Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited March 2017
    We had a great time with our grandkids and the 3 yr old was a challenge but fun. So much fun interacting with the 12 and 16 yr old granddaughters. We played games and watched movies on tv.

    I am back on track again food wise. I gave up counting with all the flurry. I find it so frustrating as I lose weight so slowly.

    SAndy you mentioned being on a low carb diet. Can you give me more details. I'm ready to try something new.

    Just had supper, now I am going to get in my 30 minutes of exercise.

    Have a great evening

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2017
    PATSY, I understand your excitement, as your course sounds similar to the one I'm taking here about positive and creative approaches to senior years. All our classes emphasize the importance of standing rather than sitting, moving about frequently, socializing and finding NEW things to do, play or try! Something you either adore or dislike! It becomes even more challenging if you put a time limit on some exercises (like write the all the names of girls you can think of beginning with [name a letter]). We had letter B and I was the only one who didn't include Barbara! We meet once a week and only the people who signed up and were accepted attend, after making a many week commitment to attend every class. Our exercise instructor is our leader, and classes include brain, body and spiritual approaches so it is encompassing many areas to living well. Perhaps if anyone is interested, I can write the subjects we tackle during the course. They also emphasize the importance of sleep to maintain proper weight! Good night!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good morning, another busy day ahead. All packed and ready to get out there and do as much as possible. Buzz and Patsy, the courses you are taking sound very interesting. I think this is the type of thing I am trying to do on my own as I try new things, get out and meet a few new people, do some brain challenging things every day and generally try to mix things up but I do keep a base of enjoyable things. At coloring yesterday we were talking about Copic markers and alcohol paper etc, and I said I seem to try many new things just trying to rescue projects that I am working with. An experienced pastel artist who joins us sometimes said that is often the best way to learn, experiment, stretch your creativity in response to perceived errors. I have more than my share of opportunities.

    Jeri, what fun you've had with the kids. This is spring break week and many of my friends and acquaintances are spending time with their grandchildren or are having them come to visit for most of the week.

    Sandy, I am glad you got to the high school to talk to the kids. I agree though, if you do not have that issue in the house you might not be aware of the program. I knew nothing about alcohol at all as a child since my folks did not drink neither did my grandparents (except one grandfather who had a beer and a cigar in a bar downtown once a week while my grandmother shopped).

    Anne, how are you and Jilly getting along? I heard some areas did not get as much snow as forecast which is great. Come on Spring!!

    Jackie, ever busy my friend. With Spring almost here the work starts in earnest yes? I must say though I am having no itch to grow anything this year. I don't know why. Maybe this recent cold snap has frozen the notion out of me.

    Well, I am late now so must run.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, you are always stretching your mind for new challenges! Coloring was one of the suggestions on my course, and of course you are already creating lovely designs! Have you attempted subjects you actually don't particularly like? I haven't yet, but know I should. Now I'm waiting for a Comcast technician (again!) to get my replacement modem---2nd one! The telephone clocks keep going back to Eastern Standard Time no matter how many times I manually change them. They tell me Comcast has nothing to do with the phone time display!!!Are they kidding? How many people set their phone time manually twice a year? I never have in all my life!!! But they refuse to admit they are goofing :s ! I'll try lunch before he shows up. Our monthly Birthday Night Dinner was held last night and I dutifully ordered the salmon instead of marmalade glazed duck legs, which I would have preferred. My control is improving and my scale has definitely gone south! The legs, too, are reducing, so I'm doing better. I need a pat on the head ;)
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited March 2017
    Happy Wednesday!! :) A very cold but sunny day with no snow! B) I am going to try my luck at bingo tonight so wish me luck. I went to Robby's yesterday so that I could watch Max while he and his mom went outside to play in the snow. Robby wanted me to go out but unfortunately (on purpose) I forgot my snow boots. :p I have gained back 1.6 pounds since I haven't ridden my bike and had that "cake". I am going to ride it moderately today and although I have a doctor's appointment next Monday I might cancel it since with rest it is much better.

    Lin, you certainly do keep your mind and your body active, which is great!! I feel with all I do on the computer and with the boys besides riding my bike I am very active so I hope I am helping my health and brain.

    Buzz and Patsy, you both are doing wonderful things to keep your health and minds strong and Buzz I am glad they empathize sleep, something you sometimes forget to do.

