Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks SANDY, but she is so tiny, we are a bit afraid using that method might choke her. I know it works for big dogs like Daisy. But I do thank you for the tip and your concern. Our vet prefers these tick/flea pills, but I'll ask about the liquid one squirts on the neck instead.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Hello Sneakers, my day evaporated again. I got up later than anticipated so no trip to Trader Joe's as the place would have been crowded to the gills. I shifted and got a few things accomplished around the house and online (banking), then packed up for the library. My planned short trip turned into all day as I was having fun and getting a few things accomplished. Then I was just messing about with pens and ink etc so stayed even longer. I was the last to leave today. But a good time!!

    Marie, I hope the problem can be located with your water usage. Speaking of things increasing, I received my new property assessment, ouch!! Oh well, can't fight city hall.

    Mae, my goodness, you have some great equipment, I look forward to hearing more as you feel better and are able to work with these tools. I also hope someday you will feel up to having another dog,mthey are such excellent companions. (I wish I had one as well.)

    Sling TV is a subscription service you pay for on a monthly basis. There is no contract, you can cancel at any time! I have the app on my Roku, Amazon Fire stick, iPad, and could put it on my phone I believe but I do not have space for more apps. Anyway, you choose the package of channels you want and you can stream the content to your device(s). I am paying for a single stream but I believe you can get a different package that allows up to 4 streams (so family members could watch different things on their personal devices at the same time). I can only have one source going at a time. Anyway, I have very few TV channels through my regular cable provider and this subscription is just Heaven-sent for me.

    Buzz, you do have a tremendous maintenance department. Thank heavens they are so responsive to calls for assistance. You did make a great choice in living accommodations.

    Anne, what did you and Jilly do today other than playing spit out the pill? Would you like me to check with my friend who has tiny Pomerians to see how she gets hers to take pills? Let me know.

    Sandy, party girl!!! Looked like you had fun. And vacation coming soon. Wahoo!!! You have an interesting and happy life my friend.

    Jackie, what is dried spratt? I should have Googled it I suppose. I am clueless. Goodness, you got a lot accomplished. Good for you. Are you saying Brady is an April a Fool! :D I trust you had a lovely evening. I am glad George is doing better.

    Now time for me to run along. I would like to read for a bit and then must get to bed early for a change (rather than reading until midnight) as I really do need to get to the store in the morning before church.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Bad Day at Black Rock! I tried downloading the software for my new wireless keyboard and mouse, but my computer would not take the download. Dell started to examine my folders and files to see why not and as I watched, we could see that program after program (files) all read stopped beside it and the technician asked for permission to examine the entire software. He returned saying that I have been hacked by what appeared to be foreign hackers, and while my programs and sites had not been broken into, it 's possible my internet address is being hijacked and use to break into other computers. They discovered several Social Security numbers in one file (neither was mine) and several passwords belonging to someone else, and my WiFi was tampered with. The Dell technician asked if I would agree to being connected to a Microsoft technician-Level 5- who would examine and diagnose the problems free of charge, but a contract to prevent it ever happening again would have a charge. This was not MY computer, but the internet. I was terrified it was a scam; how would I know? But there were 7 hacked files I could see for myself and I agreed to have them examine the computer, which took almost 4 hours, and I could see the mess, with action stopped on dozens of programs I had been having problems with. I finally agreed to purchase the service and they will continually monitor my computer for everything and anything that might happen. Pretty scary. This was all because I could not download my new blue tooth keyboard and mouse! It's working fine now and since the keyboard is lower, it is much more comfortable to type and I'm loving using a mouse instead of the touchpad! The service covers my iPad and Kindles, too. And should I finally break down and get a smart-phone, it would be monitored, as well.
    Had dinner with people different from the usual ones, and sat listening to talk about basketball teams and baseball, etc., and I had no idea what it was all about! But then, tables of bridge and card players leave me out of conversations, too. Do I have to learn about these things really?
    Jilly is one feisty li'l character, but ANNE, SANDY's suggestion about pills being placed way back on the tongue (holding jaws open with thumb and fingers way back in the jaw, and making sure the pill is not too large) is the proper way to insert medication, since they cannot eject it from the back of the tongue.I did this with my "babies" and they don't even have to swallow!
    MAE, great post! So pleased you are back!
    JACKIE, glad you have your water back, though I must say, I always use cold water showers! Of course, Florida water is never really cold. It's gorgeous here now.
    LIN, do you ever take time off to do nothing at all? Your mind seems to be always planning the next action!
    Has anyone watched the TV show (here it's on NBC) This Is Us ? I resisted when it was 1st recommended, so now I watch it On Demand, to catch up from the beginning. Those of you with Comcast know that you can replay almost anything in their On Demand programming. I seldom take advantage of it, as I don't watch much TV.
    SANDY, I can't believe it's been 5 years! And it's not that Babe's kids don't like you; they are jealous and worried about their inheritance! So they ruined their father's life! You may have the best of both worlds now, lol!
    MARIE, did you ever straighten out that horrendous water bill?
    Off to bed, since once more I'm trying to turn over a new leaf!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Huh? I don't recall using a line through everything, but I must have touched something crazy!
    Sorry about that! :s
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    LIN that would be helpful when you have the time to mention Jilly's pill taking problem. She is very small and a mix of Pomeranian/chihuahua /Shihtzu. The wise guy wasn't joking when he asked if I was taking a rat for walkies! We thought she would get much bigger, but no. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Will do. I have sent her a text.....will let y'all u know when I hear from her Anne.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Sunday! I am still watching April the Giraffe who has still not given birth. Today could be the day since she seems to be contracting, although I am no vet!! I am going with my friend and her husband later for dinner and to see the play Saturday Night Fever. One of my favorite cousins died and his wake is tomorrow. He was 89 but we haven't seen each other in many years. When I was a young girl I had a crush on him because he was so good looking and had such a deep voice. Of course he flirted back with me, but all in good fun. He contacted me out of the blue a few months ago and we agreed we should go for lunch with my brother but that never happened. :'(

