7heaven Member


  • There was an entry here a few months back - search "Homemade Lara Bars" - it directs you to a site with recipe. I have bought the few ingredients needed but not made them yet.
  • I really recommend going to a running store. They can check your arch and watch you walk barefoot to see how you pronate or not. Then you can get the inserts that are best for your foot. I run in a brand of Mizunos that for the first time I do not need an additional insert.
  • Definitely! You can run too much. Rest days are just as important as your training/running days. That is when your body repairs and builds the muscle. I have trained for and ran 2 marathons and 2 half-marathons this past year and currently training for the San Diego marathon on June 6th with Team in Training. We run 4 days…
  • 7heaven - We have 7 children!
  • Absolutely inspiring and amazing. Congratulations to you for all your hard work - be proud!!