    Jeri, as far as low carb I am trying to eat lower than 70 carbs a day preferably 50. But I am also counting my calories as low carb has higher calories. So MFP shows different than my fitbit on calorie count as far as excess and I don't know why but I follow what fitbit shows and that is how I determine how many calories I need to exercise. I also prefer low sugar and my son says to eat higher protein on low carb. Does any of this make any sense?? I am afraid once I get to below my goal weight and might have a cheat day that I will gain like I did with the cake.
    I love being with the boys, but they do wear me out and with Max now weighing 15 pounds and liking to be held, it is a little hard on my back. I love having conversations with Robby though, kids are so much fun.

    Jackie, I did increase my bike gradually from 60 minutes to 90 but I took aleve for two days and it is much better. I will give it the old college try this afternoon and see how it feels. I agree without having alcoholism in your family you may never have heard of Al Anon or AA and even then sometimes not. I think health fairs like the one we were are wonderful ways to help educate the teens. They had tables there for everything including self protection, recovery programs, support groups etc.

    I have lots to do before bingo tonight so have a wonderful day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited March 2017
    Almost time to go to bed. But a quick stop here.

    Thanks Sandy, and from looking at what I ate today, I have to rethink my food choices if I want lo carb. I know I always do better when I can have a salad for lunch but with our busy ways, I don't always have that choice. Being allergic to milk and cheese, lots of quick salads have cheese added already. I do miss my cheese. Hope you won at bingo

    As for keeping your mind strong, Ed and I do crossword puzzles everyday and I like to do sudoku as well. Every little bit helps I think.

    More company tomorrow, we have an out-of-town friend spending 2 nights with us. I am beginning to feel like a hotel. LOL

    BUzz, glad to hear you are doing so well. I know we all make not so good choices from time to time but as long as most of the time we make good choices, we are doing good.

    Lin - yes Ed and I had such a good time with the kids. We made out better than the other grandparents who had to take one of the boys in to get stitches on his forehead. That's boys for you.

    I'm afraid to page back in case I lose my post so I'll send hugs to everyone I missed.

    Have a great Thursday everyone.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning. Bleak good morning. I jumped on the scales this morning having an idea that some weight had crept back on over this weird winter, and because the buttons on my favourite shirt are pulling at the seams. Despite puppy walking, puppy playtime, completely giving up sugar, alas, all those lovely stews and baked potatoes, and Jacob cream crackers lathered in butter have done their damage. Honestly, you turn your back for one moment and voila the sneaky blubber has crept back on the Jacean bum. It's so unfair. It appears I am stuck on MFP for life and just when I waved it a carefree fare-thee-well a month ago!!

    Is your pound a week club still operating SANDY? If so, you will probably see this Canadian based whale back on it come Monday! Bah, humbug.
    I hate Canadian cabin stuck winters now I no longer ski. This is because I'm scared of hip replacement; probably no longer a problem when you consider all the cushioning back there!

    And how was YOUR start to the day, dear golden Sneakers?

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. My day began with a quick Georgie walk before going swimming, then picking up a small amount of shopping (mostly dog treats) and back home to slap creams on limbs and make a light lunch. Just Ryvita crispbread with thin slice of Edam cheese and even thinner piece of ham because I shall be weighing tomorrow and don't want a 3rd week of staying the same.
    I'm now going to drop myself and George into my neighbour to make sure she's ok and then walk George on a short moors route. Your storm Stella is on her way with wind and rain so I must make the most of today's dry.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and I am the speaker so can't be late. I did not go to bingo as my friend was not feeling well and we are going out to dinner tonight. Having corn beef and cabbage on the night before weigh in won't be good as my scale is up one pound already today. I was able to ride my bike last night but did it nice and slow. I am going to cancel my doctor's appointment for Monday if it feels okay tomorrow. Picture this: I am making this low carb dessert which requires whipping cream. I whipped up the cream and then pushed the button to release the beaters in the sink. I added the almond milk and jello package, washed the beaters and went to put them back in the hand held beater. OUCH! I forgot to shut it off and once I put the beater in my baby finger got caught and sort of beat!! It is swollen today but it will be fine, just a little sore. Only I would do something so dumb!!

