Senior Golden Sneakers



  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Hello Golden Sneakers! I am back! Just a quick hello tonight.
    I was here originally back in 2011 - 2013 then had a fall on icy cement steps and have been dealing with a TBI (traumatic brain injury). My major problems are dealing with AP (apical pulse) and B/P, more on that at another time. A brief explanation is my AP & B/P go up then drop dramatically especially when I stand and with minimal activity. I go from AP 80's at rest to low 100's standing and 130's+ with minimal activity then drop instantaneously to 40's and nearly black out. There are days when I can tolerate walking slowly for up to 7 - 10 minutes at a time and do errands these days.
    My son moved home to help me out, that is a subject for another time.
    I have lost over 11# in the inital 2 weeks of starting back watching my diet!

    I noticed a few familiar faces : Sandy, Marie, and dear Buzz, Hello. I look forward to getting to catch up and to get to know everyone else.
    Goodnight for now.
    Mae in Maine
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning Sneakers and a big hello to Mae in Maine. We had a glorious spring day yesterday, in fact Jilly Bean had a lot of walkies and a romp through remaining snow banks. We, that is son Michael and I stopped to talk to a lady with a corgi and little madam managed to get her head out of her brand new collar. This dog should have been named Houdini. However, Michael yelled "Jilly, SIT", and she did. Panic over! She, fully grown is still only the size of a small cute black cat, and is often mistaken for one at first, and so far she's managed to remove her zippered winter coat, numerous harnesses and now the collar! At least she sat when commanded, thank the Lord because there was some traffic on this particular street. Big treat on arrival home and tighter collar for a good little girl!

    Just so we don't get spoilt, it's snowing again after a glimpse of spring.

    I managed to get through the first day of deprivation by not fainting from lack of food! Ever hopeful, I jumped on the brought out again scales this morning and haven't lost an ounce despite resembling Bugs Bunny in eating habits. I know, it's early days, actually 1 day. Only 1 hour and 15 minutes to morning snack of 1 banana and black coffee!
    Bye from Anne in Ontario.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So nice to welcome you back "home", MAE! I've caught a glimpse of you elsewhere on MFP, and happy to see you again, though we all hope for better news, healthwise! Fabulous weight loss for 2 weeks! Your AP and BP problems almost sound like a low sugar thing that my dear Mike (he died last October), who was a diabetic, used to go through. I thought he was having seizures or something, but it was hypoglycemia! Anyway, chin up and come as often as you can! ;)
    ANNE, you should be very proud of yourself for training Jilly to command! You probably saved her life!
    My building had a major water pipe burst at 3 AM, and we have no water until perhaps this afternoon. I called the office and suggested my building go into Hurricane mode, (breakfast and lunch included) and they agreed for anyone who requested it; so I had a lovely breakfast and plan to go down for lunch! And this morning I received a call from the new widower whose wife's Celebration of Life I attended yesterday, and he accepted my offer of my wheelchair. I'm delighted he rethought his needs, as I can see the pain when he walks!
    Now I must make several sympathy cards, unfortunately; but I kind of stopped making cards after Mike's death! I think I need to start again!
    Must get downstairs to another building to make a pit stop! Have a great weekend.
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited March 2017
    Happy Saturday!! :) Another fun evening with the boys, Max is getting so big. I lost that pound I gained but of course running around in circles with Robby will do that! ;) I stopped and played a slot machine on the way home and won a little money, so I had a good St. Patrick's Day!!

    Anne, Jilly is a little devil, a cute devil but at least she listens. I walk Daisy with a leash similar to this one, but she does weigh 95 pounds and this helps me not have her pull me and keeps me in control.
    You are cracking me up with your starvation!!

    Mae, welcome back but I am so sorry to read about your TBI, how frightening. I am glad you son is there to help you and hope you can make a full recovery. Good job on losing 11 pounds but remember your health comes first.

