look at my log please...I am the doing well/no lbs lost girl

well the posting says it all I am the doing well and no lbs lost girl and hoping those of you that responded to my ? earlier in the day will now be able to access my food/exercise log to see what I may be doing wrong.

keep in mind I have PCOS and Inuslin Resistance and have limited my carbs per day and still my clothes and scale are not telling me I am getting any fitter.

Hubby says I am, I think he just wants me to feel good and leave the issue alone so he can have sex. Ugh!!! men, they want sex women want a clean house, happy kids, a thinner body and peace in the middle east. Maybe I should go on a sex diet and then the lbs will fall off! I have literally tried everything else!


  • patattheshire
    patattheshire Posts: 123 Member
    my wife is having same problem let me know if things change and how please
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I'm not sure about PCOS and how that comes in to play, but I just looked over your last 5 days or so and you're significantly under your calories each day. It sounds counter-productive but you might want to try eating all of your calories every way. I had done the same thing when I first started and lost about 8 pounds and then stalled. Once I jumped up my calories, I started losing again and have been losing steadily.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I noticed at least for the past few days you've been really under your calorie goal. If you think you should be eating less calories than what MFP tells you, maybe you need to reevaluate your goals section. Eating such a large deficit for such a large time may cause the dreaded starvation mode.
  • krd82
    krd82 Posts: 53
    What kind of cardio do you do?
  • KDPhoenix
    KDPhoenix Posts: 4 Member
    I know a few people with this syndrome and if you google weight loss and PCOS you will find some helpful and valuable information that could help. In addition look into making sure you are eating foods that don't have high Glycemic Index values. I hope this helps.
  • chrisseybabe
    chrisseybabe Posts: 2 Member

    Under your calories is worse than over your calories... body goes into starvation mode and is not good... I did weight watchers for years and I thought if I cut my points down by half I would lose more weight instead I put on... so if they telling you to have so many calories then take them... even if it means having something naughty... Try drinking more water too... flush yourself out.... try going for walks or a cycle ride do some exercise.... you will get there in the end I am sure...

    Good luck

  • slimyfishy
    slimyfishy Posts: 114 Member
    I agree wtih sweetheart03622. Try eating 3/4-ALL of your exercise calories. Many people exercise like mad, and starve their bodies. When they do, they put their system into survival mode and don't lose anything (or next to nothing). I eat 3/4 of my exercise calories EVERY DAY and have been consistently losing. I only lost .5-1lbs a week, but it is consistent.
  • lsenour
    lsenour Posts: 8 Member
    Eat more....your body thinks your trying to starve it:) Easy fix:)
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    What kind of cardio do you do?

    2-3 days of spinning one hour classes
    2 days on my own at the gym which includes 20 min at 5.0 on treadmill 20 min on stair machine and 20 min on elliptical and then off tot he weight room
    1 day of mixed cardio and free weight class with an instrutor

    then later in the day I walk with a buddy MWF and today we tacked on another walk at least 4.0 with hills
  • dragonladywendy
    After taking a quick look at your menu updates, it does seem like you are leaving an awful lot of calories uneaten. The more you exercise, the more you need to eat to make sure you only loose the amount your goal is set at, as not eating those calories means your body enters 'starvation mode' and starts putting those pounds BACK ON!
    Good luck :smile:
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    thanks I will try eating more but I can't imagine how since I am really not hungry but I will try anything...All I seem to be losing is time....and not the weight.

    what is a good thing to up the calories and not the fat or carbs...oh dear God, not more vegetables!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    my wife is having same problem let me know if things change and how please

    omg people are telling me to eat more or exercise less....I am not a crazed fitness nut but I have to say I don't know how to do either one of those 2 things without feeling like I have let myself down.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Eat more....your body thinks your trying to starve it:) Easy fix:)

    I guess it sounds simple enough but what do I eat that doesn't compromise the fat or carbs? oh dear God you are going to say more vegetables aren't you?
  • nicley21
    nicley21 Posts: 12
    1) I agree with most of the other posters. You need to eat all your calories plus your excersize calories.

    2) I've noticed you eat a lot of nut products. I was doing this and it slowed down my weight loss. I have cut back to a serving of walnuts of most days and that is it. I do that mainly to lower my cholesterol. Try cutting back to a serving a day and replace the rest with meat protein or egg whites. :o)

    I've looked at your weight loss and it you have done well! Congrats and I hope this helps!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Actually, I think your diary's not bad - it's got a good bit of variety in it, which is always healthy. And the calorie intake wouldn't worry me unduly. My view - and it's a personal one, i stress - is that as long as you are taking in at least 1200 cals a day then I don't worry too much about eating back every last exercise calorie.

    You're not tracking sodium, and I see a good bit of pre-packaged items in there. Might be the sodium is causing you to retain water.

    Hang on in there!
  • krd82
    krd82 Posts: 53
    What does your sodium intake look like? I noticed it doesn't show.
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    Try taking measurements of your body. You may be losing weight in places you don't even realize.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member

    You're not tracking sodium, and I see a good bit of pre-packaged items in there. Might be the sodium is causing you to retain water.

    Hang on in there!

    you are right thanks, I am not necessarily tracking sodium but I have gone into the goals form to put a limit on sodium. Is there a way to add sodium to the track tcker with the fat and carbs and protein? Or they only let you choose 3 things to watch?
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    my wife is having same problem let me know if things change and how please

    omg people are telling me to eat more or exercise less....I am not a crazed fitness nut but I have to say I don't know how to do either one of those 2 things without feeling like I have let myself down.

    im sorry to say this but if you feel like u've let yourself down because you eat enough calories for your body to believe it will stay alive, then maybe you need to re-evaluate

    there are a lot of people on here who are thinking about the calories and weight and not about the fitness, and others are just really not in the right frame of mind to realistically deal with the ups as well as the downs - I have worked in paediatric mental health and approx 60% of all patients I saw were ED cases - some minor, some extreme, but still ED all the same

    I see people on here saying they are a failure because they haven't lost weight for 2 weeks - fact is, if your body is more efficient, it will burn less to do things it once needed lots of fuel to do - when i see people start putting themselves down, I do wonder how they will cope when they are really close to their goal and dont lose weight for 8 weeks!

    fruit is great for building up calories and fructose sugars, which arent bad for you because they are completely natural

    I know MANY people with PCOS - some are naturally slim, other have piled on weight, but its important to keep your head up, and realise that the way you are is NOT you letting yourself down - some of them still have their potatoes and pasta, just not as mcuh as they used to...
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I think you can track up to 6 nutritional elements.