

  • I did thanks :3
  • No i want to become vegetarian but im bearly starting so i want to do it slowly i cutted the red meat then after a while i will cut the chicken and then the fish till i dont eat any animals at all Sorry for the mis understanding >.<
    in b Comment by EdoLuna July 2014
  • Yes it is :3 Atleast its something if you want to get that extra push try putting the incline at 10-15 and the speed around 2.5 it might be slow but it will make you sweat for those 20 mins
  • Well i dont really like Cheese unless its nacho cheese XD but umm for the milk i only drink 2% and the Yogurt i eat Greek fat free
  • My wake up call was when i started cosplaying Seeing the difference between the actual character and myself and feeling disgusted at what i was staring at in the mirror. but i stopped because i got discurraged and side tracked but now im back :3 The second wake up call was the same thing and along with seeing my brother so…
  • I know how you feel . Ive been through that as well, not really having support from my family. They would say "its a good idea" but still bring different things to the house to temp me causing me to break my habits of eating and every time i worked out i always saw my sister make fun of me which caused me to be embarassed.…
  • I know how you feel >.< But its good to have those pic as they posted above you can use it to compare to your previous pics . and in the end you will get a good feeling :3