Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good evening, weekend over. Thank goodness. The funeral was well attended by extended family so things were hopping in the kitchen for hours and then plenty of clean up. Today the lady doing communion prep was ill so I had the opportunity to stand in. So I never caught up on the things I wanted to accomplish. Oh well.

    Onward to working in mats for the homeless tomorrow and the class tomorrow evening. Should be fun!

    Mae, Tell me more about the Brother machine you purchased! I have heard of them Some people recommended those but others were all about the Cricut. Especially that newer one Explore 2 maybe? And the librarian uses a Silouette machine I believe. Everyone seems to like the brand they are using. I picked Sizzix as I saw many dies and embossing folders that were available locally for that brand.

    Happy casino time Sandy! I hope you are able to keep in touch. Cute photo with the Easter rabbit. Darling children but I must say the bunny is a bit scary!!

    Interesting documentary Buzz, that one definitely did not put you to sleep! I am busy enjoying Sling TV and all the options that I have been missing from my cable provider. Finally, TV channel choices again. Now I will have to contend with the data cap issue each month!

    Anne, on your bugs bunny diet, will you start to look like that Easter bunny? I hope not! Great poem by the way.

    Marie, I never know where the link is now for resetting days, it always takes some clicking around for me to find it. Luckily the issue does not come up often. I am sorry Missy isn't as cuddly as you'd hoped but maybe little by little she will settle in more.

    Time to move along. Tired and realize I will not accomplish polish my goals for today.



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Surprise!! It's raining again!! Happy rainy Monday washday everybody.

    To be honest LIN, if, after my Bugs Bunny diet, I resemble the above mentioned Easter Bunny, it will be a vast improvement on how I actually look right now, lol.

    I haven't a clue on how to reset days spent on MFP. I spend so much time pressing the wrong buttons I keep starting all over again!

    I went over to Home Depot on Sunday and picked up a door mat. This will tell you all that my life is not of the social butterfly kind.

    The good news is that whilst I lost a whole pound of blubber last week, my little guide dog gained a whole pound in weight, making her normal for her size, so she hopefully won't be posting on your pound a week page SANDY anymore!

    Back to the cabbage and carrots etc,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :)Marie, I walk in the morning with a woman and her dog that she got from a shelter. She told me that it took a year before her dog stopped being afraid that they would take him back to the shelter, so I've decided that it will probably take Bessie (and your MIssy) a year before they feel completely safe that they are living in their new "forever home".
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Leaving for New Buffalo. Michigan.......will try to post at least to say hi!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    First off yesterday I forgot to put my clocks forward so it wasn't until 8 am when I got a text from my walking friend to ask if I was on my way to meet her that it clicked!! She said laughing that she wouldn't let me forget it but then was supposed to pick me up to go to a small group of ladies to celebrate our late mothers and found herself driving into town having forgotten me so we're quits!

    Today I've been clothes shopping with the same group and we've had a great time trying items on and generally behaving like teenagers and now home will set to and finish mowing the lawns I began on Saturday because we have glorious sunshine but the forecast for the rest of the week isn't great.

    Barbie and Marie ~ When I adopted George 3 years ago I was told it could take 5 years to overcome his issues so am pleased after the 3 that he's come on in leaps and bounds. I don't think we can blame them for feeling unsettled, after all where they live is out of their control so all we can do is prove it's a loving forever home.

    Anne ~ Door mats are very important so I'm sure you felt a certain amount of satisfaction when you set it in its rightful place! Glad to hear the rabbit food is working for you whereas on the way home from our shopping stint this morning I bought amongst other things 2 crispy bread rolls and have just eaten both so there's no hope for me!

    Buzz ~ I've made a note of the title of your documentary and will keep an eye out for it and will click on your link to the article involving your grandson once I've posted otherwise likely to lose the lot!

    Sandy ~ Have a wonderful trip and promise you'll still want to know us if you win a fortune! Just love the Easter bunny and kiddies photo.... adorable!

