New to site, so hi all! : )

Good morning! First time to this site, hoping it'll be just what I need! My biggest thing is finding the motivation to stick to watching what I eat AND fitting the exercise portion into my weekly schedule! I seem to be the only one in my local area of friends/family who want to do something about how I feel physically and emotionally, so doing these things alone tend to be VERY difficult for me!

Any help or suggestions on sticking to it alone would be greatly appreciated! Having friends that seem to be in the same situations always make things a little easier!


  • Smurph241
    Smurph241 Posts: 24
    Hi There,

    well you have come to the right site!! Everyone is supportive and understands what you go through!! Friend request coming your way please keep in touch and shout loud and proud your successes and also when you need to vent shout or whatever!!

    Good luck with all your goals x
  • xnattiex
    xnattiex Posts: 143 Member
    Hi! I know what you mean! no-one around me seems to want to do anything about themselves either, and my family could definitely benefit from it, but theyre not interested and i quite often feel very alone...cue MFP! Its great here, really supportive! Hope it is just as supportive for you, good luck!


    p.s if you fancy some friends feel free to send me a friend request :)
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi and welcome!!! Try to log in everyday to record your food intake. You will be amazed on how that alone will keep you focused. Remember you are doing this for YOU!!!!! If those around you start to see the amazing changes in you...and not just weight loss but energy, they may follow suit. We have an amazing support circle here at MFP so add me if you'd like! :happy:
  • xKPx
    xKPx Posts: 4
    Thanks so much! The frustrating part is I joined WW with a friend of mine January of '10. I lost 20 lbs by the summer and was feeling great! And then gained it ALL back... so I'm familiar with tracking and am hoping that will work to my benefit! My biggest problem is finding the motivation (alone) to do these things, so I can already tell with how helpful you've all been that this may be what I need!

    Thanks all :)