

  • Hi, I'm a SAHM of 3. Searching for encouragement on here and found this post. Any tips for me? I want to lose about 50 or 60. I would be happy with 40. thanks!
  • I have given up dariy and switched to almond milk and soy creamer. No cheese or butter. Tofu sour cream tastes just like regular. This has helped my skin improve along with the weight come off. I have also cut all bread and I notice when I do cheat and eat some I totally ruin my week of weight loss. The hardest for me is…
  • Thanks for all of your replies! I will be busy looking through all of these sites now. :)
  • Mine does not tell me how many calories I have burned. :( I will have to find out how to figure it out myself. There has to be a way. This is the one I have. http://www.****
  • I was just coming on to ask THE SAME THING. I started last week and GAINED 2 pounds. Grrrrr! I am working out harder than I ever have before too. I have a friend who just lost 20 pounds counting calories, so I am going to keep it up and hope that my body just went through some confusion here in the beginning. Christen