Act2130 Member


  • Adderal is an amphetamine but that doesn't make it bad. Vicodin is an opiate- doesn't make it nearly as bad as heroin. Psudaphedrine (I.e. Cold medicine) is the main ingredient in meth-- but most people have taken it at some point in their life. As far as adderal making you lose weight--- it is also a diuretic-- make sure…
  • My goal is to stop binging! It's getting a bit ridiculous. hoping if I log what I eat it will keep me accountable.
  • I use what the machine says which is typically lower than mfp... But even that is probably overestimating. I have several food scales and I compulsively weigh things so that's not a problem. I'll try eating back half and see what happens. Thanks for the advice!
  • I would love to join! Is it too late?? My 100 percent is staying under my calories and working out a min of an hour a day. * are you supposed to eat back exercise calories??
  • I just got back on but would love some supportive understanding friends
  • Ummm...amazing? Lol
  • Thanks! I will definitely check into that!
  • Lol I think this is the best advice!!! And yes I am aware I still have disordered eating...and yes treatment is wayyyy too expensive ( for those of you that dont know-- treatment centers are over 1000 dollars a day and insurance rarely covers it) far as unrealistic goal? It's calories in vs calories burned yes?…
  • Oatmeal is my favorite diet food--- you can do so much with it for so little calories and it is sooo filling. Some of my favorite--- chocolate oatmeal ( Quaker instant oats with 20 calorie diet hot chocolate mixed in after cooking) Pumpkin pie oatmeal ( Quaker instant oatmeal 1/4 pure pumpkin 1/4 cup almond milk cinnamon…
  • I'm not sure what it does to your carb count (I don't count) but half cup of fiber one cereal with 16 oz of water before bed always works for me.
  • I appreciate the advice--- I agree the body tends to react to the mind. If I feel good about myself losing weight seems to be a lot easier. I am just trying to figure out a way to at least coast into neutral. I am desperately trying not to fall into the b/p cycle because I know it's easy to simply trade eating disorders.…
  • I am 5'2 and 145 pounds about right now. I lost 5 then gained ten with the binging in the last eleven days. I have been in treatment for the anorexia for many years but the binging is new (for the last 8 months). I am not seeking anorexia, my ideal weight throughout treatment was 105 so that's what I am seeking. My binging…
  • Congrats on being binge free for so long!! The longest I have gone is 13 days and then followed by 33 bad days ugh. Oh well I'm trying to start fresh. My goal is 75 binge free days. It's a struggle, but I'm trying to remember that just because I didn't restrict doesn't mean I "binged." I'm trying to keep my calories below…
    in Hi :) Comment by Act2130 March 2014
  • Hi there! My name is ashleigh and I am recovering from anorexia and also need support in losing extra weight that I gained after my recovery. I can't seem to get out of this rut of binge eating and would love some support as well. Perhaps we could support each other? I have been trying it alone for about six months now and…
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