

  • Mixing up your workout is a good thing. While you may not burn as many calories while lifting the weights, your body will burn more calories throughout the day due to the increase in muscle mass.
  • It sounds like he has enough stress in his life without having the "eat, eat, eat" pressure, too, no matter how well intentioned. Rather than push big meals on him that he clearly doesn't want, why not have healthy light options available that he can eat when he feels ready or on the run. When he's worked through the…
  • If you are eating healthy (the right food, not just reduced calories) and working out during your weight loss (cardio and weight training), your skin should "shrink" with you. You've had children, so be realistic in your expectations, but the fear of extra skin shouldn't keep you from striving for a healthy weight and fit…
  • Make a marinade with low sodium soy sauce. I take about 1/4 cup soy sauce, add a couple of chopped up garlic cloves, a little fresh ginger and add enough water to make about a cup of marinade. Brushing a little (emphasize little) olive oil on your chicken before you cook it also helps it retain moisture and adds to the…
  • Looking at your diary, it seems you are not eating enough vegetables and relying too much on "snack" type and convenience foods. High protein diets are effective for weight loss, but you can cause havoc to your digestive system if you don't drink enough water and you still need the nutrients and fiber you get from…
  • I treat them like an addiction - don't feed them. I have found that my worst cravings (breads for example) went away after a few weeks following a healthy eating plan. However, I also know that if I eat much bread even now, I find myself having to fight the monster again for a few days. I keep reminding myself that nothing…
    in craving~! Comment by CindiJ July 2011
  • You might find Dr. Leo Galland's book, "The Fat Resistance Diet," helpful. Besides nutritional advice, he includes meal plans and recipes. It is a good tutorial as to what factors can hinder weight loss and how to attune your diet to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. As for exercise, if you have access to a…
    in no progress Comment by CindiJ July 2011
  • Don't get too focused on the number on the scale. Water weight, bulked muscles from exercise, menstrual cycles and all sorts of mysterious factors can cause weight fluctuation. As long as the trend is downward over time, you are doing fine. Take your body measurements and check those periodically. I gained a couple of…
  • I'm 5' 4.5" and currently weigh about 136. I fit into a size 4 pants after dropping under 140. I'm probably a 6 or 8 up top, though.
  • Love my elliptical. I can vary the routine, direction, resistance, my posture, etc., and get different benefits. I find treadmills boring, hard on my joints and space invasive.
  • Carolina, if you have a tape measure, measure your hips, waist, thighs, etc. Recheck after a month. The measurements will tell you more than the scale anyway. I strongly recommend including some consistent cardio, strength training and stretching into your journey. You will feel better, have more energy and more mobility.…
  • 40 and 50 have long come and gone. Looking at 60 in a couple of years. Rather than dread a birthday, embrace your life.
  • I'm 5'4" and 57 years old. I have lost 36 pounds since the end of January with healthy eating and daily exercise. You can do it!
  • Look at what you are eating and the source of your protein. Eat smaller portions of the protein rich foods and add more fresh vegetables and fruit. Going over on your protein is not bad unless you are having digestive issues or are not getting enough of your other nutrients.
  • Have a small protein snack (such as almonds or walnuts) early afternoon before you hit that slump and see if that helps carry you through. That will boost your calorie intake a bit, too, which you probably need at this stage.
    in So Tired! Comment by CindiJ June 2011
  • Do you just want to lose weight, or do you want to be healthy and fit, as well? Calories are calories, but nutrition is a lot more than just limiting calorie intake. If you really want to take your health seriously, make the decision to learn about nutrition and healthy eating. Your body is like a high performance engine -…
  • I shop the clearance racks and try to keep my wardrobe mix and match friendly. You can get multiple looks from fewer pieces and accessorize with jewelry, scarves, etc., for more variety.
  • Raw vegies are a good choice - carrots, celery, sweet peppers, etc. A good crisp apple or fresh berries. I also like non-fat Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries (1 cup yogurt and 3/4 cup berries). That's about 200 calories but filling, refreshing and satisfying. Drinking a lot of plain water is tough for me, but I like…
  • There are far better options. Bagels have a lot of simple carbs and not highly nutritional calories. One of my favorite easy breakfasts is a cup of non-fat Greek yogurt with 3/4 of a cup of frozen blueberries mixed in and a couple of tablespoons of ground flax seed. Less than 300 calories and it's delicious, healthy and…
  • Plain raw vegies like carrots are great evening snacks - few calories, crunchie and you have to chew them (as opposed to inhaling a stack of Pringles in one bite). I think crackers, even low cal types, are killers, because if you don't have enough will power not to snack in the evening, you probably don't have enough will…