    Buzz, how often do they have the celebration of life? It sounds wonderful and seems to help with closure. I came home last night and on top of one of my delivery boxes was a plate with chocolate cake and green frosting made by one of the neighbors. (I don't know which one)
    I however, will tell them it was delicious but I won't eat it. Don't tell them, I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings. ;)

    Marie, you are one of the lucky people who receives Lin's beautiful cards, she is so thoughtful.
    Did you get your corned beef and cabbage? I only like it once a year.

    Lin, uh oh, those cyber elves got your post, sorry, I hate when that happens.

    Mass later today, that is the extent of my plans for today. Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, a Celebration of Life is actually a memorial meeting for a friend and resident who has just died here. Unfortunately, we are having frequent losses lately. Everyone is still talking about the huge number of friends who came to say goodbye to Mike! I still say he would have never believed it! Unfortunately, we are on the waiting list again for a close friend, whose daughters are here now...just waiting and waiting! Amazing how he wakens from his morphine doses to be so alert for a very short time. But he knows he is loved by us all.
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I have only the finest things to say for HOSPICE care! Amazing!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hello Mae in Maine, I have been here for a while now. Glad you are back but so sorry for your problems. I trust you see continued improvement.

    Buzz, hello my friend. Such sorrowful news as friends and close acquaintances pass. The lady at church who is at home on hospice care is just fading a bit each day. I sent over a Meal Train donation again this evening along with another homemade card.

    Sandy, I am glad your knee is feeling better. And wow, winning money again!!! You are a money magnet.

    Anne, how wonderful that Jilly stopped when she slipped her collar. That is something my Siberian Huskies would never consider. Freedom meant an opportunity to RUN!!

    Marie, glad you got the cards. I just like to send them to you and the lady in the Post Office likes to see something addressed to your city in Texas since she lived there long ago. :D

    I did go to the scrapbooking/paper crafts event yesterday and worked straight through to around 6:30pm and then came home totally worn out. I had done my regular things the day before but put in an extra 50 flights of stairs turning the water on and off when the plumber was here. I was so tired and last night I was up every hour or so with horrible spasms and cramps in my legs so wasn't rested this morning. I did not go back for day two. Did errands and some chores and then over to my church to drop off the Meal Train donation and to visit with the ladies doing the scrapbooking day there. The party I was invited to was cancelled which was just fine with me.

    I hope to get more sleep tonight. Church tomorrow and then a guitarist at the library. He is very entertaining, I saw him several years ago. Hope to get back tomorrow.

    Taxes on Monday. Wahoo!!!

    Hugs to all my dear Sneaker friends.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. Yesterday's ferry trip across to Plymouth city was fine although the water was a bit choppy and most of my friends had driven to the restaurant then struggled with parking so I was pleased with my decision to leave the car on the other side of the water. Some of us hadn't met up for nearly 25 years and others I'd not seen for about 5 years so it was a loud, chatty lunch of delicious Italian cuisine. Since I'd be driving once back across the water I avoided alcohol but did enjoy a baked brie starter followed by wild boar burger with a few chips (French fries). We worked together at the local tv studios and all had funny memories to regale! Here's a link to the site the restaurant sits within to give you an idea of what our naval city looks like in some places although much was flattened by bombing in WWII.
    Today it's rather cloudy but so far dry and I plan to do yet more gardening but in future won't even mention that task because you all know by now it's a constant job with me! My bruised hand is healing well and it was a lesson learned..... don't lean and dig at the same time!!

    Hello to Mae in Maine as I don't think we met in the past.

    A 2nd mug of coffee I think, then on with the chores outside.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning all! It looks gloomy outside but who knows what the day will bring. Oh JACKIE don't give up on telling us about the gardening! I for one love to hear what you are chopping back and planting! That goes for everyone's food intake and diets as well. It's so helpful to read about others ideas and deprivations. I've managed to stick to 1200 calories per day so far and today will be my third day of endurance. I don't expect I'll see any results though for another four days!

