Sternjohn662200 Member


  • Sounds about right as my average daily steps is around 5000 mark in the week and 8000 at weekend
  • Out of curiosity i didn't exercise last night and just went about my day as normal so had a (sedentary) lifestyle as per my job. My fitbit Charge HR for the day was a TDEE of 2232 Calories, so i then checked this using various online calculators as suggested and got the following so its likely the fitbit does overestimate…
  • Thanks. Just done this and its 6.47lbs so having lost 1.5lbs as current then im clearing doing something wrong with calories in vs calories out.
  • Sounds like i need to be more vigilant on both fronts then to find the balance between the two. Im always conscious for health reasons of not eating below my BMR (which i used to at 1600kcals) as my BMR is 1700 kcals a day so might need to make sure i get the best use out of what im consuming calories wise to fill me up.…
  • Thanks for all the responses, really appreciate it. I weigh all the solids i eat where i can. Started doing that when i realised what the actual weight was of the weekend bowl of cereal i was having. (80g not 30g like i was logging so huge difference). Liquids i try to measure using measuring cups - not always possible…
  • To be honest i probably had a diet too high in carbs which was what made me swing the other way. They were healthy carbs such as fruits / sweet potato / brown bread etc but some days they were 60% of my intake. Its the beachbody information which has thrown me as i looked at the p90x meal plan and fat shredder stage had…
  • I have lost a little in terms of inches but only a 1/4". Always wondered about the muscle weighing more than fat, is it a that much that you would notice it a lot. I always thought it applied to people who are doing a lot of strength training which home workouts dont really have.
  • Thanks Olly - just had a look and understand it now. BMR is similar with both then really. Seems i was under eating then so Ill push my calorie intake up then to 2000/2100 then and track this meticulously. I was tired during workouts so makes sense. Will have to go back to the 40% Carbs / 40% protein / 20% fat then as was…
  • Thanks for everyones help so far. I will definitely add some weights to my workout to see if that helps. 1/2lb a week weight loss i would be happy with so will aim for that and make sure my logging is accurate at all times. The only issue i have is what my calorific needs should be. Beachbody Calculator says i need to eat…
  • Probably for the last 6 weeks. I say weight loss plateua but have lost 0.3kg over that period (though this depends on what day i weigh myself as some days its the same)
  • Based on the Harris Benedict equation i should be eating 2461 calories so 1900 calories gives me a deficit. I changed to 1900 from 1600 as i felt i would be under eating. Yes i measure portions using a digital scale and i am measuring my liquids. Im 170cm tall.