

  • Hi all. My new job is killer, as I expected it to be. I am not going to give up, but I am going to have to modify. I can workout on my typical 12 hour days, but not when I've already worked 15+ hours (like yesterday). So, I'm going to be taking this round at my own pace, it seems. Still... I will do my best and forget the…
  • I love Chest & Back. Pushed hard today since I won't see it again until week 9. I keep bumping my knees on the chair when I come down from the negative pull ups. Oww! :( But, I am doing more and more and many of my push ups are now from my toes. Today my biggest accomplishment was 8 decline push ups from my toes in both…
  • Not lurking! I've been sick and taking a bit of a rest. :tongue: Jumped back in with Legs & Back today even though I still sound nasty when I breathe. Lol. Rocked the negative pull ups, adding a few to every one. Not to mention I can hold myself up for longer. I really think they are helping me improve more than the chair…
  • Thanks for the encouragement guys, but I've opted to lay low. I tend to be the kind to push myself when I shouldn't, and I am still hacking and snuffling quite a bit. My plan is to jump in where I left off on Monday with Legs & Back of week 2. Puts me a bit behind, but I really want to bring it this round. Also, I really…
  • Hey crew. Sorry I've been scarce, but when my mom visited this weekend, she brought a wicked summer cold with her. I missed Legs & Back and Kenpo from week 2. Today is supposed to be day 1 of week 3. I cannot decide if I should work out or not, repeat things, blah blah blah. I feel better than yesterday but still quite…
  • MAK_01: This is your help. Push play! Find a way to do it! You will be so proud of yourself and will feel energized, even if doing it makes you feel exhausted now. Bring it!! Repobob: You were totally right about doing ARX first. I was worried it would make me wuss out on the strength workouts. Nope! I got through all the…
  • Hello all! Welcome to new comers! I've been working out late at night, which makes posting a little weird. Hehe. Last night was Legs & Back followed by Ab Ripper X. Let me tell you that L&B is my love/hate workout. I know it's super good for me, but it's always hard to get the motivation up. I started doing the negative…
  • "Man we dog tired." Yes, Tony, yes. As you may imagine, I just finished Plyo, Day 2. I am super proud that I did it, since I was sorely tempted to swap for Cardio X (which I still haven't played with yet...). Why, you may ask? Well, in my attempts to be a grown up, I went to Ikea today... by myself. Which meant a lot of…
  • Hello again everyone! I am so excited to be back and starting round 2 of P90x today. I can tell that this group is going to be full of good support and motivation. My last round ended with a sort of whimper due to graduation, reunion, and then a big move to my new job. That said, I finally have things moved in and am ready…
  • Totally ready to bring it and focus once all the dust settles from moving in the beginning of June. Wooooo!
  • Legs & Back update time! So, I started off awesome doing big moves, deep squats, and all the reps. Then about half way I started feeling dizzy. So, I sat down and let the blood back into my head. I finished out being a bit more careful, but doing all the reps (just a few less pull ups here and there). I'm going to hold off…
  • Hello everyone! I am back from Jolly Ole England. I've read through what you've all been up to and let me say that I am impressed. Great work and thanks for being so motivating! I wasn't able to do workouts on the road. Mom and I were walking all over the place with huge packs on our backs much of the time. This made my…
  • Shoulders & Arms this morning. Killed it! My favorite victories include noticing that I was lifting more than Dreya on the Congdon curls and doing 20 tri-side rises on each side for both sets!!! Also, made it through all the Fifer Scissors and got through the 40 mason twists. Had to put my feet down for a second and then…
  • I also vote for yoga. It's good to know that the first 50 minutes are the hardest part with lots of lunges and planks, but afterwards it moves more into balance postures and ab work. Take breaks, do your best, and have fun!
  • Day 1 of Phase 3 for me today. It was back to Chest & Back. I haven't done this workout in 5 weeks and it was like coming home. I upped my reps on everything. I did some pushups from my toes on every exercise. I didn't fall on my face during divebombers. I felt so strong! There is still a lot of room to go before I catch…
  • Yoga X right before bed. Mmmmmmmm. Have a good night, X-ers!
  • Hey everyone. Finished Core Syn tonight. Almost done with my recovery week v2.0. I just have Yoga X tomorrow. It's funny that you should mention crunchy frog and fifer scissors. Those are the exactly the parts of Ab Ripper X that I have to push through the most. They are getting easier with time, but it's still quite a…
  • Core Synergistics is done! Also, today is day 51 for me. That just blows my mind. Only 39 more to go, hehe. I'm going to a cupcake party tonight (!!!!!), but I have a plan, so hopefully I stick to it and think of all the Dreya rolls and Chataranga runs it would take to burn the extra cupcakes off. :0) Keep bringing it…
  • Today was the first day of my second recovery week (Week 8 Day 1). Woo hoo!!!! My body is so ready for a recovery week. Yoga X felt like heaven. I am so surprised with the way that I have gotten stronger and more flexible, and I think Yoga X really shows off my new skills the most. Not to mention I feel so stretched and…
  • Yoga X felt SOOOOOOOO good tonight. Have a great week, all! Let's keep doing our best. :0)
  • I have been busy this morning, mostly to make up for a night off with my roommate last night (wine and Wanted, brilliant). Today I did Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X, and then right into Plyo X. It was a push and my burns weren't as high for any of them as usual, but I still BROUGHT it and was accountable to myself. Now, I…
  • So glad to work out tonight and have a little more time for myself! Thanks for the support and reminders that perfection is not the goal. I'm up to Week 7 Day 1, which is chest, shoulders & triceps. I must admit that some of those push-ups are not my favorites (plange, two speed twitch, etc.). I'm looking forward to having…
  • Today has been so frustrating... from a stressful day at work to walking home through a blizzard to babysitting a screaming baby for almost three hours to the fact that I still have papers that I need to grade. Plus I had no time to do Kenpo X, which I love. And I already used my rest day for this week. I haven't missed a…
  • Took yesterday off because it was Match Day (the day I found out where my job for the next 4 years is). I'm proud that I did plyo x tonight despite lack of sleep and just general exhaustion. I still brought it, and I feel much better now... like I knew I would. Tomorrow is my last 12+ hour shift. Woo hoo! I plan to get the…
  • Hey crew. Rest day for me today! I could use it too, since it's been hard keeping up with all the hours I'm working and actually pressing play. Hard, but not impossible! It's been great to have all of you for motivation. Keep it up!!!
  • Yoga X today. I held the whole half moon pose on one side. I've also noticed that my upward dogs are getting stronger and stronger. Yay! Small victories. I totally agree that Corpse pose is the best part of yoga. It feels so good after all that work to just lay there and breathe. Good luck with Monday, everyone!
  • Plyo X, oh how I have missed thee. Nothing else gets me so beet red in the face. :0)
  • I have officially made it to Phase 2!!! Week 5 Day 1 is a new workout. I loved it! Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. I can feel it everywhere above my waist. And then I did all 349 moves of Ab Ripper X for the first time ever to throw the waist in too (with many breaks and a lot of panting for air). Thanks for the inspiration…
  • Hey guys. I'm hanging in there with my diet and P90x despite having 75 hours to work this week and close to that next week. I could only do half of yoga x tonight, but I will do the balance and ab stuff tomorrow on my rest day. Doing my best. Now for as much sleep as I can get...
  • Nobody warned me there were so many push-ups in core synergistics! Also, wow, those moves require a lot of coordination and balance. Here's hoping that it gets easier with time just like all the other workouts. Glad my roommate wasn't home. Hehe.