    Anne, here is another thing we do for Daisy. We crush her pills into her dog food so she doesn't realize she is taking a pill. Can you make like a meatball and put the pill in there?
    She sounds like she is too smart for all of us. lol

    Buzz, I have to ask if you know for sure you are working with Dell and not some third party in letting them have access to your computer. It really sounds like a nightmare with what you are going through and I hope the new security program works for you. I would hate to think you are being scammed. Just concerned.

    We are having spring like temps but rain is coming and coming. Enjoy your day whether wet or dry.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi SANDY, I know! I want to cut her pills in half or mash them, especially the heartworm lozenge which is huge and I may well have to do that finally. However, the labels on both packets say don't break into pieces. Just tried small piece of very buttery mashed potato hiding pill but that didn't work either. Not only is this dog very smart but she's inherited the Chihuahua stubborn streak! Talk about battle of wills! Fortunately most of the time she's one sweet dog who loves to give us kisses.

    One man on our travels said he had trained his dog so much it no longer had any personality. It just did as it was told. No-one can say that about our Jilly and he said he wished he still had a happy little girl like ours. She is trained in some things, sit, stay, fetch etc but definitely not in pill taking. Mind you, secretly, I rarely take pills myself! So I can hardly blame her!

    Anne. (Maybe I should have stuck with cats, but on reflection I couldn't get pills down Tabitha Daisy, Miss Becky, Bill, or Thelly either, lol)
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've just met little boy and his mommy, little boy said mommy is a dog groomer. So.....I asked about the pills. She said, if you have to, cut them in half as it's better than nothing and then either use pill pockets or SANDYS method. Back of throat, close mouth etc.
    Thanks everyone for help, we'll give it a shot.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ The only way at times I can get a pill down George's throat is to do as Sandy first suggested and pop to the back of her throat then so long as you stroke her neck and cover nose for a few seconds she will have to swallow! I hate doing it but no harm is done and he forgives me immediately! Luckily for me the peanut butter is still working on his antibiotics and only 3 more to go!! Every 3 months he has a pill called Bravecto for flees and tics that isn't supposed to be broken up but when I struggled with its size I thought it could so easily be bitten by him and end up in pieces before he swallows so now do break in half and then cover it in something he likes although unfortunately, just like Jilly, he's got a nose like a bloodhound. The Bravecto still does its job!

    Buzz ~ I read recently that much of this new technology we're introducing into our homes via the internet is dangerous because hackers are finding ways of monitoring us by listening and viewing us through our screens so do please be careful what you add to your computer. Since your 2nd short post didn't have lines and italics I think you must have hit the wrong button but I agree about the worry of it all and sometimes feel it's as bad as someone breaking into my home.

