How long does it take you to lose 1 pound?



  • conservativek
    conservativek Posts: 74 Member
    Takes me about 10 years.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Takes me about 10 years.

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    Yes. Your expectations are too high. :smile: You have 14 pounds to go. A half pound a week is ideal for you.

    Track your progress through how clothes fit, measurement and progress photos, not just on the scale.


    The last 15lbs took me forever. I see nothing wrong with what you're doing. You could add some more exercise in the form of resistance training (weight lifting or pushups/situps like you've been doing) more frequently, but at this point, to be losing 1lb a fortnight is as good progress as you can expect. You're doing great.
  • terrabit
    terrabit Posts: 33 Member
    When I started this at 335lbs, I was losing 3-4lbs per week. I am now 229lbs and 19 away from goal, and I am lucky if I lose a pound in 2 weeks. It's alright... Im patient :)
  • terrabit
    terrabit Posts: 33 Member
    Weight loss is all calorie deficit.

    If you want to lose fat and maintain muscle, lift heavy weights and eat enough protein.

    The rest is noise.

    Agree 100%, especially the last line. Its so damn simple.
    Creepy avatar Btw.
  • Bibianna2012
    Bibianna2012 Posts: 88 Member
    Bump. These are all great tips! thank you!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I was just looking this up. I have lost 22 pounds in 22 weeks. But I averaged more than a pound a week for the first 10 weeks and only .75 pounds/week for the last 12.

    I lost less as I got closer to my initial goal - a weight marker I'd been trying for for about 10 years and within a healthy BMI. I'm now down to the weight I was 24 years ago when I got pregnant with my eldest. I am now shooting for my college weight - 16 pounds to go!

    As I get into 'older' fat, it gets slower. But it is still steady and, more importantly, I haven't gained anything back and am still very comfortable at my calorie levels.

    Bottom line - keep going at it. It's the pace it is. The most important thing is to keep moving in the right direction. You'll eventually get there.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member

    So i am assuming you are eating back some of your exercise calories? If not you should eat about 50% of them or you can set your account to moderately active and not eat back exercise calories. This will put you around 1700-1800 calories total.

    Is that bad?? Yes I do eat some exercise calories.. is that not good?? :embarassed:

    You need to eat your exercise calories.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I am so glad to read about people whose weight loss is not linear. I've lost about 30 pounds since Easter (27 while logging everything on MFP). Some weeks I lose two or even three pounds. Most weeks I seem to lose about one, but I was totally stuck for the month of September, and then lost 3-4 pounds last week. September was difficult. It was a grind, without the positive reinforcement of the scale. I did FEEL thinner, however. So, thank you to those with wisdom and experience for the words of encouragement, and thank you to the person who asked this question.

    Gosh, you sound EXACTLY like me, except I started in May.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator

    So i am assuming you are eating back some of your exercise calories? If not you should eat about 50% of them or you can set your account to moderately active and not eat back exercise calories. This will put you around 1700-1800 calories total.

    Is that bad?? Yes I do eat some exercise calories.. is that not good?? :embarassed:

    No it's good. .It means you feed your body. Generally, people tend to plateau quickly if they don't add back exercise calories.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    you didnt put the weight on fast so you shouldnt expect to take it off quickly either... look at it like this if you lose 1lb a week for a year you have loss 50lbs and looking at your picture you are not extremely overweight and even if your were 50lbs on anyone would be a noticeable difference.

    so keep on doing what you are doing and look at this new lifestyle as a marathon not a sprint.
  • thomasxaviersayles
    Losing one pound is highly individualistic, be patient, make a thousand small good decisions and then a few small ones that are not the best won't matter. Think of it this way, losing a few ounces a day that adds up to 16 means one pound per week. Secondly, a bigger engine (more muscle) requires more fuel and burns more calories. So build and condition your lean mass and it will help you all day long to burn extra calories. I have just increased my caloric intake by four to five hundred calories because of the intense weight lifting and the inches are decreasing but not the pounds, so keep a balanced perspective.
  • urhere
    urhere Posts: 5
    The closer you get to your goal, the slower you will lose weight. The slower you lose weight, the longer you can practice the habits that will help you keep the weight off. The longer you can keep the weight off, the longer before you have to do it all over again. Having to do it all over again typically doesn't occur until you've gained even more weight than you lost. (Don't ask me how I know.)

    You listed your menu but you aren't eating real food. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life eating shakes and prepared meals? If you don't start eating the way you plan to live the rest of your life, what will happen when you do?

    Also, you say you only get 6 hours of sleep each night. That's pretty low, especially if you want your body to release excess weight.

    You appear to be young, so your body is still pretty flexible about rebounding from abuse, but it won't do that forever. Learning what YOUR body needs to be healthy long term is the best investment you can make.
  • jcparadiso10
    I am 65 yrs old and pretty much lazy. I have set my goal at 1800 calories. I have never gone over that but I stay under that alot to the point I get a message that says, not eating enough calories. I am 5'7', how many calories should I be eating, anyone know?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    3 weeks. O_o
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I am 65 yrs old and pretty much lazy. I have set my goal at 1800 calories. I have never gone over that but I stay under that alot to the point I get a message that says, not eating enough calories. I am 5'7', how many calories should I be eating, anyone know?

    Why dont you try to follow the program and eat 1800 calories. Eating 1300 calories is just going to increase the chances of you losing more lean body mass which will slow down your metabolic rate.
  • mbagradstudent
    I've been here a while and manage to gain and lose the same 2lbs. I'm determined to lose 10lbs but it's very hard and slow going to for me. I've recently changed my MFP to be 1,410 calories a day with .5lb weight lose goal a week. I'm hoping that change will make a difference. otherwise I don't know what what else to do either