

  • Don't be discouraged if it takes you several tries to complete some of the workouts. It took me a week to get past workout number one and now I've been on week three for almost a month. Defnitely make sure you have good shoes! I went to a store that specializes in running shoes and had them evaluate my feet and run to see…
  • Thanks again for all the replies. I do think that part of my problem is not having enough muscle mass...being thin, I've never had much. I'm wondering if I should shift my focus to strength training for awhile before I continue my 5k training? Although, that worries me a bit because I am not a member of a gym and do not…
  • Great advice...from everyone :) (even those who suggest running should only occur when you are being chased and fear for your life! hahah...) I'm not giving up...yet... One of my friends who is a nurse practitioner suggested that I might be anemic, and that can make it very difficult to maintain energy for exercise. So who…
  • It's not so much my lungs...I know I don't have asthma. It's more like my body just feels weak, like I have NO energy. Like I couldn't take another step even if someone were coming at me with a chainsaw. haha
  • I can finish the week three workout, but just barely...and sometimes I have to stop the run segments a few seconds early because I just can't keep going. Out of breath...feel nauseous, like I'm going to pass out I tried to just push on and do week 4 day 1 twice this week, and did horribly. I feel like there is no sense in…
  • eating -- it varies. I try not to eat soon before going. If I run in the morning I may have a piece of peanut butter toast. In the evening, I will go 30 minutes to an hour after eating dinner speed -- umm...SLOW. I'm pretty sure you could walk faster than I'm jogging. shoes -- I have good ones. I went to a specialty…
  • A little of both...being able to run a 5K is just a personal goal that I'd really like to meet. And, I find it to be the easiest way for me to exercise. (doesn't require money or equipment, etc...I have a great jogging trail blocks from my house...I think it is the only form of exercise I can't talk myself out of -- no…
  • Hahahah...that's definitely not my problem ;)
  • Hi :) I'm Allison...just joined the group! I have never run in my LIFE but decided to sign up for a 5K this coming November. I started C25K about 4 weeks ago. I'm on week 3, and can't seem to get past it. I've already repeated the week twice...kinda frustrated, but it seems this is a common theme, so I'm hopeful that if I…