

  • My trainer agrees with cutting out gluten, but has also really stressed watching my grams of SUGAR intake. I love greek yogurt (the kind w/ fruit in it), fruit, Kashi go lean cereal, but never realied how much sugar they all had in them. Sugar turns to fat after it's digested, so it makes sense that I've hit a plateau…
  • Do you pay for the online tools with the BodyBugg?
  • I have had some success with swimming resistance training. I'm a former competitive swimmer. I find that I get more out of my workout if I use some things to make it harder (i.e. paddles, pull bouy, fins, etc.). All of these increase your resistance. As far as cardio goes, you have to swim non-stop for a long time to get…
  • I'm a night shift nurse, too...I did a travel assignment in S.A. a couple years ago at Cristus childrens. My problem is that I get too many calories. I guess my body is confused and has decided that I'm always hungry!