on the website! Perhaps SANDY knows something about it now.
    I made blueberry buckwheat pancakes for brunch today as I had not made plans to meet anyone (purposely). Sort of relaxing and preparing my tax papers. Also expecting a cousin to visit Tuesday for lunch.
    Thanks, SANDY, I guess I'm getting used to the hair now, but I might try one of the other operators, as I think the nice lady I used does not shape longer hair well! Or if my face slims back down, I may go short again! Love the "rabbit" gang!"
    I might go see the documentary being shown in the auditorium at 2 about a young Mongolian girl who becomes interest in falcon training, which females are not encouraged to do where she lives. Sounds interesting. I'll probably fall asleep anyway!
    ANNE, funny about the umbrellas ending up in the wrong hands, lol.
    Did I mention yesterday I sort of by mistake spoke to my son and DIL on Video Phone (Facebook), in France, where they are spending the weekend? I hope I can figure out how to do it again!
    BARBIE and JAKE, you both look wonderful. Hope you feel likewise!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well i got most of my days back. I had to guess at how many days. But my last look was over 3,000 so I put down 3,015. That is pretty close to it. Thanks you for your help.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2017
    If any of you are near the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, or are interested in reading about our grandson, who plays in the orchestra, I just received this article:

    I remember him using uncooked spaghetti to conduct imaginary orchestras at 6 months old, sitting in his crib while music was playing! Who knew???

    The documentary I watched this afternoon, "Eagle Huntress" , absolutely fascinated me; first because it told of a young girl following her father's footsteps despite it being forbidden. And then, because I realize how little we know of Mongolia and its people , culture and blending of old and new! Their survival instincts are probably far greater than those of us who consider ourselves socially advanced and "modern", yet they are educated, capable of living in unbelieveable climates, and living with nature! Since it was produced in 2016, it is probably available to anyone interested in watching a "different Olympics"!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz i did get thru to them the problems u had to enter my days i wanrted recover they used to do for us now we have to tell them I did not know thAT. tHANKS