    On a more gloomy note, thanks for the suggestion SANDY but I will keep clear of extended leashes especially for our Jill who is the tiniest dog I've ever seen. My vet wants them banned. Do you remember an earlier post about Michael having his little dog Cinders run over by a car when a child was holding an extendable leash? Anyway, personally I think they are fine for big dogs like Daisy but not for my midget. Tighter collar, and obeying sit and stay commands for her. I was so relieved when she understood Mike despite a much bigger dog straining on its leash who had joined us and she was running behind Mike to avoid being trod on when she slipped out of the newly bought collar. Alls well that ends well and thanks for the link which I checked.

    Well telephone, letter writing and visits for me today. Sundays are so special!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hello All

    Mae glad to see you back among us. Sorry you've had such a time of it.

    Buzz every time you post and mention where you live, I am impressed. You certainly made a good decision when you moved into that facility.

    Sandy The little ones will certainly play you out for sure. With our latest round of company I have managed to gain some weight. Darn, hope it comes off soon. So frustrating for me.

    Anne Jill is a definite challenge but I'm impressed how well she listens. So cute.

    Lin you sound amazingly busy. Your cards are so nice. Receiving a card like you and Buzz make is always a treat.

    We went to a Calgary girls concert last night. They are so good. The choir is going to San Francisco in April to compete. Sure hope they don't run into any border crossing problems.

    As for me I am struggling with recurring yeast infections (4 in one month) which can be a sign of diabetes. I am having blood tests next week. Sure would like to figure this awful occurrence out. Can be caused by poor sleep and that has been happening too. With me it it seems it is always something. I must have been exposed to lots of bad environmental things growing up in the country during the development of a new oil field or just inherited a bunch of bad genes. Oh well. Life goes on

    Have a great day


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited March 2017
    Happy Sunday! :) A little warmer today but no plans on being outside. Babe continues to be sick with a bad cold, dizziness and anxiety. I feel bad for him but there is nothing I can do to help him. I am a person who believes in mind over matter which works for me. The faster I think about getting well the faster is works in most cases. B)

    Jeri, sounds like you had a fun girls night out, you deserve one!! I am sorry about the recurring yeast infections and hope you get some answers next week. I had them when I was pregnant and hated them.

    Anne, I gave you the wrong site on the leash I use so here is the correct one. I do not use a retractable leash, I do not like them. This is just a normal leash that I wrap around my hand just in case Daisy tries to pull me. I am pretty sure you could do this with most any leash. I think what you use for Jilly is just fine, especially when she listens as well as she does. I think if Daisy got off lease she would take off although they say if they do run the other way so they don't think it is a game that you are chasing them and they will run to you. I really don't want to test that theory. lol Enjoy your phone calls.

    Jackie, good for you for staying the same on the pound a week club. It is so hard sometimes and no gain is as good as a loss. The place you went to eat lunch looks amazing and yes, so very English. Your life in England seems so amazing especially with you having a little cottage type house and land to have a few animals. I know it is hard work but still has to be beautiful.

    Lin, I am sorry you had a bad night of sleeping, nothing worse than no sleep. I hope you got the rest you needed and can enjoy the guitarist.

    Buzz, I agree about Hospice, I loved how they took care of my mother and will always be grateful. The celebration of life sounds even better with your description, a comfort for the living people left behind. Sorry there is another close friend fighting his battle, but glad he knows how much he is loved.

    Other than my video call with my kids I will probably spend most of the day watching April the Giraffe to see if she delivers her calf. She is at Adventure Animal Park and they have had a live cam on her for a few weeks anticipating the birth. I think I need a life. lol

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi SANDY, thank you for the new information. I had to smile at Daisy's whopping 95 lb! Jill is 7 lb. Thats good advice to run the opposite way if your furry pal slips their collar! It would work with Jilly Bean because she loves to play chase! but like you I don't want to test the theory.
    I've just eaten my Ryvita, ham, cheese and mixed salad and actually it ain't half bad! Three and a half days in now so I'm getting used to the diet and don't feel I'm falling through my knickers any more from food deprivation.

    Roy phoned from the UK and he woke up to a lovely surprise. Last fall the local council dug into the earth under everyone's street name plaque and nobody knew why at the time, but today his village is a sea of gold from all the daffodils in full bloom!

