

  • Welcome! And congrats on the 23lbs already! That's great :) This site is great, people are amazing and very helpful, I'm sure you'll enjoy it just as much as we all do!
    in Hi I am new Comment by xKPx April 2011
  • I'll add another welcome! I've just joined this site this week and everyone here is amazing! I hope you enjoy it and find what you're looking for by being here :) Take care and be in touch if you are looking for another friend from MFP! -KP
  • Thanks so much! The frustrating part is I joined WW with a friend of mine January of '10. I lost 20 lbs by the summer and was feeling great! And then gained it ALL back... so I'm familiar with tracking and am hoping that will work to my benefit! My biggest problem is finding the motivation (alone) to do these things, so I…