New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    PS. I have to tell you that P90X kitty makes me laugh every single day!
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Gotta switch my schedule so I get my workout in first thing - need some motivation to do it tonight - but I will!!!!!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Hi everyone. Am I too late to join in here? I am in week 5 of my first round of p90x. Today is Kenpo x .....not my fav. workout. Anyone know how many calories burned while doing this one? I am also trying to find my right calorie amount, I am breastfeeding so I cant gauge calories I need to work out and breastfeed to lose weight. Anyway I hope that I am not too late to join in :)

    I'm copying and pasting a response I just gave to someone else:

    "Someone your exact same height, weight, age, etc could do the exact same workout as you for the same time period...guess what? Both of you are going to have totally different caloric burns. How hard are you working out that day?

    My caloric burns for the same workout can vary as much as 100 calories from week to week. If I were to log P90X under "Circuit Training" like so many people do, I'd be off by 200 - 400 calories per workout...that's almost an entire meal!

    So, save yourself a lot of headache, and get a HRM to know what YOU are burning."
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Whoo! Just did Legs and Back with Ab Ripper X....burned 958 calories?! What?! We'll see how accurate that is. Oh well, it was tough! I missed Yoga X yesterday, so I need to make that up today...I might do Cardio X instead though...Yoga X is just so....long. Oh well...down 1.2 pounds and about 5 inches overall. Whoop!

    That's not unheard of. I've burned over 1000 calories twice while doing P90X.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I just burned 725 doing Legs, Back, and Abs tonight. That was a record burn for that, I think. Still had trouble doing the abs because they are trying to recover from the Chest and Yoga workouts, but I DID actually do about 10 mason twists in a row with my feet in the air. I was proud of that, since before every single one was with my heels on the ground. I'm proud of that.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Day 5, Legs & Back & ARX is in the books!!! Feeling good! Wish I was ending week 2 but oh well, I’m feeling much better after that cold I had so I’m glad I didn’t push it.

    Lizard: Keep up the good work! Let me know if you burn more doing TaeBo than Kenpo.

    Adam: Woo hoo! Glad to hear your wife joined you! Isn’t it nice to have a workout partner?! Victor, my fiancé, is doing great!!! His energy is up and I can just tell he feels better! I’m soooo proud of him! Congrats on the weight loss! Nice job!

    Blueviolet: Dang!!!! I doubt I burned that much during L&B! Nice job! I was however sweating bullets! How do you like those wall squats?! Killer!!!! Congrats on the weight loss and inches, that’s fantastic!

    Rjb: Nope! Never too late to join in! Welcome! Wow, week 5! Bring it! Have you looked over the guide book thouroughly to figure out your intake/outtake?

    Onawhymm: Here’s some motivation……….BRING IT!!!! You can do it, just push play! Have a great workout!

    Nice work everyone! Way to bring it! Love to hear all the daily stories and it’s kind of nice that we’re not all doing the exact same thing so it keeps it different! Have a fantastic weekend and I’ll see you tomorrow after my Kenpo!

  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I can't believe I only just found the thread! I am doing P90x classic, with ocasional doubles since I sometimes cycle 25 miles a day to get work and back. Today was day 8 Plyo, this is my first round. I hate Ab Ripper :(
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Plyo X, oh how I have missed thee. Nothing else gets me so beet red in the face. :0)
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Did shoulders and arms, ab ripper, and 45 minutes of Yoga today. I was going to do yoga tomorrow but didn't feel like spending all that time on my Saturday since I'm not the biggest fan. So skipped around to the parts I thought were worth doing. Now I can do cardio tomorrow!!! Way more burn. Weighed in today lost 2.5 lbs. 5 more to go.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I just found this thread. Today I completed day 46 of the classic program (legs & back). I'm still struggling with arx. But I still try it every other day. Love Kempo struggle with yoga. But I do try. Biggest obstacle has been Tuesday's. Get home do plyo then run out for my bowling league. And by the third game I'm totally exhausted.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Just got back from the gym not to long ago. Gonna rest up a bit eat lunch then do Kenpo. I have somewhere to go tonight so Im gonna try it this afternoon. Im gonna have my kids do it with me they love to try to do the exercises too
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    I just found this thread. Today I completed day 46 of the classic program (legs & back). I'm still struggling with arx. But I still try it every other day. Love Kempo struggle with yoga. But I do try. Biggest obstacle has been Tuesday's. Get home do plyo then run out for my bowling league. And by the third game I'm totally exhausted.

