jl191 Member


  • How do you get water in with 6 small meals? I don't even work right now and feel like I would never have time for that. I run constantly (I have a doctors appointment just about every day, plus doing other necessary things) and still feel like it's impossible to get my water in with 3 meals! I went to see the doctor who…
  • My weight on surgery day was 374. 1 week post op was 394. 2 weeks ago I was 368. Today I am 376 (higher then I was on the day of my surgery) if that makes it any less confusing! I was also on a low calorie diet before my surgery for several months
  • April731, I'm drinking 60 oz of water a day on average. The weight loss isnt the problem per say, its the weight GAIN. 8 lbs in 2 weeks instead of losing is a little much. Plus my surgeon is pretty disappointed to begin with that I only lost 25 lbs. I did lose 200lbs before surgery, so I figured I would be slower than most…
  • I had RNY on Feb 23. I worked with the dietician before surgery but not since, it's super hard to get in to see her and they are an hour away. I am drinking atleast 1 protein shake a day myself, or I wouldn't be getting to 60-80 protein. I'll try to get in to see her again, but eating 600 calories you'd think I would be…
  • I'll try the fage idea, so they think you should drink more protein then you eat? I thought the main goal was to get rid of protein shakes and get in more solid protein. Do I have to wait 30 minutes between drinking a protein shake and drinking water? I seem to be always worrying about it being time to put something else…
  • I lost a average adult man before surgery and a sperm whales brain since surgery.
  • My surgeon gives out stickers to put on the back of your license..so there is one on mine.
  • I haven't had a new A1C in awhile, my post op was 5.4 though - my diabetes was pretty controlled. Although I went from 110-115 fasting to 90-95 fasting.
  • Congrats! I got off my diabetic meds..but they were replaced with other crap. Folic Acid, Allopurinol, Potassium.
  • He didn't mention a ulcer. Just said he thinks I got something stuck and it inflamed my pouch. I had the rny. I do take the pills one at a time, with sips of water. I never thought about trying protein shake but worth a shot. Yea to me it doesn't seem like gallbladder issues either, if the pain goes away with someone…
  • My doctor things my pouch is inflamed and gave me carafate to take for a month. I was fine most the day on water and protein shake till I took my meds then started vomiting again I'm not so sure it's that or my gallbladder. I'm fine on pure liquids as long as I don't take my meds, the moment I take my meds it's pure agony…
  • I have been vomitting for days..just getting progressively worse..Today I can't even sip water without vomitting. After several calls to the doctor trying to convince them to see me cause I have no energy from not being able to keep anything down, I finally have an appointment tomorrow..So hopefully they will see whats…
  • I take what my bariatric surgeon provides, Bariatric Fusion 4x a day
  • Yea I haven't mistaken them for hunger..they are just awkward in public LOL..I had to explain to my job councelor today that I just had stomach surgery. I wasn't sure if they were normal or not..my mom thought I was weezing today! I'm like no..it's my stomach
  • I had mine Feb 23, haven't lost a lb. But I am holding a lot of water..infact I gained a few lbs. I am on lasix now..so yea I understand the frustration.
  • Can't hide anything in my family - things get around In a matter of minutes unfortunately. So yea everyone knows about mine.
  • Congrats! Hope it went well, mine was yesterday :) Today I feel extremely gassy but not near as bad as I expected.
  • I know its too low, I think if i could get my sleeping schedule back on track it would be easier to get my calories in. I im iffy about eating past midnight (do i count is as the next day or previous day cause I hadn't slept yet?). Got some almond milk today, I was using just 2% milk..I have my pure protein rich chocolate…
  • I will give it a try. I think I have plenty advice now, but still have more to learn. Im doing better on getting more calories in. But for the time being I've put my diary back to friends only. Thanks all!
  • I never drink any kind of calories at all, I drink nothing but plain faucet water, or bottled water. No flavored water. I have a 32oz cup I drink out of and drink about 2 a day. I tend to forget to count my water though. I've tried oatmeal, I have some..but I tried it unsweetened and couldn't do it. I've never been a fan…
  • West Missouri
  • Yes I tend to eat a lot of sandwhiches..I've never been a huge fan of cheese.. I'm quite picky for a fat person! Today I did bad..I ended up having to go to the ER because I've been having issues breathing for the past week or so, and it got worse today..I'm fine they said its pleurisy. I had 95 carbs today, I ended up…
  • Mainly I'm just trying to follow what my dietician instructed of me, which was no more then 30% of my calories from fat. (30% fat, 35% carbs, 35% protein) Yes I was under the impression fat caused heart disease, my dad died of heart related causes (and stroke) at 45..so I do worry about that. My cholesterol is not high,…
  • I had my EGD today, and let me tell you..that put my mind at ease. I was extremely anxious to be sedated, cause I had never been before..but after they gave me the sedation all my anxieties went away obviously, the surgeons were all very nice and calming and it went smoothly..so I'm very ready to take the next step (the…
  • I did think it was a little funky that she said no fruit at all, but the next sentence she said to eat as much as I want in the way of a carb with dinner as long as I stay under 100 carbs daily. (Which I HAVE NOT been doing, even from the first visit, I went straight to measuring everything, and only eating 1 serving.)…