

  • I might make a nice tossed salad and top it with a bit of reduced-fat cheese and a poached or fried egg, or make soup (chop some vegetables and a bit of leftover protein and cook it in some broth or stock, then, when it's hot, stir and drizzle in a beaten egg).
  • I've really backed off on starchy vegetables and grains after reading some nutrition information that suggests they are digested quickly and cause the body to store more fat, which I so.don't.need. (But when I use rice, I like instant brown rice, which has the same nutrition information as regular brown rice but nukes in…
  • The closer you get to your goal, the slower you will lose weight. The slower you lose weight, the longer you can practice the habits that will help you keep the weight off. The longer you can keep the weight off, the longer before you have to do it all over again. Having to do it all over again typically doesn't occur…
  • I weigh myself most days first thing in the morning. I only count one weigh in each week, but the other days it helps me to keep on track. If I've gained, I can usually see it came from something(s) I ate or an increase in activity that may have caused some water retention. I was just reading in "Health" that people who…