    Lin ~ The kitchen is always a place I head for after a funeral and chat to everyone as I wash the dishes and tidy. That's good that you've found a tv channel you can view the sort of programmes you enjoy so let's hope you don't lose that one.

    Must get on as I'm still catching up with the clocks going forward and notice it's already past 3pm. Tomorrow I have to wait in for the plumber to look at the immersion heater that's given up the ghost so probably more time to catch up. Oh yes and here's a video I put together of our doggie walk Saturday morning.... look at that blue sky and sun!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well, you managed it Jackie! I'm homesick........again! Lol. Wood anemones (wind flowers) they don't grow here.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Jackie, your video was wonderful. I was struck by the similarity yet not exactly, to Oregon. Our trees are of a different variety. Since we have so many tree farms and we have a thriving timber industry, the native trees have been sadly almost eradicated. We also have so much rain, we have a total covering of moss and other moisture loving fungi. We have a beautiful little flower called trillium, that is so fragrant, they are showing up and around now. They looked like the lovely white blossoms in your video.

    I do have an appreciation for most places on this special planet called earth. The desert can be harsh but breathtakingly beautiful. We lived in Wyoming and it felt other worldly at times. The high plains had rolling hills with tall waving prairie grass that was mystical. Suddenly like in the African velt, a herd of antelope would just appear. And disappear like the wind. We lived in Alaska and the northern lights were so amazing that to this day I cannot believe the night we stood on our deck on Christmas Eve watching them until frostbite was eminent. Great times!

    Water-logged and stir-crazy from too many days in the rain,

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Stayed a moment too long so I could enjoy JACKIE being walked in the woods by her dog!!! How delightful! But I must say I shivered when they bounded into the stream; that water must be frigid!
    I suspect by going to "Home" and running down a bit, your day numbers would eventually show up. I wonder why they changed the routine?
    Wish I had time to comment, but bus is coming shortly to take me to dinner at another community, so---GOOD LUCK SANDY, and goodnight everybody!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2017
    We have trilliums too, PATSY. Not the same as the wood anemones though, although just as beautiful. One of the hospitals here is called The Trillium. I remember the local bluebell wood on the outskirts of my village. The trees were mainly beech trees. Everywhere a mass of blue with the wood anemones or "wind flowers" and wild garlic dotted amongst them. Lovely memory. Going back to the trilliums, or "wake-robins" They are also the official flower of Ontario, and became so in 1937. One of our local woods will soon be full of them blooming.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Oh my, I LOVED the video Jackie. I can see how you would be homesick Anne.

    Hello Buzz!!

    Sandy, safe travels.

    Patsy, thanks for your descriptions of places you have lived.

    Ready to get some rest. Mah Jongg in the morning. :)


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2017
    I'm waiting for the heating engineer to arrive to hopefully get my hot water running again and taking the opportunity to get a few chores done. George meanwhile grumbles, barks and growls at the slightest sound because he reads my mind so knows someone is on their way, not helped by the neighboring farmer running his tractor round the fields behind my cottage!

    Anne ~ So sorry to make you feel homesick again! Wood anemones are my favourites too and the local woodland has been covered in a carpet of them but soon the bluebells will be showing their heads and probably smothering them but then that's nature!

    Patsy ~ We do seem to share similar weather so you must be surrounded by as much lush green terrain as I am, the only difference being that our estates that were originally owned by the aristocracy before they ran out of money held on to their woodlands so we have many indigenous trees but wandering further afield there are many acres of forests that are managed for timber, mostly conifers, that would be more suited in Scandinavia! What wonderful memories you must hold of those beautiful parts of America you've lived in and having travelled across your country what now feels like a million years ago, I see what you're saying about its diversity.

    Buzz ~ Out to dinner again!! I do hope you enjoyed yourself. This evening after our yoga class the group is heading to a local pub for a meal to get to know each other a little more since there's not much chance once we're on our mats and stretching. No chance for me to lose any weight with all these meals out but I think after this evening's I've a 10 day respite to get my act together. :)

    Hello Lin and everyone else.