    I found a lovely photo of an abandoned chalk quarry already returning to nature from my own birth village and in which we used to play as children. It's now a nature reserve but looking just the same as I remember it. I So wanted to show you all but it won't take. Copyright problem? The old windmill has been restored. When I was young it was a ruin and we daren't go inside in case of ghosts!
    Well time to take The Bean for walkies and in sunshine! Spring is almost here.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good afternoon. Went to church, home for a bit for lunch, on to the library for some very lovely music!!! Back home and scratching my head. They out a call for everyone to send birthday cards for the son of the lady who is dying. He is a nice young man but I don't know his age and am not sure of his interests and am finding it difficult to think of what I can make for a card for him. Need to whip it out quickly as his birthday is in just a few days and I need mailing time.

    Time to organize for tomorrow's tax appointment and then need to try to call the handyman to start discussing how to fix the big hole in my wall! On the plus side, the shower is just wonderful now.

    Spring tomorrow!!!! Wahoo.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ended my week up 2 ounces, which was not a surprise as last night's crab-stuffed mushroom was soooooooo salty! Saw Fences this afternoon; powerful movie, terrific acting, sad sad commentary! Waiting for 60 minutes which is late as usual, due to televised basketball game. So taking advantage to check up on you, dear friends.
    JERI, I hope you do not have diabetes, but if you do, follow instructions and take a class in management so you know the latest controls. They have changed over the years. Potassium intake can harm kidneys, so just be careful! I agree that being near oil fields can be dangerous, yet it seems to be more important than health concerns. Technology sure has its drawbacks!
    Here's 60 minutes, so back tomorrow. had time to read everything posted today, and my hugs to each and every one!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Beautiful spring day here. Everyone showed up at my place this afternoon and we walked over to the local park. Jilly had never been before and she just had a ball in all the grassy space and trees. We were surprised we had the park to ourselves on such a lovely day. It was a very long walk really for shorty I would have thought but she took it all in her stride and was still full of high spirits and play when we arrived home. I love it when all our small family show up. Lots of laughter. Jill is now fast asleep.

    And it's the first day of spring tomorrow and hopefully lots more trips to our park. Happy spring everyone!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Anne ~ Before your time I'm sure but is this the area you played in as a child?

    In the middle of housework so will be back later!

  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    BUZZ – Sorry to hear of Mike's passing. Hospice is AMAZING! I did Hospice Nursing for a few years before We lost my sister. I became the caregiver for my sister/uncle/nephew/Mother in the last several yrs. I am familiar with hypoglycemic reactions and they are hard to witness. Three of my sisters were type I (insulin dependent/juvenile ) diabetics and two of them had “predromal syndrome” where they would go to bed with sugars in low 200's and wake early mornings(2-4am) in a reaction with sugars 30's or lower. I do have hypoglycemia(where I drop from 120's to 60's rapidly but nothing like my sisters and my sugars will go up over 200 only when something is physically wrong, i.e.: kidney stones, infection (either kidney or respiratory),etc.
    My AP & B/P fluctuations are because I hit my head and injured the part of my brain that regulates things your body does automatically (the Autonomic Nervous System =ANS). It also affects smooth muscles – cardiac, renal, and esophageal are the ones I have the most trouble with. Electrolyte and mineral balances are also an issue. I require 3-4grams of sodium/day and 3grams+ of potassium along with > water intake.
    Enough on that.
    I was glad to see you are still here and checking in. :) I remember you said you had been in my neck of the woods when you were younger. This winter has been a strange one. We had 2 small storms and a few small snowfalls early on then our Jan thaw which lasted through February with a few days that hit 70*F! B) In true Maine fashion we went from 70*F to 20's a major snowstorm 2 days later. We had approximately 25”. Son did shovel a 'small' path for me to get to the car. Now past few days back up in 30's -low 50's....” wait a minute it will change”

    Sandy -Luck of the Irish was with you! :)
    Hope your knee does not give you too much trouble. Did you have knee surgery in the past?

