Lsnitkin Member


  • Your body can be trained to function in the morning. Set an alarm, and force yourself to get up, dressed, and start to move. If you get in the habit of waking up, and simply taking a walk, you will eventually be able to increase your intensity to the 30DS program. I'm at a point where I don't even set an alarm anymore.…
  • Muscle is more dense (and compact) than fat. If you are exercising along with dieting, you are probably adding lean muscle mass (a good thing), and have lost more than 4 pounds of fat. Muscle is metabolically active, and will help you burn more calories even at rest. Since I began to ignore my relationship with gravity…
  • To add my 2 cents: Start by cutting back on the pasta and potatos. Learn how much a serving size is for each, and eat no more than one serving. Next, begin to substitute as one member posted. Spagetti squash is good (don't overcook it), and I like to mash a mixture of cauliflower and sweet potatos (with garlic). Use whole…
  • My personal choice is Syntha-6. I especially like the Chocolate Milkshake, but I've also tried the Vanilla. Good taste, mixes well, a good blend of fast digesting and longer digesting protein. Also has some carbs; I've read that you should always have some carbs with your protein.
  • You asked, so here goes: 1. Eat as "clean" as possible. Your body will fight you for those last 10# 2. Add HIIT; the exercise "afterburn" (EPOC) is significantly higher than running. It will also add lean muscle mass and give you that "tone." Have you ever noticed that sprinters appear to be much more fit than marathon…
  • I also doubted the calorie "credit" for gardening, but then I wore my HRM one day. My heart rate was solidly in the Zone 1 aerobic training zone (65% - 75% max HR) while mowing, and at times reached the lower edge of Zone 2. The HRM had me in Zone 1 while I was doing general trimming and weeding. I work out 6 days a week…
  • The only way to spread a "lifestyle" is to give people a window to look through. I've severely reduced the amount of bread, white food, and dairy in my diet, and now plan to look into this "Paleo/primal" concept. Good luck with the group; you never know, I may join some day. In the meantime, ignore the haters. If they…
  • Wilkybeal said it all. Just make sure that you are eating enough, and keep your diet balanced (Helathy carbs, fats, and protein). The biggest mistake people make is to cut their calories too far. Follow the MFP plan, and you will be successful.
  • In today's world, most restaurants will accommodate special dietary needs. If they have the ingredients, they should be able to create a dish that will fit your program. (Chicken breast with sauce, or a veal chop; some broccoli rabe or spinach, etc) It never hurts to ask. [My little secret: If you tell them you have food…