see a doctor and get your anemia worked up
Does he know you are in love with him?
You won't damage your bones unless you have an underlying condition. Just start slow and steady. If you go all gung ho, you will be so sore that you may not lift again. Buy equipment piecemeal to make sure you are still interested after a while. Start with dumbbells maybe.
Mandarin is awesome. I miss being in Toronto. I would say eat something satisfying before you go. Like a Greek yogurt and protein bar or handful of nuts. It'll be easier to pass on the creme brulee then.
Go with the lower number. That is still an overestimate, but certainly better than the MFP estimate.
Gallbladder removal is extremely common. No need to worry about it. It won't keep you from your fitness goals.
True, very true.
I like you!
Dinitrophenol is too toxic as a dieting aid - no wonder you are terrified. Consider a safer diet regimen!
Take the Pepsi challenge. You will see.
Former med student here. Happy to advise!
Fish tacos are awesome!
Diet Pepsi is much better than Diet Coke
That's awesome!
I like the modified jock strap on the face
Popping your blisters is fine. Just don't remove the skin. Let the collapsed skin stay in place, put a little bacitracin or other antibiotic ointment on top and a bandage and you are good to go. Blisters pop on their own all the time. In fact, I've never not had a blister pop or pop it myself.
True. The obesity epidemic supports this statement.
That's 10x faster than me. Wow
You are exactly correct. As you stated, creatinine levels are looked at as a marker of kidney function, but they paint an incomplete picture and are surrogate markers. Ideally, they would be correlated with a patient's muscle mass/protein level for example. A creatinine level of 1.1 for a 90-year-old woman with no muscle…
White belt, red Hermes tie.
I see you got offended by my saying not to blame your son. From your profile: "My short term goal is to repair the ridiculous amount of damage my 2nd son caused to my stomach. " If that is not your mentality, then ok, your wording is just poorly chosen.
Agree with previous posters. Please make sure something serious isn't being overlooked. At the very least he needs to be seen by a doc for a thorough physical exam, blood work including complete blood count with differential, chemistry panel (looks at electrolytes, kidney and liver function among other things) and at least…
Try table pushbacks and fork put downs. Seriously, if you have 50 lbs to lose, start there. And don't blame your "2nd son" for this.
Too many pubes in the sink
All true.
While it is true that if you have kidney problems, you want to avoid excess protein, that is different from saying protein leads to decreased renal function.