    Have a good day!!
    One Day at a Time

    P.S. Jackie and Anne, don't use me as your inspiration to lose weight, I fluctuate too much! :s
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    You dumb! Don't you believe it SANDY! I had a jar of tomato and mushroom sauce all over my kitchen floor the other day! What a mess.
    Just checked in and read the 2 posts and I'm already inspired by JACKIES ryvita! On my shopping list for tomorrow, plus Edam cheese. Thanks Jackie! Better than my DILs suggestion of just stick to lettuce! I am not a lettuce lover!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good afternoon. Ran a few errands this morning, had some fun with the ladies at the library playing cards, stopped for a gift for a young girl at church who had emergency surgery earlier this week. Good Lord, I asked what she was crazy about now since Shopkins are now our. I could find almost nothing on the list but oh well, I got a little something.

    The plumber was here for a long time. I now need the handy man again (wheb he gets back from vacation), perhaps a carpenter and still have one plumbing issue left which I can live with for now. If they start on it and all does not go as planned I could be in a pickle. An expensive pickle!! :o

    I am cooking and doing laundry now. Friday and Saturday are scrapbooking days (which I am just trying out). Again not for real scrapbooking but paper prep, cutting, sanding, finishing edges. If I don't like it I will come home but meanwhile I need to pack up everything I will need for this work. I would also like to make some paper flowers. There's always so much to do.

    I quite regularly make messes, burn myself and cut myself, never severe but I always think, wow, should have paid attention!!! So we all do these things Sandy!!

    Jackie, oh joy, our weather will be paying you a visit. Sorry.

    Hi Jeri!!

    Hello Buzz and Marie!! And Buzz, I try things but if I really do not like them, I will ditch them in a heartbeat. In fact, I have a new attitude about reading, with the exception of book club. If I really do. It care for a book I no longer struggle to try and finish it, I just return it to the library with no guilt. Life is too short!!

    Marcella, where are you these days? Several friends here are talking about camping. Ownthat Spring is coming up soon on the calendar!!

    Time to check both my cooking project and the washer!! He.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Here's a card I am working on. bau63867cdn6.jpg

    Photo is not too good. The card is pretty cute!! :D
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2017
    Another of my post gone! Where do they disappear? I know I mentioned JACKIE's crispbread and Edam cheese reminder...yum! And LIN's lovely card. Hope SANDY's fingers healed well...OUCH!! And ANNE, no lettuce for either of us. JERI, I try to cut out rolls, but whole wheat is an important part of eating well. I am not in a rush as long as the weekly loss is not a gain instead!
    Bedtime! :o
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm deprived!
    I suppose I'll get used to a 1200 calorie diet again - in time!
    Hi BUZZ, anti lettuce leaf nibblers united!
    Mustn't forget the Ryvita crispbread as I wander the grocery aisles - fainting from food deprivation.
    Good morning fellow sufferers.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hello Sneakers. As ever I've enjoyed a gentle stroll twice round the woods with no sign of that storm just yet. In fact I tapped the barometer as I walked into this room and it's going up so who knows! My visit yesterday to my neighbour was a worry because I found her in a stupor and unable to talk much sense so knowing her son would soon be home stayed with her. The carers had turned the heating in the room up to 30c which made it feel like the Tropics and may have contributed to her sleepiness but when he arrived home her son said it's happening more often so perhaps news from the physiotherapist that she won't walk again has her giving up. It's very sad but she's still in the best place for now.
    My pedicurist has been and left my feet feeling pampered and after another Ryvita lunch I'll pop into town to pick up some gift wrap because tomorrow I'm travelling to our nearest city of Plymouth for a girlie get together for a friend's 70th birthday and have a bottle of fizz, chocolates and some luxury bed linen for her. So long as the storm doesn't sweep in off the Atlantic in the morning I will take a ferry ride from Cornwall to the city although that will restrict what I wear because a dress or skirt will be out of the question!

    Anne ~ I buy bags of mixed lettuce that contain lots of shredded beetroot which makes it palatable otherwise very boring but Ryvita is a staple food for me midday as it fills a gap. Cheddar is my favourite cheese of all time and Edam is a poor substitute but at least is low in fat so I kid myself it tastes of something other than pasted wallpaper!!

