

  • I bought theSupreme 90 day Get Rip. The excerises are great and can be used in the gym and at home. You need yoga mat, weights, and excerise ball. Also, look at excerise tv . Good Luck !!! ;-)
  • What do you mean???... be pacific of what you have been doing. If you are just start to work w/ your legs, than yes it's going to hurt. New excerises working muscles that aren't or haven't been work will hurt, even when you pro walk for 30 minutes. Start off slow/moderate steps and keep going alittle more to you reach your…
  • I'll take you...I need motivation as well too !!!
  • I am here my self with same questions, but what I do is lifting w/ weights.... stretch first.... shoulders -ladders raises, switching arms for one arm front raises, triceps, biceps, shoulder presses..etc Abs- crunchies, side kicks with leg out and hand behind head-switching sides, *jack knife-can use ankle weights*, plank,…