patnj Member


  • October Goals 1) go from an average of 7500 steps / day to 10000 steps / day 2) Lose 4# - try to solidly be below 205 .. not just occasionally dip there 3) free weights or gym 3 days per week. #2 is always the hard one - we live in a vacation area.. everyone who visits us is on holiday .... i'm very bad when wine is on the…
  • I should introduce myself - i'm pat, i'm closing in on 61, enjoy sailing - been retired for 2 years. I've been on MFP off/on for years. Lost 25# several yrs ago - then life happened and I clearly didn't have the habits to not put it all back on again. Spent my summer on the couch with a broken ankle ... Now I'm trying to…
  • Goal: Results: a) .. I'm averaging 7000 now - every 2 days I do about 7 miles. It's what my ankle seems to handle. I'm actually pleased with this b) Utter FAIL ... same weight as before. too much company. too much good food and wine. Guess I should be happy it didn't go up c) Weights? what weights? ( oh yeah... those on…
  • a) Go from 5000 to 10000 steps / day (Recovering from broken ankle - full weight bearing now for 14 days ) b) Go for 1#/wk. ( 4 # down from today ) c) Explore free weight regime at home
  • Mine logs automatically... and if it didn't, i think would log them in the earlier in the evening - so i could assess my calories. i find that i do look earlier in the late aft for decisions about dinner.
  • I linked mine. It freed me from having to record anything beyond my food intake. Fitbit knows how much I eat and MFP knows how much I've exercised. I also use Fitbit's idea of how many calories I have left .. It's more stringent that MFP and when I used it I was better with my intake
  • You do not need a constant internet connection. Actually your FB can be unconnected for a week to 10 days before it can't hold any more info. [ I believe at that point it starts popping off the old info but don't quote me on that ]. Both my husband and I use FB.. I have an ultra and he has a One. We love them. They really…
  • sounds good. Boy if I could do this, it would be great CW: 187 Goal Weight: 157 This challenge goal: 167
  • Thank you
  • I've called this "slippage" and try to stay at around mfp 1000 per day - because I know it's there and I can't lose weight if I go over. When I mention this to people I get flamed for going into "starvation mode" which I know I'm not. We try to eat very balanced interesting meals try to weigh things and generally don't…
  • Do you have someone to watch little one in the AM? Does your unit have a decent AM PT? Are you going to PT?
  • I log it faithfully... and because I have logged it, I've discovered that, if I drink, regardless of whether I am within my calorie limit, I don't lose weight. It seems to change the way I metabolize other foods. :-( This doesn't mean I never have a glass of wine. I do limit the number of days in a week and the number of…
  • great job!
  • we buy a high quality chocolate bar... and eat 3 squares ( 1 row ) - slowly- every night for desert/snack. it's not a lot of bad calories. it's tasty - it feels like a reward for a day well done
  • people after my own heart :D
  • You are doing great! and I totally get it. My husband does all the cooking and he does a fabulous job. He has said that he is cooking light for years - but really not so much. Now he really is cooking light and it's much easier for me. Having said that - in the end - my weight was not because of his cooking style - it is…
  • I'm 58 .. I've been too heavy for 20+ years. I've lost and gained it all several times. I have lots of excuses ( I'm too busy to exercise, I'm too tired, I am not the cook in the house, I... ) I am now tired of all my "I" excuses and am looking to make some "I" changes. I can enjoy my husband's wonderful cooking without…