New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Second time through Plyo today and it kicked my butt just as hard as the first time! Phew! I need a nap! I was able to do a better job on the exercises for the most part though.

    And most exciting, no shin pain! I've struggled with shin splints for some time. I've been stretching and working diligently to get rid of them and it was helping until I did Plyo last week! But over the weekend I got new shoes and orthotics and no shin pain today! At all! I am so happy about this! I did all the jumping and the only thing holding me back was my fitness level, not my shins! Now that I've got that taken care of I can work on strengthening them more.

    Tomorrow is my favorite workout so far: Shoulders and Arms. I did like the Legs & Back workout but I'll like it better when I'm stronger! :wink:

    ETA: Edorice, I am jealous of your beautiful push up form! I gotta work on that...
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    ETA: Edorice, I am jealous of your beautiful push up form! I gotta work on that...

    Doesn't she? She has awesome form in that picture, and looks like she is bringing it!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Wow, tomorrow is day 1 of week 4 for me, can't believe it!!!!!!!

    I'm in recovery week of phase 1. I'm so excited about that!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good evening everyone!!! Well, just got done with the mother of all X workouts…..plyo!!!! I haven’t done it in a loooong time but it wasn’t that bad! My fiancé even made it all the way through! I’m so proud of him! And now, I’m off to fit club to do Cardio X! WOW!!!! I’m gonna be pooped!

    Tabhig: Welcome! P90X will definitely get you that bikini bod you’re looking for! I look forward to reading your posts! Keep up the good work!

    Lovely: Ouch, a strained muscle in your abdomen, that doesn’t sound comfortable. Maybe do some stretching for it, like cobra. Hope it gets better!

    Dara: Time flies when you’re getting fit!!! Way to go girl!

    Jata: I thought getting all my calories in would be easy but it’s been kind of a struggle and not exactly eating some of what I had on my menu at the time I had but I manage to get it in. I have protein bars, those help, big calories and protein.

    Jenna: Hey! Come on in! Hope you have a good day 1 and remember that every day that you push play is one day closer to your goal! You can do it, we can help!

    Fran: Nice job girl! I got my new shoes too and noticed a huge difference! I felt like I could just jump around all night!

    Well, gotta run to the next workout! Have a great evening and I’ll see ya tomorrow!

  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    In week 2 day 2. Did Plyo today. I was so tired during it but made it through. I'm hoping next week I get better at everything. I wish there were more hours in the day. I really want to add in additional cardio while doing P90x but don't have the time during the week. I'll try to add in on the weekend. Hope you all are doing well.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am on Day 2 of Week 2 of Lean (Cardio-X). I brought it more this week than last week (682 calories burned). I made it through the entire workout with very short pauses for water breaks and towelling off. My biggest accomplishment from week one to today was I did about 5 or 6 (lost count) halfway decent Dreya Rolls. Those puppies are brutal! I also flopped around a little better on Superman-Banana, although I am still having a helluva time keeping my legs up in Banana. Overall, I am VERY happy with the progress made in just one week. I LOVE P90X! Onto Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper-X (Lovingly called "Heaven and Hell").
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Week 3/Day1 - couldn't get through core synergistics this morning as I was feeling terrible - even ended up calling off work but after taking it easy all day and reading about everybody's accomplishments I felt energized enough to push play on it this evening. I'm feeling like my bananas are better in the beginning but the last couple are tough to grind out. I actually feel like I'm getting stronger so the thought of taking a week "off" for recovery next week is sort of depressing!

    Keep up the good work everyone - this thread really provides great motivation!!
  • michelegrayson
    I ordered by DVDs today and Amazon said it will be here by Saturday so I will join you next week . Alittle bit afraid but I figure, what have I got to lose but 15 more lbs :>)
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Well, did my core tonight. Definitely much, much stronger than previous times. Still didn't do the Dreya rolls. Planned on doing it, but at that point, I STILL somehow had dinner in my stomach that was refluxing.

    I actually did a few regular push-ups, too! Probably 15 total. Probably not that perfect, but perfect enough! Proud of myself for that.

    When doing the boat, and the superman/banana I kept having a 28lb toddler sitting on me and was having a hard time rolling over to the othe positions. I'd have to pick him up, set him to the side, and roll. By the time I got there, it was time to go back, and he was back to climbing on me again.

    Yes, doing P90x can be a challenge to me, in more ways than one.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Plyo done! Man it was But easier this week than last. Burned 481 cals. Good job everyone!!!
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    Week one day two DONE! Lean version here so it was cardio x tonight. My HRM stinks and doesn't read half the time so I really need to strart saving for a good one. I guess I'll just log it as circuit training until then. Great job everyone!
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 234 Member
    Well, did my core tonight. Definitely much, much stronger than previous times. Still didn't do the Dreya rolls. Planned on doing it, but at that point, I STILL somehow had dinner in my stomach that was refluxing.

    I actually did a few regular push-ups, too! Probably 15 total. Probably not that perfect, but perfect enough! Proud of myself for that.

    When doing the boat, and the superman/banana I kept having a 28lb toddler sitting on me and was having a hard time rolling over to the othe positions. I'd have to pick him up, set him to the side, and roll. By the time I got there, it was time to go back, and he was back to climbing on me again.

    Yes, doing P90x can be a challenge to me, in more ways than one.
    Your work out sounds like mine yea havent try the dreya roll intimidating and if I do wake up late I know my kids are on top of me in the superman banana but will keep bringing it.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    so i finally got off my lazy behind & started doin plyo 2day. & 2 my disappointment my dvd started messin up. got 2 the point where it would just freeze then skip. :grumble: i finally took it out the dvd player & put it in my laptop & it plays with no issues. :noway: wtfe.... but at least i finished it & got my workout in 4 the day....

    maybe i need 2 buy a new plyo dvd.. & now i'm wonderin what other dvd's in my set aren't workin correctly also :cry:
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I sucked it up and did the Plyo yesterday. I just wore my knee brace and did some of the modified moves so I wasn't hopping and spinning at the same time. My knee was hurting half way through but I stuck with it. My legs are a little sore today, but I really feel it in my back. I guess I wasn't bending properly. Anyone else have that problem?
    Pretty excited to get back to Arms today, even though I'm getting quite an arm workout at work today. Hope that doesn't mess it up.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Day 2 of Plyo killed me. Only made through 30 minutes before I couldn't get up anymore. Next week I will get through the whole thing!
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    What does everyone use for their recovery drink? Do you use the P90x stuff? I am using Aftermax.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    What does everyone use for their recovery drink? Do you use the P90x stuff? I am using Aftermax.

    We use a pre-workout mix call Fuzion k-akg and BSN Syntha-6 whey protein for post workout/recovery/protein.
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Did Cardio X day 2 of week 2 yesterday (lean version) so excited that i've stuck with it so far.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I did get up and do Day 1 this morning. I'm really hoping to stick with this program and see some results. I know it works because I have a few friends that look amazing after completing it.

    To others out there that have done this before - How long did it take before you started seeing pounds/inches lost? How much weight do you think I can expect to lose (I'm 5'4", 142lbs, 24% bf)?
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    What does everyone use for their recovery drink? Do you use the P90x stuff? I am using Aftermax.

    i actually use ovaltine with my almond milk yuuuummmmmm :love: chocolate milk done the right way is good :tongue: