

  • Not what I wanted to hear... but what I NEEDED to hear. :) You are absolutely right. My grandmothers both told me when I was young that age has a way of showing up on you physically without you ever seeing it coming. It's an interesting thing when you're trying to reconcile the mental feeling that you can do everything you…
  • I have two kids so I understand. I've got stretch marks from hell.
  • Thanks for the response. :) I have a friend who is 10 years older than me and she told me it gets progressively harder to maintain. Her weight redistributed to her breasts. She jokes that the boob-fairy came. It just sucks to work so hard and still not have the shape I once had even though my weight isn't so different.
  • Hi Angie! I'm in Maryland too. Feel free to drop me a line if you need some encouragement!
  • I have a heart rate monitor. That's what I've been using for the last week or so to measure what I've been burning. I've been trying to keep the calories around the 1200-1400 range. I changed the privacy settings on my journal in case you want to look. This past weekend was a bust though. I "tasted" too many things to…
  • I've been researching one to buy as well. I think I've settled on the Polar FT4. It's less than $100. Here is the Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001U0OFD2/ref=ox_sc_act_title_7?ie=UTF8&m=A2AD3LSP8VX07O
  • I love mangos and kiwis. If it helps - you might want to try freezing some of your fruit so that it lasts longer. You can always use it in smoothies for later. :)
  • I'm battling a plateau with the 9 pounds I want to lose. I've had to step away from the scale and factor in water retention / muscle gain. My plan is just to hit the cardio that much harder and see if that gets me over the hump. I can't really lower my calories much more because I'm concerned that I'll adversely affect my…
  • There are mornings when I desperately DON'T want to do get that 45 minutes of Insanity in. But I haven't missed so far. Thanks for the response - and good luck to you too in finishing the program!
  • Thanks for responding. I'm in it to win it. :)