    Still no sign of the plumber although I was told it could be any time this morning so George continues to grumble. The vacuum cleaner is out ready to whiz round so I'll do that for a bit.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Isn't it funny JACKIE how these little dogs can read our minds. I'm amazed that Jill with her small head and small brain inside it has picked up so much knowledge. I use cloth shopping bags and I can't put them out before I go shopping. Jill associates them with Michael and whether he's coming over or not if they are out of the cupboard she will sit patiently by the back door forever. We've also tested her by not mentioning his name, but when he's about 5 minutes away by car she will again run excitedly to the back door and wait. We can't figure out how she knows he's in the vicinity without even mentioning his name or putting the shopping bags out.

    I wish I had this ability when certain groups knock on my front door. However, this is becoming less frequent because she has the bark of a bull mastiff. I'm forever getting agents who want to sell this small house to people who want to knock it down and build again bigger (but better?).

    BIG wash day today. I have to be slowing down as I can't have enough hours in the day to do all I want. I so admire you energetic gals who cram so much into the day! Maybe when I'm down to my normal weight the old engine will get stoked up again.

    The vacuum is out at the ready. Fun time for Jilly Bean who chases it.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Just dropping in to say hi! Had a late night and tired today. Being lazy in my room, but time to shower and meet my friends. Not winning, just donating!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am having so much trouble with my typing . I will not be posting much anymore

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hi, sorry, not much from me. Have been crocheting on my mat for the homeless. Almost 6' now. Need some rest.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Late again! Had lovely day with visit from cousin from Boston. She took me to lunch (Greek salads) and I showed her around our lobby and dining rooms. Introduced her to dear friends and when we said she was traveling to Patagonia, one piped up she has been there 3 times. Upon chatting, the same friend also found she and her husband had taught at Smith College in Amherst, and my cousin was head of several departments there, and they had much in common!My dinner date got screwed up so I ate the leftovers from lunch and then attended a great concert by a well-known tenor in our auditorium. I requested "To Dream the Impossible Dream" from Man from La Mancha. It may be hokey , but I love that song and he did a magnificent job singing it. He included, from The Fantasticks, "Try to Remember", and them Memories from Cats. We ate it up...just adored him! Came up realizing my accountant is coming tomorrow and I'm not prepared! And there's a meeting here before he arrives so I will miss or mess something! I'd better compile my papers right now!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning, all. I do believe spring is actually here. The weather is still capricious but I think we've seen the last of any snow! Of course some folk are already complaining about the twittering and squawking going on in the bushes at daybreak but I find it wonderful after listening to snow blowing equipment trundling down the road! No pleasing some. Talking of snow, clearance by Darren only cost me $170 this year, compared to the usual season of $500 whether it's cleared or not. Another reason to celebrate the warming days and sunshine. Of course, grass mowing is coming up, mmm I wonder if I can interest Darren in doing a spot of mowing. The professionals mow and charge whether it's needed or not in the parched season.
    Well it's time almost to take The Bean out for her morning sniff around the fire hydrants.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Still not winning but having fun! Checking out today and then an early birthday dinner for my friend!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good day - spring may be here but today is a day filled with cold rain and wind. I am looking forward to some warmer spring days.

    Nothing interesting. Tai Chi this morning. Some time at the library, made a card for our Tai Chi instructor's birthday. Sorting through email and watching some old episodes of Perry Mason.

    I have lots of work left on my Easter cards and coloring projects. And then there's the mat, another half foot or so, then one single crochet around the entire thing. Then I need to figure out how to make the handles/carry strap. A friend said she thought I could finish it tonight. I don't think so.....there's too much work left.

    Still feeling a bit rocky. I think perhaps it could have to do with the cold brew coffee I got at Starbucks.

    Oh well, this too shall pass.

    Hugs my friends.

    From Boring Lin
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello! At the library. How is everyone doing??