    Sandy ~ That's the sort of accident I come very close to every time I grind coffee beans and forget to switch off at the plug before sweeping a finger round the inside to get the last grain out although not sure I'd have a pinky finger left! Whilst weeding Monday I was on one of those kneelers that has handles to push yourself up and leaning across a wide flowerbed I put one hand on the ground to steady myself and dug with a trowel in the other.... fine until I missed a deep routed dandelion so the pointed end of the trowel slid across the ground and thumped into my hand just below the thumb which is now black, blue and seems to have produced an egg!! I don't seem to ever stop nagging myself to CONCENTRATE!! 60 minutes on your bike for a first ride in some time did seem excessive to me as I started again with just short bursts of 10 minutes so hopefully by the weekend you will feel you can cancel that visit to the doctor. Take care of that pinky too!!

    Lin ~ That's a very exotic flamingo and beautiful card. My friend managed to get her leak fixed on Wednesday by an extremely helpful young man only recently out of apprenticeship so is very happy even though she's not had the bill yet! Hopefully your jobs won't become a pickle.

    Oh dear Buzz, another lost post gone off into the ether! You're doing a grand job with your weight loss and you're right, maintaining is fine.

    There's no putting off the Ryvita lunch so I'll finish now and head for my kitchen. Have a good Friday everyone.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Of course, shredded beetroot and cabbage, how quickly we forget when off a diet for 18 months! We used to get shredded beetroot salad for school lunches! The girls hated shredded beetroot but I secretly enjoyed that school lunch day. Much preferred it to meat and I think I've always been veggie directed. At home of course it was meat and two veg. I well remember being told "you Anne, eat that lovely gristly meat or you don't leave the table". Of course rabbit wasn't too bad in wartime, until I realized it was a poor little wild bunny in the pie. THAT was difficult to gulp down! Anyway, as usual I digress, but thanks for the tip JACKIE. Beetroot and cabbage now on my grocery list. Any more tips anybody, PLEASE.

    Ooh, ouch, your poor hand JACKIE and poor SANDY as well. These accidents all seem to be part of life and usually man made objects, although I suppose some poor Neanderthal gave himself a clout with a rock whilst trying to open a mussel. Hope you are both mending.
    Anne the cabbage eater.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited March 2017

    Happy Friday! :) We can have meat today since it is St. Patrick's Day and the Pope gave us all a dispensation. I am not joining the crowds in celebrating, I am going to watch the boys so their parents can each go to their meetings. Our dinner last night was great and two of the girls gave me a $100 gift card and the other a bottle of wine and little bottles of Baileys. I ate healthy with only the corn beef and cabbage, no potatoes. After dinner they decided to stop for a drink and would you believe they ordered onion rings and a pizza? Seriously? We just finished dinner how could they be hungry again? I did not eat but was in awe. Needless to say this woman are not slim and trim, but I am not judging, really I am not. B)

    MFP messed up my calorie intact and was giving me 1700 calories to eat, it took a while to change it back to 1200. I did have it set to 1400 because eating low carb is higher in calories but I am going to try 1200 this week and see what happens. I did gain 1.1 pound from last week but didn't ride he bike for two or three days. My knee feels pretty good, in face when I got home from dinner last night I rode for an hour. I am going to cancel the appointment on Monday and if it flares up again I will reschedule.

    Have a great day......especially all you Irish!!!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    My post disappeared.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just so you don't disappeared Lin. Lin. By the way HUGS to you for the lovely new cards, Not only recited one bur two. such a dear friend

    We are going on an Easter

    Sandy if Alice knows of a plact that serve cabbae cornbeef will try to find a place Sunday. and egg hunt and a fish fried out at My brother new Lake house the 7 th of April.. My Son and his family will be here too.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sad farewell "Celebration of Life" today for my friend with the freezing cold hand. When my DD was here in August, she took me shopping for special cashmere-like gloves for this friend, who struggled for 2 years with pancreatic CA! A real trouper!
    So many people wore brilliant green to dinner tonight...with green hats, too. The men were hysterical and adorable! I passed by the corned beef and cabbage, and ignored ( :'( ) the bangers and mash, and ate a sensible chopped salad with grilled chicken diced on top. But I had a slice of Irish Soda Bread and could not resist a chocolate applesauce cake! It really was heavenly chocolaty!
    JACKIE, your poor thumb! Heal well and quickly! And sorry about your neighbor in decline. I know how sad this is to watch, but the chaplain today reminded us of the Time for different scenes in our lifetimes. So true! I'm a little late, but we had area outages all day in the internet. Enjoyed reading all your posts.....
    <3 Buzz