

  • Interesting post. I found it interesting when you said you have (obesity diseases) though you are not overweight. I think I know what you mean by that-diseases that are often associated with obesity, but the funny part is often being overweight alone does not cause those diseases (as you know). My dad and I have always…
  • Glad it went well, maybe you have a bit of social anxiety. A lot of people have that. Just go focused on your goals and have a good time. Don't be too hard on your self. I know we all have different body types but I am 5 feet 2 inches and 135 is my perfect weight but I am a curvy gal. I am at 150 and not happy!
  • I think you are doing great too. I have never been able to take off faster than that. I also think you are more likely to keep it off if going a tad slower than your goal. Keep up the good work. I think you are doing nothing wrong especially if you feel good. Nothing worse than a weak, starving, cranky goal oriented person.