I Need To Reduce Carbs........

And I'm lost.
My family eats a LOT of pasta, a lot of potatoes, etc. I'm wanting to find other things to eat or something. My DR said I don't have to completely cut them out, but I need to reduce the intake.
Can anyone recommend any websites or anything?


  • zoezoe4
    zoezoe4 Posts: 13 Member
    bump! i have the same proplem!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    If we could see your diary we might be able to help. I would start by eating less of those items, at least decrease your serving size by half and increase your protien and fiber.

    You can also try the whole wheat or multi grain pasta, it is a bit better for you but you still need to decrease the portion size.

    Add more veggies (not potatos, corn or pea) to compensate along with more lean protein.

    That is a good start!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Just cut back on the grains and potatos. There are tons of websites listing carbs. There are carbs in fruit and veggies, so you want to cut back on the processed carbs, like breads and pastas.

    Stick with only whole grains (100% whole wheat breads, pasta.) You need some carbs, just not as many as you currently eat.

    No white rice. No cereals unless they are whole grain. I don't even buy crackers, they are too easy to snack on mindlessly.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    www.marksdailyapple.com Cut back your carbs between 100-150 mg.
  • Tereztaylor07
    I don't have any websites, but I use spaghetti squash as a pasta substitute. It's very mild tasting and complements marinara and white sauces. It lasts a long time in the pantry as well, which is a plus. You can do a google search for low carb alternatives and it's always on the list. Also, mashed cauliflower is recommended as a substitute for mashed potatoes. I haven't tried this one yet. I eat alot of steamed cauliflower though. Hope this helps.
  • christina_michelle
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Look at my diary...I'm averaging 1800+ calories a day, and keeping my carbs under 100 pretty easily (I shoot for 50g/day). Yesterday was a freak day...I had to eat over 2000cal, lol. That's DIFFICULT while trying to keep the carbs low =p.

    Anyhow...I eat a lot of the same things for now to keep my carbs around 50g...but if your carb restriction allows you to sit around 100g to 150g....the sky is the limit. I could eat just about anything I want within reason and stay under 150g of carbs.

  • mapexdrummer69
    May I ask why there is all this "NO SUGAR" and "NO WHITE BREAD/PASTA".

    That is just nonsense. Are you all diabetic?
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    If you eat sandwiches - check with local bakeries, some around here make "low carb" bread that is still tasty! Also, Substituting low carb tortillas instead of bread for sandwiches can help. Low carb tortillas can have about 6-10 carbs where as bread and regular tortillas can be about 50-100 per slice/tortilla
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    The problem most people have is controlling their portions size. You can have all those things you just have to somehow find the self control to stop at a portion. And the more carbs you eat the more you crave them. It is an adjustment almost like a withdraw when you reduce them. Add salad other vegetables to your pasta dinner. Your pasta and potatoes should be a side dish to your lean protein and lots of veggies. Search for low carb recipes online. I use dlife.com. If we can't eat the foods we love and control portions we will never win.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Look at my diary...I'm averaging 1800+ calories a day, and keeping my carbs under 100 pretty easily (I shoot for 50g/day). Yesterday was a freak day...I had to eat over 2000cal, lol. That's DIFFICULT while trying to keep the carbs low =p.

    Anyhow...I eat a lot of the same things for now to keep my carbs around 50g...but if your carb restriction allows you to sit around 100g to 150g....the sky is the limit. I could eat just about anything I want within reason and stay under 150g of carbs.


    but don't you think your fat and protein are way over.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    May I ask why there is all this "NO SUGAR" and "NO WHITE BREAD/PASTA".

    That is just nonsense. Are you all diabetic?

    So eating large amounts of refined and processed foods is a good thing? Loading up on refined and processed carbs is beneficial??

    I don't eat refined sugar...and I don't eat white bread either. Right now, I don't eat bread at all.

    Honestly though the thing that gets me is the insulting way you implied we're all idiots by calling things that a LOT of people have learned to be effective...nonsense.
  • Lsnitkin
    Lsnitkin Posts: 9 Member
    To add my 2 cents:

    Start by cutting back on the pasta and potatos. Learn how much a serving size is for each, and eat no more than one serving.

