

  • Bump
  • Um, just got off the phone with the doctor's office since I hadn't heard anything. They said all my tests came back within normal limits. So, nothing wrong with thyroid, nothing wrong with testosterone, nothing wrong with glucose. I'm at the end of my rope. WTF is wrong with me?
  • Thanks guys! I probably do need new shoes. Not sure how long I've had mine, but almost positive it's been over a year. And it is mainly the front part of my leg, but I never even considered shin splints, mainly because I never really knew what they were. My feet are pretty flat and my ankles turn inward. I should probably…
  • Good question! Bumping for an answer! Never in my life have my thighs NOT touched, so shorts are always creeping up, making wedgies all around.
    in Runners! Comment by marybrry4 March 2012
  • Well, had an appointment today with a new doctor. She's going to check my glucose and insulin, testosterone levels, and my thyroid. Probably going to the hospital tomorrow to get the blood drawn. The look on the doctor's face when I said, "My last doctor said my testosterone was high, but she figured it was 'just the way I…
  • Yeah, I got mine to bra level and donated two 11.5 inch pony tails to Locks of Love. Growing it out again; it's almost to my arm pit.
  • Omg, that's so weird. My BP has been out of control recently. Usually, it's pretty low. Like 112/70. Then I had a headache for a week up the side of my head and I had a nurse at work check my BP. It was 138/90. I made a dr. appointment (and my luck with doctors has sucked) and they him-hawed around and "Oh, it's probably…
  • Ha! That's what I've always comforted myself with: at least my boobs stick out further than my stomach. I would love to go down a bra size or two. I'm at DD now and so uncomfortable. Plus, my husband would leave me if I lost my butt!