SJKirk51912 Member


  • Hello again everyone. It's been a while since I posted here. And last time I did I was complaining of my knee hurting. Someone posted an article about how everyone will have a different squat form and I just wanted to say "thank you!" That really helped as I had been trying to follow the SL video and follow his form. But I…
  • Thank you! That prepattellar (which I have never heard of, but googled it) is excatly where the pain is coming from. I have pretty bad knees too that creak when they bend. I'll try these stretches and post of video so you all can check my form. I have watched form videos until I am blue in the face and my workout partner…
  • Hello everyone. I am a newbie and haven't introduced myself although I have been stalking the Group for a while. :) I have completed 6 SL workouts so far. Today was Workout B: Squat 70# OHP 55# DL 110# It's starting to get harder but I haven't struggled a whole lot getting all 5 sets but I know it's coming. Next workout I…
  • I was in your EXACT same position less than a week ago. I had been doing BodyPump but wanted to start Stronglifts. I kept putting it off but finally decided to just go for it. I read every page of the "Form Check" thread in the "Stronglifts for Women" group here on MFP. And I watched all the form videos on the Stronglifts…
  • Several things but mostly sweet things. I'll crave something and then eat it. But after the first bite I am quite disappointed because it doesn't taste like what I remember and in the trash it goes. But Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi has been the biggest. After getting use to diet soda I couldn't drink regular because it was too…
  • Hi! I am a "runner" in that I attempt to run and I regularly complete 5K's with the goal of 10K's and maybe a half. I currently lift in a Body Pump class but I wouldn't consider it powerlifting, however, soon I do want to start the Stronglifts 5x5 program. I would love to have more Running/Lifting friends to get advice.…
  • Updated to add: 9/27/14: 107 mins (60 mins Body Pump, 40 mins Walking dogs) 9/28/14: 180 mins hiking
  • 9/25/14: 35 min - Running 5K 55 min - Walking
  • How to become a runner: 1) Lace up shoes 2) Put one foot in front of another at a faster pace than a walk 3) BOOM - you're a runner! Seriously though I get where you are coming from. And in the beginning it can be somewhat intimidating. But believe me, you are never too big to run! (Unless told my a Dr. not to run.) I…
  • I haven't been doing this for a year yet, but I can tell you I've lost 60 lbs in 6 months. "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
  • Yes, relax a little bit. If it is just a brushing I can't imagine you eating more than 1 serving. So I would just record the 50 calories (1 serving) and more on.
  • Hello everyone, I'm Sam. I am very excited to start and finish this challenge. This is my umpteanth time on MFP but finally something is starting to click and stick! I am excited to see the changes that can and will happen in the next 100 days.
  • Thanks for creating this challenge and encouraging us all! 100 hour is 100 days sounds overwhelming at times. But I think of what changes I can make to my body in that time and it gets me excited. Good luck everyone!
  • I have started 30DS twice, and while I loved the program I had to stop it because each time I injured my knee. However, I have a previous knee injury and currently have a bone tumor on my knee and it was bothered by some moves. So nothing against the program in particular. And I know the "pain" that you are feeling,…
  • When I first started watching what I was shoving into my mouth, avoiding work treats was hard. We have regular birthday and holiday celebrations. But once I got in the mindset of eating better I always asked myself if the treat was worth it. Usually the answer is no, but if I think it is I sit on my decision to have a…
  • Feel free to add me. I could use more friends :) I love the idea of the challenges. I'm not a biker but I would to love 50 miles of running a month.
  • Growing up I was an athelete, but never a runner. I could run and sprint a basketball court for an hour easy but tell me to run 2 miles and I'd die. But after the sports stopped, the weight came on and I knew I needed to find an exercise that was efficient and effective. I started running by running as far as I could and…
  • +1 Especially with a Great Dane I wouldn't start leash running or a regular running routine until the vet okays it which I would expect to be around 2 years. I run with my 2 German Shepherds, who are currently 7. I started running with them around 2 and we have been on and off. One thing to watch out for though is hills,…
  • When I first started running I weighed 285. Was I concerned with what other people might think? Yes! Should I have been? Absolutely not! If people want to think nasty thoughts then that's on them and I'm sure there are some who do. However, what I have discovered that people are more thoughtful and encouraging than I…
  • I don't think cutting carbs for one day can support the conclusion that that low-carb is bad or "stupid". I eat low-carb and as soon as I eat a piece of bread, pasta, sugar, etc. I feel sick and lethargic. I'm sure anyone that drastically changes their food for one day, no matter what type of food, is going to feel hungry…
  • I follow a low-carb diet, mostly because pasta, bread, potatoes is what I tend to over eat on. I plan on eating this way forever as it has become such a habit I do not think twice about it. However, I also track my calories too make sure I am still not over eating. While I cannot say how "healthy" I am as I haven't been to…
  • SW: 258 CW: 236.4 21.6 LOST! Somehow I made it... Congrats everyone on your success! Keep it up!
  • SW: 258 CW: 241.6 I thought I would never get here and can't wait to get into the 230's. I can't remember the last time I was there. I hope everyone else had success, large or small!
  • Only the people who know I am trying to lose weight have said something. No co-worker/family member who has been clueless of my efforts has said anything. It may be that after 43 lbs I am still wearing the same clothes, not by choice but because they haven't gotten big enough yet. A larger part of it is that I am 6'1"...
  • I haven't posted an update since W3 but I'm still here plugging along... SW: 258 CW: 245 I might make it but it's been coming off very slowly lately...
  • You know you're from WV when: 1) You leave the state and tell people you are from WV and their response is "oh, my (family member) lives in Roanoke. Is that close to you?" (No, Roanoke is in Virginia. I live in the state called West Virginia.) 2) You know how deilicous Tudor's breakfast is. 3) Pepperoni rolls are one of…
  • ^ THIS! I LOVE Nutella and can't wait until my birthday again to get another Nutella cake! That's the only reason I am excited to turn 30!
    in Nutella Comment by SJKirk51912 July 2014
  • What is this Pumpkin Cheesecake you speak of?! It's Ben & Jerry's? I have never seen such a thing but I am now super excited. I will be stalking my shelves come fall or ordering for delivery if need be.
  • Over the long weekend I completed W1D2 and W1D3. Both days went pretty well. Ready for W2D1 either tomorrow or Wednesday.
  • When I completed it in the past I was never close to a 5K in 30 minutes either but I just stuck with what the program told me. I discovered that as I kept with it I got stronger (and smaller) and therefore could run slightly faster but my normal was about 11-12 minutes per mile. Also, during the program I never ran more…