    Next, begin to substitute as one member posted. Spagetti squash is good (don't overcook it), and I like to mash a mixture of cauliflower and sweet potatos (with garlic). Use whole wheat products if you must make pasta.

    As time goes on, begin to eliminate any white flour products.

    The trick is to not do anything drastic, so you don't feel deprived. Slow and steady still wins the race.
  • kissandxmakeup
    I would start by cutting portion sizes of them and eventually replacing them altogether. Dreamfields pasta brand is really good and low carb! I limit myself to 100 carbs a day, so when I do eat them, I make sure they're good ones that are worth it. Uncle Ben's has whole grain brown ready rice that's delicious and SO EASY! Pop it in the microwave and eat! Rice is 40 carbs a cup (I usually eat 1/2 cup loaded with veggies and lean meat), but they're not empty and they're going to break down much more slowly than bleach white pasta. As for potatos, I will enjoy a small sweet potato from time to time. Better for you, and lower in carbohydrates! Jicama is delicious (and very similar to potatoes) if you can find it in your grocery store. Pasta and potatoes are my biggest weakness, so I feel you girl! Also, there are great recipes for mashed potatoes (my comfort food!) using only cauliflower! (lowcarbfriends.com) So good! Good luck!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    May I ask why there is all this "NO SUGAR" and "NO WHITE BREAD/PASTA".

    That is just nonsense. Are you all diabetic?

    White bread and pasta create the same insulin response that sugar does. Heck the body even treats white bread and whole wheat bread the same way. My assumption is that the reason the doctor said to drop her carbs is insulin issues. That is usually the reason. Chronic elevated insulin levels cause Metabolic Syndrome and that can lead to diabetes (and a number of other chronic illnesses). The doctor is probably telling her to drop her carbs so she doesn't develop diabetes. I could be wrong, though.

    Cut out bread, pasta, flours and sugars. Increase your veggies and your fruit if you want to but fruits can contain a lot of carbs. Berries are the lowest in sugar.

    Check out Mark's Daily Apple and just do some reading and see if it is something you would like to try out.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I would say that this site is a pretty good tool! They have almost any food listed on the site with its nutritional info. Look at your diary and log how many carbs you are going over for the day. It keeps track which is awesome!

    I am trying to eat high protein/low carb right now to gain muscle. I try to stay under that carb allotment every day! Unfortunately potatoes and pasta are not really on the list of "low carb" options. Just because that is what your family is eating doesn't mean that you have to eat the same thing. Stick to veggies and lean meats... That doesn't mean that you have to say good bye to potatoes and pasta forever, just for a bit.

    Ummm - Great substitute for potatoes and pasta = spagetti squash and mashed cauliflower.
    http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/spaghetti-squash-i/Detail.aspx - This is really really good, I make it all the time - FYI

    Best of luck!
    - Kait
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Look at my diary...I'm averaging 1800+ calories a day, and keeping my carbs under 100 pretty easily (I shoot for 50g/day). Yesterday was a freak day...I had to eat over 2000cal, lol. That's DIFFICULT while trying to keep the carbs low =p.

    Anyhow...I eat a lot of the same things for now to keep my carbs around 50g...but if your carb restriction allows you to sit around 100g to 150g....the sky is the limit. I could eat just about anything I want within reason and stay under 150g of carbs.


    but don't you think your fat and protein are way over.

    Yesterday, my protien was very high (again...I was going for max calories yesterday, and still missed my goal by a couple hundred!)...I normally shoot for 180g or so. Fats...I could care less about. Virtually all the fats I consume are healthy fats...and my body uses them for energy rather than the carbs. I'm eating mostly whole foods that are unprocessed...and so, don't worry too much.

    I'm only doing this 50g of carbs thing for a week or so...then it'll be back to 100g give or take, at which point the rest will level off again.

  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    I love pasta and potatoes and bread!

    It's OK to eat that stuff, just choose the whole grain pasta and include it in part of a balanced meal.

    For example, instead of just having pasta with sauce, sautee some vegetables, and add beans, parmesan cheese, and meatballs AND then pasta. The carb portion of your meal will be smaller and balanced out with other foods.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Just looked at your diary, You are eating all processed fast food. I don't know what else to tell you except go to the grocery store and start cooking your own food. You will have more control what goes into you and your childrens food. You and your family will be happier and healthier for your little effort.