

  • I'd say running on an empty stomach will make you feel wiped out! I run in the morning and I drink a (short) glass of Chocolate milk before hand... it makes a huge difference. I don't have time to get up and eat/digest actual food before my run. There are several excellent articles out there about the weight loss and…
  • By far chocolate milk... google it... there are some good articles out there. It boosts your metabolism too.:flowerforyou:
  • I agree with Rose... a little something is always better than nothing at all... unless you haven't had a rest day in a long time. Otherwise, even a little walk will losen up your muscles!
  • BUMP!! Thanks Mel!! :flowerforyou:
  • You really should be at least going for a walk or something... you'll have acid build up in your muscles if you work out and then do nothing. I'm always really sore if I do a long run then do nothing at all the next couple days. Hope that helps... feel better:flowerforyou:
  • I agree... once I stopped logging I stopped obsessing about food. I log every now and then if I feel like I've been over earting... just to keep my self in check. Overall, I've lost more since I stopped logging. Keep in mind you still need to make good decisions:flowerforyou: Good luck!
  • I'd say a calorie is a calorie, but if you have still been losing you're probably fine... everyone is different:flowerforyou:
  • You totally can do it!!! Just takes will power!! When I started I couldn't run more than 1/4 mile at a time! Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • I LOVE working out in the morning! I do it everyday... it's a GREAT way to start your day!
  • I'll be watching!!!
  • She's definitely trying to sabatoge you... probably because she feels like she doesn't have the will power to do it. Another thing to remember is healthy isn't only about being "skinny". Those fast food meals and huge philly cheese steaks will cause a heart attack before they make her really really big. I'd let her know…
  • Is there a point that too much water can cause water weight?? Just curious :flowerforyou:
  • PASTA! I always used to eat a huge bowl of spaghetti (sp?) before a race!! Worked excellent for me:laugh:
  • WOW!!! That's awesome!! I bet you feel great! :laugh:
  • Maybe take a little walk or something... nothing too much:flowerforyou: Don't beat yourself up about it... you can keep going!
  • I LOVE the 30 day shred video... it's nice because it offers variety (3 levels), and I can do it at home. Jillian on the other hand... I'm NOT a fan of her (haha). I used to really like her, but last week I heard and interview where she mentioned she'd never have a baby because of what it'd do to her body... now I think…
  • YUMMM!! Sounds good!
  • Congrats!!! That's an amazing accomplishment... P.S. I love your toe nail polish color:laugh:
    in OMG!!!! Comment by JJRunning April 2010
  • My boyfriend was just told by his dentist that he does that / should stop! I always knew it better never said anything! I'm sure it was related to work stress... he wears a mouth guard now (it's clear... from Target... can with a plastic case). It's SO much better! He sleeps better... and best of all... he doesn't wake me…
  • It's fine! Enjoy the celebration! Tomorrow is my birthday too, so I'll be doing the same:drinker: The important thing is that the bad days are WAY less than the good days!! Also, if you NEVER ate anything bad for you you'd probably eventually over indulge in the "forbidden" foods.... have fun lady!
  • I also work out in the morning because it's the only time I can get it in... that I'll actually do it! I don't have many good tips to get yourself out of bed, but I'll tell you what's worked for me - I lay out all my work out clothes the night before (it eliminates the "getting ready" factor), I have my coffee on auto brew…
  • I 100% agree with everyone above, but I also have to say if fad diets worked EVERYONE would be skinny!!! :laugh:
  • Don't let him get you down!! Keep up your good work.... Also, no one should EVER say that to someone unless the woman has told you she's preggers!!!!!! How rude:angry:
  • I agree with the other ladies... try to find something else to do! I often clean my house when I'm bored... being bored is my worst enemy too! I recently realized as long as I'm doing something... anything... I can avoid over eating!
  • That's awesome!! What phone do you have? Also, the MPH is probably right. I usually run at 6.0 to 6.3 and the treadmill says 6.0 is 10 MPH (I would think the distance calc on the treadmill is more accurate than the calorie calc). Anway... good work! Glad you enjoy running!!!! :laugh:
  • That's awesome! What kind are you getting? Let us know what you think! I have a gym in my apartment complex right now, but I'm planning to buy a treadmill when I move in the next 6-12 months! Thanks!
  • WOW!! You look AMAZING! Excellent job... such an inspiration :flowerforyou:
  • Glad you posted this!!! I always log my whole day the night before, so I can plan accordingly (I bring my lunch / snacks to work, so it's easier that way).... lessons learned:happy:
  • Ohhhh boy. :noway: