

  • the chobani is best, with either ( and i know you'll think this is gross, it's really not) peanut butter ,or berries (if you freeze the yogurt for about 1/2 hour its even better),, but also i would have egg whites at least 3 mornings a week, with a grapefruit if you like, and some black tea with equal... if your not used…
  • I think whats important to remember is that your looking to be fit! you may be thin, but the mindset should be more about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your body and your size... it's happened to me on many occasions where people tell me your too thin, don't be so obsessed with what you eat and what you weigh,…
  • I too am a huge lover of oatmeal.. unfortunetly it has about 33 carbs for 1/2 cup. i think that having 1 cup for breakfast is o.k, but if your craving something sweet later in the day some cinnamon flavored rice cakes, or a someting i discovered a few months ago called ARCTIC ZERO ,, ,it is a frozen treat, very much like…
  • twice daily workouts are fine.. many people run or do some form of cardiovascular excercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.. that way after your morning protein shake or other protein, you will burn more calories, then you can lift in the afternoon.. i used to do three days on ..go heavy , low reps (8-10 3…
  • gee where do i start??? LOL to begin with, drives me nuts.... also 'MY BAD' , i hate this expression.....i'm 52 years old, makes me sound stupid using that expression! I agree with villene79 the word "like" used often enough just makes you sound stupid, and frustrates the hell out of me... let's face it, i 'm a word…
  • Hi, my name is julianne sullivan.. walking isn´t a waste of time, but you may not burn the fat that you want and see the results that your hoping for.. in my experience weight training is better than cardio because muscle continues to burn fat after your done working out for a longer period of time and it´s muscle it…