    Sandy ~ Poor April has been waiting a long time hasn't she but then I'm guessing the keepers weren't sure about the timing anyway. Buzz is right about Babe's kids, it was all about too much alcohol and a fear of losing an inheritance. Never mind, you have got things just right now and there's certainly nothing in your DNA to be disliked!!

    Lin ~ A sprat (I think I put too many T's on the last time!) is a small fish rather like Whiting and they are put through a process to preserve them that dries them right out. Not sure but I think they can be soaked and brought back to fullness but for a special dog treat it's kept dry. More like cat food to my mind but apparently one of the dog owners in her agility class uses them for hers who loves them.

    So today I've walked, been to the allotment to begin our Spring clean up and plant our onions and then back to my garden to cut back hedging and put the branches through a shredder and the pulp will be spread around the beehives to suppress weeds, at least that's the plan. It's a lovely evening with clear skies but I think the temperature will drop so I'm planning poached egg on a crumpet with a few mushrooms and smoked bacon for my supper. :p

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Still running about but Anne, here's the exact message I received from my friend and she has had many tiny dogs--

    "I never use cheese, etc. Harp takes his thyroid meds right out of my hand but Em refuses. (None if my others gave been as easy as Harp, either!) Em comes to me twice a day when I tell him it's time for his pill, but I have to poke it down his throat. This has been going on for so long now that he can be in any position because he knows it's going to happen no matter what, but I started with holding him under my left arm with my elbow clamping him in place, then I kinda cup his chin/face with my left hand and slide my left fingers into his mouth to pry it open. The pill is being pinched in my right hand and I can use the fingers of my right hand to also hold his mouth open. I place the pill as far back on his tongue as possible, and use the index finger to poke it as far down his throat as I can. Then I gently hold his mouth closed and if he doesn't swallow immediately, I blow a little into his nose and stroke his throat. The vet asked me once if he'll take it in cheese (Velveeta would be the cheese product of choice). I told him probably, but I'm not gonna keep running out to the kitchen for cheese for the dog. Greenies makes pill pockets, but I've never used those, either."

    Hope this relieves your mind. She has not had any problems with her small dogs even when poking pills in their mouths. She is very conscientious and watches her dogs closely for anything that might be wrong. She has rushed dogs off to the vet (and has been right by the way) with dehydration, other illnesses. Talk to all later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    One more quick post. Anne - RE heart worm pills.

    "Mine get the chewable heartworm meds. They are huge, but they have all loved those. And because they are made to be chewable, it wouldn't hurt to cut those up into tiny pieces."


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Okay, home from church, have had lunch, on the second load of laundry and am now sitting down for a while.

    Buzz, I do not know how you manage to keep everything on track. Good for you!! I got a raft of emails after accepting an offer from Sling TV for a free Roku plug in device. I finally found a customer service phone number for them and talked to a live agent as I was starting to think I was being bilked. We got it all sorted and I have received the merchandise as advertised. Mae, I could have given a more concise description of the Sling service. It is a monthly service like Netflix but instead of lots of movies in their library, Sling provides streaming service just the same as what cable is broadcasting with a few extra movies/TV episodes available on demand so I have lots of channels such as BBC America, Hallmark, History, A&E, HGTV, and many more. Most people have many of these channels as part of their basic cable TV package. I do not.

    Anne, I hope we have gotten enough info for you to figure out how to approach the pill issue with Jilly Bean.

    Sandy, I hope you are enjoying your Sunday.

    Meanwhile Jackie, a very productive day. Do you have your own shredder??? Mulch is wonderful stuff!! Stops those weeds, oh yes!!

    I know I should not worry about people but I am perplexed by a particular situation. I have a friend at church who has been separated from her husband for decades. They never got a legal separation or a divorce, not surprising since my friend even refuses to have a will drawn. There is much history but the situation now is the husband is now very ill and is in the hospital running up huge bills no doubt. I have no idea of his insurance situation but tomorrow they are removing his oxygen tube and they do not know if he will live. If he does the doctor doesn't think he will live long. What concerns me is my friend and her legal situation regarding these bills. When my aunt died Social Security and Medicaid came after all of her assets for care received before her death. Can they do that to someone who is a legal spouse I wonder?? Just worried for her and her paid for and totally fixed up home.

    Whatever happens happens. I am sure it will all be okay for her. If it was me, I would likely lose everything to the government!!

    Okay, well, I need to slug through more of the Easter card work, a couple of birthday cards needed soon and. Greeting for a lady whose health is failing and could use a 'hello'!!