    Anne – Close call with Jilly. Glad she listens well, sits when told to. I too like to get meal/snack/gardening/craft ideas from others. What a nice surprise the daffodils were.

    Lin- Sounds like you are very crafty. I have started trying to do paper crafts, card making, and quilting.
    I used to paint some wood crafts for the church fairs and family,but after several years everyone seemed to have have what I crafted and there was no more call for them so I changed crafts. I would love to see some of your work. Maybe could exchange ideas or you could teach me some things. :-)

    Jackie – Sounds like you had a great reunion and meal. It is always nice to reconnect with people. I wish the weather was so I could get the gardens ready for the season. I envy people with longer growing seasons. I sit and scoot along the ground to do my raised beds. I did start some herbs inside last week. I would love to hear how your garden grows.

    Jeri- Nice to be back thank you. :) You can get a glucometer free to quite cheap and test your sugars at home. The companies give the meters for free in hopes to get your business for the supplies.
    Hope you find the cause and get relief soon.

    Went to a Pampered Chef party Saturday, it was great to get out. Ran a couple errands after the party (picked up RX's and a seed starter set). Came home and did shoulder PT and leg exercises which wore me out ! :p Went to bed about 9pm, woke about every 2 1/2– 3 hrs. with my bladder, but slept close to
    20 hrs. I did get quick things to eat and was up maybe ½ – ¾ hr. at those times then fell back asleep!
    Cleaning out refrig today and using left overs. Going to go do exercises,I try to do a minimum of my shoulder PT and leg exercises every day ( history of DVT's and Lung PE's) as preventative. Well getting long winded, sorry. Catch you all later.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2017
    It doesn't look familiar JACKIE, although is the river the Humber. Look up - Hessle nature reserve - and the first picture shows the path we walked on and often fell down, it was steep. My mother was in a nursing home almost next to the Humber Bridge. My dad would walk over to watch the base go in, but alas died before the bridge was completed. I've walked over the bridge four times to my cousin in Barton when visiting my Mom.
    PS, oh, just seen your picture is of Hornsea mere! All my dads family side come from there (lots in the churchyard) and I'm sad to say two of his aunts drowned in the mere when skating on the thin ice as teenagers! It's absolutely beautiful today with lots of wild fowl and boats. If I returned to England I'd head for Hornsea and it's lake, look up the photo of Leven.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Laundry day and later my hairdresser is coming to color and trim my hair.
    I am getting lots of compliments on the length and color so almost cancelled but I know by next week it will be too long and we are going on our casino trip and I want to look presentable. If I get up the energy I will probably grocery shop, that is if I can pull myself away from April the Giraffe.

    Anne, I hear Canada is also beautiful, so you have lived in wonderful areas. How sad for your dad that two of his aunts drowned while skating, it must have been devastating.

    Mae, you have such a good outlook with all that you have and are going through. Babe has been diagnosed with pure autonomic failure which also has something to do with his central nervous system. When did you have the fall down the stairs? I have had two knee replacements but I think I just overdid riding the bike because it is better now. If it flares up again I will see my knee doctor.

    Buzz, ounces as Jackie stated can be removed with one trip to the little girls room. lol
    I didn't see the topic on 60 minutes but I don't really watch it. I love the show with Steve Hardy called Little Big Shots.

    Lin, I am glad you enjoyed the music and hopefully you got some rest. Sorry about the son who is losing a parent, it would be helpful if you knew his age for the appropriate birthday card. I know with your talents that you will make the perfect one.

    Have a good day and keep smiling.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good day friends. Happy spring!!!

    My taxes are calculated and a plan is in place for this coming year which includes filing for a Social Security. We had a nice long talk and listened to my accountant/attorney as she explained why she thought in my situation I should file. Even though I had been certain I would not file until age 70, I was having doubts and I decided it made sense. Wow!! Decisions made on IRA withdrawal, charitable contributions, etc. lots accomplished!!

    The son is in his 20's and I did a bit of research and he has a Harley motorcycle so I did a card in orange and a bit of dark brown. So here it is...


    And sorry for the scribbles but here's the inside:
