Scared to go pilates for the first time in 4 years

Hello! Please call me Velvet. ( I know, it sounds NSFW, but it was my nickname as a child.)

I've always been healthy, but even when I hit my weight loss goals, I've never had the body I want. I was "skinny-fat" even at 10 pounds lighter, probably because I over-restrict when I'm not working out and over-consume when I am. Right now I'm 5'2'' and 120lbs, not a weight I'm happy with. I really want to focus on striking balance between workouts and eating.

The last 3 years I've been working out alone, usually at home or solo at the gym. In an hour, I'm about to go to my first group pilates class in almost 4 years. I'm terrified. I was active in yoga from age 14 until 21 (my home gym was convinced I would become an instructor, but I couldn't afford the certification lessons). Now I just feel so incompetent. I've lost most of my flexibility and my strength is a joke. I can't even do a proper pushup.

I'm almost considering not going again. I'm already embarrassed and I haven't even officially paid for the class. I know I need the class to help fix my form and get me back on the right track, but it's just so scary.

Thanks for reading, and sorry the whining. At 25 I feel too old for it, but it makes me feel a bit better to share.


  • Anastasia007
    Anastasia007 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Velvet,

    Did you go? I started doing pilates about two months ago. The first time I was awful... but I enjoyed the class so I went back. And now i'm ok. I really think you should go there is nothing to be embarrassed about, you are trying to improve your health, strength, flexibility ect..
  • Velvetgamer
    I did, and it was awesome. I shouldn't have freaked out. :) I had the same instructor too, and she was so sweet.

    Thank you for the support! I think I just really needed to publicly vent out my fear.
  • Anastasia007
    Anastasia007 Posts: 4 Member
    Glad you enjoyed it. :)
  • OldPunkGirl
    Glad it went well, maybe you have a bit of social anxiety. A lot of people have that. Just go focused on your goals and have a good time. Don't be too hard on your self. I know we all have different body types but I am 5 feet 2 inches and 135 is my perfect weight but I am a curvy gal. I am at 150 and not happy!