

  • Thanks there is so much information out there and I just needed to be pointed in the right direction :)
  • Do you have a plyo routine that you like? I am in a fitness class club and we have only classes so I would have to join a gym to have full access to weights. I would love something that I could do at home. With my families schedule it is hard to do things outside of the home everyday.
  • Thanks. I will have to look at joining a gym to have access to more weights.
  • I know I cannot choose where to lose fat from. Maybe I worded it wrong. I want strong legs and need to work that area. I didnt know if anyone had a routine that the like.
  • Thank you all for the constructive criticism. Compared to what I was eating a month ago I have come a long way. So a month from now I expect to be even further along.
  • Tiny I asked for suggestions not sarcasm. I am not in the frame of mind to indulge childish behavior
  • I try to drink 80-100 oz of water a day I just dont log it in. I also try to get it all in while at work. Once I go home the kids are my focus and I may not drink all evening. I do drink an unsweetened ice tea with dinner as a treat.
  • I go to the gym and do one hour classes instead of 30 minutes a day. does that make a difference? I am going to add in walking on days I cant go to the gym. For me it may not be ED, but when I hyperfocus on something my life then revolves around it and then other parts of my life suffer. Does that make sense?
  • Thanks Annie..... I feel like its one of the hardest things that most people will ever do and alot of people dont understand it. I am going to start eating cleaner one meal at time. The struggle is real
  • Thanks Soy!! I am trying to not rely on processed foods but the portioned out meals feel safer some days than weighing and going it alone. I have an addictive personality and I know obsessing over weighing everything may be a rabbit hole I am scared to go down :(.
  • How do I log when I do not cook? Some days I am not the one cooking so I try to do the best I can.
  • I will check out the food scales on Amazon. About the smoothies, i dont like the taste of fruit or drinking calories. Any other way to go about that?
  • Thanks beachhouse, I am slowly getting there with my diet. We bought a house not too long ago and my schedule is insane. I am lucky if I make to the gym when I want. I was eating horribly before, fast food breakfasts, hot chocolates, eating out for lunch and having mutliple helpings at dinner and ice cream or brownies most…
  • Hi Editorgrl, I did read that post when I started. He said 1% is feasible for most people and that would be 2.5 pounds a week for me. I would want to lose 2 pounds a week until I get into the 100's and then decrease to 1lb a week. Am I not understanding his post. I thought as long as you eat more than 1200 calories a week…
  • I do measure the cream cheese and its just tad so my bagel this isnt too dry. :) As far as the strawberries I do a guesstimate since I dont eat alot of fruit. Sometimes I do not have the ability to measure but I am doing my best to be accurate. I wish I could settle for one pound a week but I dont want it to take 2+ year…
  • Thanks Everyone!!! I am thinking about getting a Pandora bead for some of my victories. I also want to plan a trip with my husband when I reach my goal. I do love the idea of the pedi's, exercise is hard on the Keep the ideas flowing!!! :)
  • I would try to find someone that is interested in your journey and wants to start themselves. I am doing this with my mom and we talk about it alot. We discuss our meals and we go to classes together. Perhaps someone who goes to your gym would be a good fit
  • You guys look awesome!!! Thanks for the motivation