no support from husband and friends

Ive been trying to workout for a few years now and it never goes as planned. I always try with my husband but he tends to quit after awhile. Ive recently started working out again by myself at home without the hubby and i feel like i have no support. He says he wants to workout with me too but he cant because hes going to get back surgery soon. But now i prefer to only do it by myself. I eat clean most of the time and i would cook for both of us. My husband is a very picky eater and gets tired of eating clean very fast. He cheats very often and it effects me because it makes me want to cheat. Of course i love eating out and eating junk food but im trying to be disciplined and stay away from those foods. He makes it so much harder because he always gives in. At the moment im having to cook different meals for him and for me because hes tired of eating healthy which makes it harder on me becausehe doesnt help out with cooking either so im stuck doing everything. What bothers me too is that our friends have alot of parties and things like that so we visit them often. Everytime they offer me food ill say "no thank you ive already ate" because i dont want to offend them by just saying no i dont eat that or no i dont eat unhealthy foods. They all know i eat healthy but dont know to what extent. They take offense to it and give me looks like im crazy. I get mad because i dont go telling them they shouldnt eat this or that. Or they automatically assume im on a diet. And if i say im working out right away they question me as to why. They say i dont need to lose weight that im already skinny and from there i have to explain that im not trying to lose weight. I lift weights to gain and to be fit i dont want to lose weight and be a stick. But they dont understand my lifestyle im trying to live. And my husband gets mad at me when i deny their food because im offending them but i feel like theyre offending me by not respecting what i do or dont eat. I have no other friends on the same boat as me so its hard because i have no one to go to for advice or support so thats why im on here venting my frustration. Any advice? How can i find people that are into the same lifestyle i want. I dont go to he gym because i cant afford it. We have gym equipment at home so thats what i use.


  • EdoLuna
    EdoLuna Posts: 10
    I know how you feel . Ive been through that as well, not really having support from my family. They would say "its a good idea" but still bring different things to the house to temp me causing me to break my habits of eating and every time i worked out i always saw my sister make fun of me which caused me to be embarassed.
    After a while my brother decided to take on the same path too. He didnt leave it he kept on going, it didnt matter if we were on his side trying to help him or not he just did it.
    Now he lost almost 150 pounds in less than a year.

    The moral of this small story. You only give up if you want to . You dont really need no one else to make a choice that will only affect you. Along with you cannot force them either. If they dont want to , then its their choice.

    Only you have the power to change yourself. Let everyone else think what ever you they want. You know how you meant when your reply and if they do not want to accept it.

    It may be lonely working out by yourself but its more effective because you wont have to slow down to wait for the next person you can do everything your pace. Also youre not only you also have this community :3

    As for the gym you dont really need a gym to work out :3 you can work out outside , garage, bedroom. Look up exercise sets on pinterest or you can search for youtube videos .

    If someone makes fun of you or makes a comment , just let it go. In the end youre gonna show them you were able to succeed on what you were aiming for

    I hope this helps :3
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    Adding to Edo's great words...

    If my husband didn't want to eat what I'd prepared he'd be free to make his own tea. Sod making two different meals.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    sorry but you need to take responsibility for your choices as you sound as if you're ready to give up but it on your husband. i'm assuming you and your husband arent permanently attached at the hip of the digestive system so you should be able to do and eat different things without it meaning the other person has to join in.

    work out by yourself if needed, dont wait for your husband
    eat the food you want if your husband wants to eat something else then that's his choice
    when you go to a party bring food you can eat and share with others
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi there! I can understand your frustration. I am down 80 pounds in the past two years. People are constantly telling me that I need to stop losing weight. Feel free to add me...
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    People aren't always going to support you - even loved ones. Been through similar myself with family. All I can tell you is to keep strong, continue working out and eating healthy and do whatever you need to do to be healthy and happy. What others think doesn't matter. :smile:
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Here is the deal.....your fitness and weight loss are yours. If you eat clean and exercise so be it. Your husband can make a choice, eat what you fix or go find his own meal.
    If you go for a walk, invite him along, if he doesn't want to participate .., GO ANYWAY.
    This is your process and no one should keep you from it. I mean this in the best way but using others reaction to what you are doing is an excuse not to do it. I did it for years.
    You wont be successful letting others dictate what you do and what you eat. Don't let them.
    If I have not offended you here please add me as a friend.
    You can do this without alienating your friends and loved ones. You matter too.
  • thecrushinator
    thecrushinator Posts: 76 Member
    1. if hubby doesn't like the food your cooking he can make his own damn food. Which is exactly what i told my lifemate when he *****ed about the paleo health food I was making. Srsly, even if you are married you are under NO obligation to cook for him, or cook crap so he can slowly kill himself.

    2. If people keep shoving crap in your face and getting all pissy when you politely decline stop being polite. I had people at work leaving cake and cookies on my desk. When saying "No thank you" didn't stop them I went to "No means NO' . I 'd them have hurt feelings than me have weight gain.

    Keep going. stay on track. Once they get used to it they'll stop talking about and trying to fight it.