    Hugs my friends.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks LIN and everybody. Info much appreciated. Anne.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just to give you all a laugh the score so far, Jilly 4 us O. That is 3 great adults versus one wee dog, and four tries at clamping mouth shut, pill at back of throat, tickle throat etc, release mouth after a while and............pill spat out. Unbelievable! Soggy pill still sitting in a baggy.
    I think it will be liquid tick/flea deterrent squirted on back of neck after all the advice! I envy you, and your good little dogs!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Hmmm, Anne. For tick/ flea medicine Daisy has the liquid which is applied to her front near neck and back near rear. For heart worm a pill that she enjoys, seems the way to go with Jilly!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited April 2017
    LIN, your friend should check his health insurance and quickly since she is otherwise legally responsible! I had to reverse thousands of dollars of incorrectly coded bills for Mike's last few months when he was in nursing care and hospitals. I even was billed for insulin and other medications I personally provided! I still have 1 bill from a hospital doctor the insurance company has not paid because the coding was incorrect!
    We had 2 movies today I wanted to see and the one I least wanted was one of the most moving ones I have seen in ages! Hacksaw Ridge had me on the edge of my seat with tears in my heart, despite it being produced by Mel Gibson, whom I generally try to avoid like the plague. This movie turned out to be a true story of an unbelieveable hero, and I generally hate war movies. At night, they showed "20th Century Women" with Annette Bening, whom I adore. Although I had a general idea of what it was expressing, I really never connected with the story or the characters. I still like Bening!
    I had trepidations all day concerning the Microsoft team I was put in contact with yesterday. So I contacted Dell today, and had them check whether they phoned me yesterday (the ID was the Dell number I always call!) and SANDY and JACKIE were correct in being concerned; it was a scam! Dell cleaned everything out of my computer, and I have work to do tomorrow about reporting it to different authorities. I cannot believe I got tricked into something I am so wary about, and it seemed so OK! I usually just hang up without a second thought :'( !
    So here I am aching for sleep after another long security check, but at least this time I know who I spoke to at Dell. Must be up at the crack of dawn to call my bank! I feel utterly stupid!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning. I for one BUZZ am terrified of being scammed. We hear such horrendous tales of elderly lonely ladies scammed out of their life savings. To be honest round about the time I temporarily dropped out of the Sneakers I was even thinking of giving up the internet altogether. Then reason came to the forefront and seeing I have little in the life savings department to be scammed out of, why give up the convenience of email etc for some grubby little toe rag in a distant land. The phones are even worse. I'm asked twice a day if my ducts need cleaning. "No" I answer, "clean your own ducts and while you are at it clean up your act". It's amazing how many of these thickly accented men have such English sounding names, "I am John Brown" they tell me. One wonders, knowing as I do, say England, which part of England they come from? Deepest Birmingham? The jungles of Leeds? Forget Facebook! I understand it's a wonderful tool for scattered families but I'll keep off it, particularly as any scattered family I have left won't touch it either!
    Sermon over for the day.
    I'm sorry you have work to do today BUZZ but you are most certainly not alone. People who are decent are ill equipped to deal with the scam artists.
    Anne ❤
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Hello, another wet day which has made me change my plans. I was going to go out for a Walmart run but the drippy cold weather stopped me in my tracks. Laundry is chugging away, sweet potatoes roasting and many other little things waiting for attention.

    Buzz, oh no!!!!! I am so incredibly sorry that you have this mess to straighten out. I am frightened some days to open email and rarely answer the phone now unless I recognize the number. Some of our con artists now have local numbers that show up on caller ID. I had been answering local calls. Now people will need to leave me a message.

    And thank you also for addressing my concerns for my friend and my concerns for her situation. I cannot bring up the subject with her. I did advocate strongly for legal resolution to her issues and found affordable attorneys but she said she would do it when she got around to it. She never did. I just pray all will go as she believes it will.

    Back to the laundry.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I don't understand American law, but I would be afraid for your friend as well LIN. People often don't want to divorce because of religious vows, but I for one think if it's over it's over. Divorce gives the other party freedom to remarry if they wish, but for oneself, remembering those vows made in front of family and friends and actually meant, well, just don't remarry. That means one is true to oneself and the church, but also gives one freedom from all the manmade loopholes and twists and turns. The best of both worlds really. The problem is it is very hard to see ourselves or our past partner and love in future dire situations when "all the world is young" and the chickens come home to roost!
    It's got to be Monday, wash and work day, to ponder on these things! I'm not usually philosophical!