I hate taking photos.

I went camping this week with my best friend and we took a bunch of pictures, every single one I took I hated because I looked way big.

I thought at the weight I'm at (200 at 5'11) I would look better but I still look like I'm 40 pounds heavier :[


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Go back and compare pictures of you 37lbs ago, and play spot the difference. You're going to see how far you've come!
  • EdoLuna
    EdoLuna Posts: 10
    I know how you feel >.<
    But its good to have those pic as they posted above you can use it to compare to your previous pics .
    and in the end you will get a good feeling :3
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    I've tended to shy away from the camera too. Then one day I was like "screw it"! I'm going to smile and look happy because I am happy. Especially in pictures with my kids and friends.
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    It really is all in your mind.
    I was browsing my photos this weekend to find a before picture, couldn't find one. What I did find was photos of me taken weighing less than I do now. At the time the photos were taken I remember thinking how fat I looked. I didn't. I cannot wait to be that weight again, it really was just in my head.
    As the above poster suggested, get out some photos of when you were at your heaviest and spot the huge difference. No one loses 37lbs and looks the same. :)
  • Maqneta
    Maqneta Posts: 388 Member
    Go back and compare pictures of you 37lbs ago, and play spot the difference. You're going to see how far you've come!

    my current picture is my only before picture, so I would have to take a new current and update, that's great advice thank you & everyone else :flowerforyou:
  • gnzlsg
    gnzlsg Posts: 20 Member
    When you don't take photos you are cheating your family from memories because of your selfishness. That might be harsh but its the truth.