

  • While I think what he said makes him seem like a jerk, there are always two sides to any conversation and we are only seeing yours. However, if what you say is correct, he HAS already given up on you. In his mind, your weight is important to him and the fact that his hints whether passive-aggressive or now blunt aren't…
  • Yea, the beginning is the hardest part. You can do it. I think the hardest part is accepting that you cannot just continue to do things as you have and expect a change. One big change for me was insisting to my wife that I don't want to eat what she likes to cook. I had to give her lists of new things or offered to make my…
  • Well, I would never say half way to quitting! You are half way to a new goal ;) I am also in the half way boat and I think as we get closer the amount lost will diminish. So, you have to have extra stick to-it-ness. For me, I am being a little more careful to be sure I measure what I eat correctly, get enough sleep, get…
  • I'm around as well, if you want. I'm a cardioaholic that is trying to get rid of a gut... So far so good! Now I just need inspiration to pick up heavy things....
  • Cinnamon Buns Cooking
  • When I was diagnosed with syndrome X, they sent me to diabetic training courses. It was an excellent program. If you live in a medium sized city, I would check to see if you have a diabetes center there. They trained me how to check my blood sugar and how to create meals that balanced carbohydrates, fats and proteins in…
  • Getting where you are took a while... getting back will take a while. I would suggest you set a small attainable goal like say... I will walk 20 minutes three days a week for a month. See how much your life can handle instead of going gang busters and then feeling overwhelmed when the willpower wains. It's hard to find a…
  • I know wanting the weight off NOW is the goal, but the faster you lose it, the less time you give your skin to shrink.... It's more important to set a slow steady pace which ALSO gives your time to relearn how to eat.
  • You look amazing, I'd do a little dance here for you, but you wouldn't be able to see it.
  • I also use the "Monitor My Weight" app for android. I like the clarity better than MFP's graph which usually looks like a wavy line than a trend.
  • I weigh every day. I get outta bed, pee and weigh in my underwear. http://goo.gl/PFYM6p What I find is that I have 2 week flat periods with a little bit of fluctuation. Outta curiosity, I write down exercise performed and even going to the bathroom on the chart data in Excel just to see if there is a correlation to the…
  • Hey, Charles, the first few weeks were the most challenging for me... acclimating to a new way of thinking about food and being accountable for it. The reason I like the guys group... I get SOOOO tired of women telling me... "it's easy for men to lose weight".... right! Don't buy that.
    in Hello. Comment by jtrack3d June 2014
  • I went from 177 -> 167 and they started to notice. However, for me, I have always been overall slim except for the guy gut. So that was 10 lbs of gut, 36" -> 32" pants. Just not wearing tent pants makes you look like you have lost a lot.
  • I just noticed these new things yesterday... perhaps they have been there longer. It told me it liked my soup because it's high in protein... or yesterday said how many calories I have left.. duh, that's at the top already. They are in little green boxes with what looks like either a scale or a green flower on the left…
  • I'd think since weight changes are slow and sometimes in spurts, it might be time to just adjust your intake up a little at a time and see the impact. I'm no expert, but mathwise, if a 500 daily deficit loses weight, then if you added that 500 back, you'd maintain. Add back to your old BMR the 500 you subtracted and if you…
  • Mine is fried fruit pies. I usually have one on my weekends when my exercise program ramps up because I teach dance classes so I can afford the extra calories. I have a cherry one on the counter calling my name! But it fits in my budget!
  • We have a house rule and it worked with my three... if I haven't met them in person, you don't chat with them in private.... so if you wanna talk to them on skype or in your games and such, you better invite them over to meet dad. If I catch you talking / friends with people I haven't met you will lose phone, skype and…
  • Makes me wanna get up and dance to "Happy"!
  • I already get 300+ minutes of cardio in a week teaching Dance/Zumba and that doesn't count my walking another 20-30K steps or the elliptical. My legs are pretty tight. I have been doing the abs class as well and pushups are up to 75,... So, I don't think I want more cardio. Goal: 3 days (Tu/Th/Sat) back at the dumbbells.…
  • Could do something like... 10,000/steps a day challenge for a month. Log 3 days a week of exercise, etc. I'm all for it.
  • Hey! We almost got Garrosh... not enough nights of WoW
  • TREND is the key word there as well. I try not to let the little ups / downs bother me or even just the repeat numbers. You won't be weighing at the doctors every day... so I'd just use my own scale... or just consistently the same scale... same time of day... same state. I always weight after I get outta bed, pee, weigh,…
  • Holy Crap, you should be proud. The key is not to give up.
  • I dance for cardio, so I need something to hold my junk. Hip Hop does lots of hip stuff that is just not pleasant to be flinging parts. But that's a guy issue, I suppose.
  • March: 3.8 lb April: 4.4 lb Somewhere between 1.1 and 1.2 lbs a week.
  • As Brian says, it is my understanding that your deficit is already taken out, so the "green" calories is supposed to be how much you have left to eat... which goes up if you exercise. So, yeah, you can eat those. However, my biggest fear when "eating back" is the possibility that I underestimated my intake. So, I try to…
  • My thoughts would be that you are a creature of habit. You are set in your ways and your evening ritual is defined as something like... get home and rest a few minutes, then eat a snack and watch a little channel XYZ TV and then start making dinner... where you keep your snacks as you are cooking, etc. My suggestion would…
  • Eating shouldn't be our enemy. If it is, then I have already lost. If I divided my meals into 6, it would be difficult to find something I want to eat, let along in a quantity I want to eat it. I still wanna like eating! It has to work for you or it's working against you. If 6 is great for you... do it. If 3 is better...…