    Sounds like you should maybe try to have a really substancial snack after your workout on tuesdays :) I suggest some fast carbs combined with protein.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Just finished Kenpo. My kid turned the workout off on me a couple times again. That being said, today finished up week 5 and week 6 starts on Monday.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Has it really been 2 weeks already?!
    I was pooped after Chest and Back/ Ab Ripper yesterday, so I put off Legs and Back until today. Of course, then I was too pooped to also do much Tae Bo. So I still need to figure out if it is better than Kenpo. Tomorrow I may actually attempt Yoga, but who am I kidding - I say that every week and never feel like it. I will more likely stretch and maybe run a little.
    I sucked it up and started using bands instead of the pullup bar. My muscles are still sore from my overdoing it a week ago. And to be honest I don't care if I can't do lots of pullups. I'd rather be able to pick up heavy things than lift myself up.
    Excited about Week 3. Going to go all out before recovery week!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! Kenpo X done, recovery drink down! I'm feeling good! I love Kenpo!!! I used my weighted gloves for an extra burn! If you have some, I highly recommend it!

    I am still very sore from yesterday's L&B though! So, I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow!

    You all are doing great! Definately keeping me motivated! Keep bringing it! Every day you push play is one day closer to where you want to be!

    Have a great Saturday and weekend!

  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I have officially made it to Phase 2!!! Week 5 Day 1 is a new workout. I loved it! Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. I can feel it everywhere above my waist. And then I did all 349 moves of Ab Ripper X for the first time ever to throw the waist in too (with many breaks and a lot of panting for air). Thanks for the inspiration reepobob. It hurts, but I TOTALLY brought it today. Keep up the great work everyone.

    A little late on my reply, but you are more than welcome, my dear. I found that the only way I can get through Ab Ripper-X is also working out the thumb on the "Pause" button...LOL. Way to BRING IT!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am winding down my last day of week 3 of P90X Lean. I have worked it every day with no missed days (knock on wood). I really brought it hard on Legs and Back and Ab Ripper-X on much so that I wasn't real motivated to do Kenpo-X earlier today. I pushed play anyway and burned 757 calories on Kenpo-X. I am feeling it after three straight weeks of working out (did X-Stretch on Sundays too). With me going into a recovery week with two days of Yoga-X and 2 days of X-Stretch, I am going to actually rest tomorrow and mentally prepare for the fourth week. I want to BRING IT! as much as possible heading into Phase 2. Looking forward to measurements next week to see how far I have come.

    I really enjoy reading everyone's trials, tribulations, and little successes. It's good to hear that everyone else has their own brands of challenges to deal with doing P90X. It just motivates me more knowing I am not doing this alone.

    Sidenote: I think the hour of sleep I am going to lose with daylight savings has factored in as well. I never feel right after daylight savings in the I alone or are any of you with me on this...

    Great job, everybody...Keep BRINGING IT!
  • tinywolf
    tinywolf Posts: 1
    what is difference between buying from craiglist/ebay or p90x own website?
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I did 'POWER90' - Dec 6, 2010 - March 5 2011 - I lost 22 lbs & 16.5"...I'm 10 lbs away from my 130 lbs goal...

    March 7 2011 - I started with P90X LEAN - I just finished the first week of it. It was more of 'refresher' for me on the moves...I tried 2 weeks of P90X LEAN last summer & just got lazy.

    This time around I'm more fit - and I'm BRINGIN' IT every single day...Sundays are my 'Day of Rest'...

    Lookin' for some new P90X friends...who are Dedicated & willin' to stick out. Once P90X LEAN is done on June 4 2011 - I'm doin' the P90X Classic version...I'm obsessed. :laugh:
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    what is difference between buying from craiglist/ebay or p90x own website?

    The difference is, from craigslist or ebay you could be buying a counterfeit, broken or an unauthorized copy. Plus you will not get the money back guarantee or a Team Beachbody Coach. If you buy from a Team Beachbody Coach or directly from Beachbody you are guaranteed to get the real deal. If a disc doesn't work, you simply contact Beachbody and they'll send you a new one. You won't get a new disc if you buy it from other outlets.

    Just my 2 cents....
