

  • I don't put sugar or butter in my oatmeal, just oats, unsweetened almond milk, plain yogurt and some kind of fruit or 2tbsp of peanut butter.. I try and stay away from sugar and saturated fat as much as possible. The chops were breaded with the kraft fresh take
  • I thought about buying a bike because I only live about 2 miles from my job.
  • Thanks everyone for the input. The trainer said to shoot for 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat but I'm gonna try it the other way and see what happens.
  • I'm not eating the calories I burn, i'm not measuring food (yet), and I try and log everything as accurately as possible
  • As far as my gym days, I have/had NO idea what I am/was doing, so I just decided to split each day up into focusing on one area (arms/back, legs, abs. 1 day will be legs where I will do squats, single leg lunges, glute machine, seated leg press/extension and linear leg press. arm day is fly, tri pushdown, curl machine, tri…
  • Here's an example of a typical day for me. I haven't eaten supper yet but its pretty similar to my lunch.
  • I've monitored it weekly with an Omron body fat meter they have at the gym and it hasnt budged. At all. After 2 months. Everybody says that men lose weight easier than women, but it seems I'm having a harder time than my girlfriend, and shes got a thyroid condition.
  • I had 1 free PT session at the gym I signed up for and they actually recommended a 2500cal diet, but MFP suggests 2100, and even then I find it difficult to hit 2100cal, as I just don't/can't eat that much.
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