I'm right there with you! I have a 5 mo who I nurse on demand, and co-sleep with, so the lack of sleep and energy is a struggle! I have 2 other children as well, I'm a SAHM, I'm hungry all the time!!!! I drink tons of water, and I too am Dairy free and limit my gluten intake, so my snacks are limited.. Use to I would grab…
Haha!! I Said I walked 3-4 xs "day" YEAH RIGHT!! ???????????? I meant week!
I feel the same, BF is my #1 priority but losing weight while doing it without sacrificing my supply would nice too!
Thanks! Yeah with baby #1 BF just melted away my fat, baby #2 a little, and now with #3, nothing! And I'm hungry ALL the time!! I drinks LOTS of water, I try and eat clean and include healthy fats in my diet (for baby) I'm doing NO dairy, and small amounts of gluten.. I'm walking when I can, 3-4 xs a day.. I co-sleep, baby…
Yay!! I was looking for other BF moms too! I'll add you so we can encourage each other and share tips etc!!
Not a stupid question at all!! Lol!! I just started using this app on my iPhone and am looking for people to add to keep me motivated and hopefully I can motivate others as well!