

  • EXACTLY! That has been what my doctor has been preaching for years! I shoot for less than 1500 mg of sodium daily and I usually have no problem meeting this goal. There are natural sugars in some food, I just try not to eat added sugar. (sometimes the M&M's win) :o)
  • I take B-12 daily and it really doesn't do anything for me. It doesn't give me a boost of energy like I thought it would and I don't think my weight loss has been enough to contribute to the vitamin. I've lost 9 pounds so far since April but I believe that is just because I cut out processed foods and cut my calories. It…
  • I looked, but they don't have a menu online. If you go to the website and click on food, then nutrition, it gives you a couple ideas. Like salmon with asparagus sauce or salad.
  • 1) I agree with most of the other posters. You need to eat all your calories plus your excersize calories. 2) I've noticed you eat a lot of nut products. I was doing this and it slowed down my weight loss. I have cut back to a serving of walnuts of most days and that is it. I do that mainly to lower my cholesterol. Try…
  • I have been in your shoes many, many times! What did it this time for me was my doctor telling me my cholesterol is too high (and I'm only 34). Heart disease runs in my family and I want to be around for a long time. Plus a friend recommended this web site and I love it! Good Luck! You can do it! Created by…
  • The RDA for sodium is 2500 mg. However, the American Heart Association only recommends 1500. I try to shoot for less than 1500. :)
  • I generally aim for 1500mg a day and keep to it. You can view my log if you would like for ideas :o)
  • Welcome and Good Luck! I've been here about 2 weeks and have lost a little over 3 pounds. I'm addicted to this site like I'm addicted to facebook. haha
  • I have Direct TV so I turn it to channel 805 which is 80's music. I do this while I'm kickboxing or doing anything at home. When I'm out walking I listen to my phone which has an MP3 player. I have a mix of music/genres from the past 20 years on it. :o)
  • cklbrown....That is an AWESOME goal! I know this sounds bad, but I want to be thinner than all the girls I graduated with that wouldn't give me the time of day back then. While we have all gained weight, I want to look better than them.
  • Great Idea with the graham crackers and Cool Whip! I keep Cool Whip frozen and will eat a few spoons of that when I get the ice cream craving. Can't wait to try it with the crackers :)
  • When I am craving something sweet I will eat a tablespoon or 2 of Nutella spread right off the spoon. Its chocolately and will knock out the cravings fast! It also tastes good spread on toast. :o) Its also healthy for you in small amounts.
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